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All Quiet On The Western Front Chapter Summaries

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There are four main characters: Joana is a Lithuanian nurse who moved to Germany. Emilia is a pregnant fifteen year-old that escaped the mass murder of Poles. She is Polish but moved to Germany when escaping. Florian is from Prussia and he is smuggling the artifact, the Amber Swan, from the Nazis because they killed his father. Alfred is a delusional sailor who works on the Wilhelm Gustloff, the ship that many refugees will take through the Baltic Sea to find freedom.

Emilia and Florian meet in a potato cellar, where he saves her from a Soviet soldier who tried to hurt Emilia. Emilia then follows Florian around. She sees him as her “knight.” Emilia follows him on his journey out of East Prussia. That evening, they hide in an abandoned barn, where they meet …show more content…
They travel for a day until they have to cut across a frozen bay to continue. When they start, planes shoot through the ice and Ingrid falls into the water and drowns. Joana took Ingrid’s death harshly. The group meets a German soldier on the other side of the bay. Florian knows how to forge. He altered his identification papers to make it look like he’s on a mission for Erich Koch, and the soldier believes him. Joana convinces Florian to let her and the rest of the group tag come too, so they takes a boat to Götenhafen, a port town where they will be able to board a ship (the Wilhelm Gustloff) and, hopefully, have freedom.
In Götenhafen, they meet Alfred. Everyone is on the same ship except for Eva. Joana uses her nurse abilities to get on. Florian forges his boat pass. Joana works in the maternity ward. There, she takes care of Emilia. During labor, Emilia says that Halinka isn’t August’s child, but she is the result of rape by Soviet soldiers. She names the baby after her dead mother, Halinka. Emilia doesn’t feel ready for motherhood so she ignores the baby for a while. She eventually gets used to Halinka with the help of her friends, especially Joana and

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