...Abstract Years to come, coal will not always be the main source of energy. It will soon run out and other ways to produce energy will be needed. There are different ways to produce this type of energy, such as solar power, wind power, and hydroelectric power. If corrected and created now, then ways to get energy other than coal in the far future will be one less thing to worry about. Alternative Source of Energy Source of Energy A big discussion today is what humans can turn to now and in the future for energy. Everyone knows that coal will not last forever and in the meantime it is crucial to find an alternative to produce the amount of energy the world needs to survive. The faster our nation starts on alternative sources of energy and understands that fossil fuel hurts the nation and makes the country weaker, the better chance our nation will have in the time to come. There are different ideas of how to produce this energy such as solar power, wind power, and hydroelectric power. Solar power is the energy used from the sun and is turned into thermal and electrical power (Winteringham, 1992). It is a very reliable source that can be used to produce energy. The sun has been around for a very long time and it is a source of energy that people can rely on in many places around the world. There are many advantages to solar energy. The main motive for most people is that solar power is free. Unlike coal, supplies for it are unlimited to use. Solar is efficient...
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...Are Alternative Energy Sources The Answer? Jose Ortiz SCI 207 Bradley Wells April 16, 2012 Since the existence of mankind we have depended on this earth for food, shelter, and water. These are the basic necessities that are required for survival. With one of the necessities taken out of the equation mankind existence would become extinct. Worldwide humans have left an ecological footprint on earth that has made it difficult to sustain itself. Mankind has entered in a race against time trying to find alternatives to alleviate some the demands we have this earth and one that comes to mind is alternative energy resources. With oil at an all time high researchers have been searching for alternatives energy sources. The question is: are alternative energy sources the answer to ending human dependence on oil? Although oil has a negative impact on our environment, oil is here to stay as many countries rely on it financially. Investing time and money in alternate energy source has potential rewards for the consumer and ultimately the sustainability of our planet. The possibility of being able to replace a fossil fuel such as oil would be a turn of the century. Fossil fuels are non-renewable in which it cannot be replace or replaced a very slow rate. Once it is used it is all gone (Turk & Bensel, 2011). At the rate of oil being used it is unable to replace itself in the natural process. Not only is there so much oil that can be used, but eliminating oil would...
Words: 1874 - Pages: 8
...Alternative Energy Sources: Ending Human Dependence on Oil Craig A. Rockwell SCI 207 – Dependence of Man on the Environment Instructor Gomillion July 13, 2012 Alternative Energy Sources: Ending Human Dependence on Oil We live in a world where oil is the primary source of energy. It is used to produce heating fuels, gasoline, propane, and many other lesser-known fuels. Globally, we are consuming approximately 88 million barrels of oil daily. The Central Intelligence Agency (2012) shows that the United States consumes 19,150,000 barrels daily (pg. 1). Many will argue that we need to end our dependence on oil by finding other sources of energy that we can use in place of oil. This is where the question comes in on whether or not alternative energy sources are the answer to ending human dependence on oil. While alternative energy sources may be a big step in reducing our dependence on oil, they are not a solution to it due to our lack of knowledge on how to harvest and use them efficiently, as well as the limits of what they can do for us. If we are going to talk about alternative energy sources, we have to look into some of the sources that fall into the category of “Green Technology”. Sheer (1995) writes, “The economic and social advantages of renewable energies are enormous: they offer the way toward saving both the earth’s atmosphere and human health; they ensure an independent, safe, long-term energy supply as well as economic development; they will provide...
Words: 1865 - Pages: 8
...[Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] [Title]: Solar Energy / Power Solar Energy is An Excellent Source of Alternative Energy Because It is Renewable, It Is economical, and It Is Environmental Safe In recent decades scientists have considered the use of solar energy as an application of alternative energy sources. For many years solar energy is considered an outstanding worldwide energy source. Solar energy and solar power are two different terms. Solar power is converting sunlight into electricity. “The potential of solar energy with technologies and the reductions in climate changes could provide most of the worlds energy by 2060 according to IEA report in 2011.” Solar energy is an excellent source of alternative energy because it is renewable, it is economical, and it is environmental safe. This essay describes several features that categorize solar energy as an excellent source of energy and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. Solar energy derives its power from the sun radiation striking the earth. Not all sunlight reaches the earth surface. Yet that which is received is more than the human species need to sustain life. The energy of the sun radiation that is deposit in our region of North America is sufficient. Solar energy is a renewable energy source as well. With technology, the cost to install solar panels outweighs the cost of producing coals, oil and gas. The amount of solar radiation- sunlight deposited...
Words: 493 - Pages: 2
...releases carbon dioxide in the air, creating a greenhouse effect that traps heat in the atmosphere making the Earth heat up. “Each year, an average of 24,000 Americans die as a result of pollution from coal burning power plants” (Greepeace, 2010). Mercury and other toxic compounds are being released into the air and eater. Acid rain caused mostly by coal burning costs $10 billion a year in crop damages (Jon Van, 1988). Oil is the most used form of energy and accounts for 38% of the global energy source. 30% of carbon dioxide emissions in the air is caused by oil burning (MSc, 2003). Oil spills such as the BP Deep water Horizon leaked thousands of gallons of crude oil in the sea, contaminating water, beaches, wetlands, and destroying sea life. BP was burning oil from the surface, which released poisonous gasses into the air causing people to get sick. Sea life has also been heavily impacted and the full effects of the damage to the eco-system will not be known for years. People have an obligation to find and use alternative energy sources. We need to stop putting people, animals, and the environment in danger. With the continued use of coal and oil, we are heating up our plant, depleting and destroying our land and contamination the air and water. Some of the issues our local community is dealing with as a result of the BP Deep water Horizon oil spill are a drop in tourism, which affects our already troubled economy. The beaches have been contaminated with oil. It has also impacted...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...There are several alternative energy sources to oil like solar energy, biofuels, wind energy, water, and geothermal. With finite natural oil, coal and gas reserves, humans must plan on alternative energy sources to survive. Carbon Emissions from fossil fuels are causing catastrophic global warming by tapping heat in the atmosphere, melting, polar and glacial ice with cascading effects. This paper discusses the various possible alternative energy solutions for a new sustainable way of life on planet Earth which must be launched as soon as possible. Solar energy is electromagnetic radiation from the sun, unlike the major conventional power source it produces no smoke stack emission, greenhouses gases, or radioactive wastes; and its production cannot be manipulated for profit or political leverage. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the sun's energy has become an increasingly attractive source for small amounts of direct power to meet human needs. A number of devices for collecting solar energy and converting it into electricity have been developed, and solar energy is used in a variety of ways. Solar energy is used to heat houses, and in many countries specially designed solar ovens are used for cooking. The sun also supplies energy to electric generators that provide power for weather and communications satellites and for radio and television equipment. Biofuel is difficult to define. Most of the fossil fuels we use are biological in nature. These plant forms typically, remove...
Words: 880 - Pages: 4
...Alternative Energy Sources Cathy Shaw SCI 201 Dependence of Man on the Environment Instructor: Mohamad Termos 5 November 2012 Over the course of the last 30 years, mankind has fought to prevent global warming from getting out of hand. The green house gases are preventing pollution from entering the earth’s atmosphere. Currently two of the most recognized methods are hydropower and nuclear power. These two could help solve are global warming. Hydropower energy is a renewable resource and nuclear power has its merits also. If mankind is to survive after the oil runs out, these two could be what is going to be needed. On the following pages, I will offer the pros and cons of these two energy sources using references from items located on the internet as well as our book. Hydroelectric power is commonly referred to more so than hydropower. In order to have this type of power, you need moving water to generate electricity(Turk & Bensel 2011). Many people who know nothing of hydroelectric power are unaware that it has been around for a very long time but only a small percentage is used for electricity. That may soon change. The impact to the environment is minimal when using hydroelectric power. The resources required come straight from our dams, rivers and streams. The cost, however, is rather large and there are safety factors to consider when building dams to harness this type of power. Another problem with dams are that they sometimes crack and as is usually the...
Words: 726 - Pages: 3
...cost of energy is a majority of a household’s monthly expenses, and huge amounts of energy are consumed for industry use. Energy defines a society; our ability to produce it is in direct correlation with the society’s economic success. With fossil fuel energy sources becoming more expensive to extract, and the inevitability of oil and natural gas running out, our society must turn to alternative energy sources. These sources have been criticized and met with backlash because of how dependent and accustomed Western society has become to fossil fuel energy. Many arguments have been put forth against and for alternative energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar power, and wind energy. Despite these arguments, it is evident that each alternative energy source is suited to specific countries, and in the long-term, will be worth the switch from fossil fuels....
Words: 777 - Pages: 4
...Wind Power as an Alternative Energy Source Although fossil fuels drive our economy, it is rather expensive and significantly contributes to pollution (Lad 2). A few alternatives include hydroelectricity, solar energy, and wind. Solar and hydroelectric energy are good choices, but can be relatively costly (“Top 5 Misconceptions of Solar Energy” 5), (“Hydro Electricity”). Wind, on the other hand, is free and available in most areas. However, wind power has not been fully utilized in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of wind power in order to bring to light its usefulness as an alternative energy solution. Uses Wind power can be used to generate electricity, charge batteries, grind grain, etc. (Deshmukh 3). Turbines can be used alone or on a wind farm and can also be connected to a utility power grid to sell electricity back to the power company. According to the literature, wind technologies are most useful in the Midwest and along the coast. Pros and Cons Although wind turbines can kill birds and be damaged in severe storms (Deshmukh 11), wind turbines can provide many advantages. For example, wind turbines can harness the power of the wind, producing electricity, charging batteries, etc. Unlike fossil fuels, wind power consumes no fuel, and emits no air pollution. In addition, wind can be accessible in nearly all areas. Types There are several types of wind turbines, each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...What is the two most efficient alternative energy sources at the moment? You guessed it, wind turbines and tidal turbines. So when building a energy production facility, why have one type when you can have two energy sources. Wind energy and tidal energy would bring many benefits to a Cork, Ireland. This is because they produce large amounts of electricity at a low cost. They can also produce electricity at almost a constant rate while not harming the environment at all. A great location for wind and tidal turbines is in a town called Cork, Ireland. To have a wind farm you need lots of flat at a very low cost. The land also needs to be extremely windy and is recommended to be at least 2,000 meters away from all other residents because...
Words: 745 - Pages: 3
...November 24, 2011 Oil: Can We Survive Without It? Oil production and inventions of alternative energy sources have been critically analyzed from the beginning of energy production. Alternatives such as wind power, water power, and solar cells are just a few of the many alternative energy sources that will be addressed and by providing factual evidence, their potential will be illustrated. When examining these touchy topics one major question can be addressed: how reliable will alternative energy sources be once oil is gone? Further examination of topics such as the efficiency of energy alternatives, accessibility of energy alternatives, the amount of energy alternatives available, the technology needed to obtain new energy alternatives, environmental concerns, and whether or not we should pursue alternative energy in the near future or if we can afford to wait, will help us answer the question of how reliable alternative energy sources will be once oil is gone. While alternative energy sources will be able to replace oil when it runs out, we can, for the time being, continue living as we do because the depletion of oil is not a concern for the immediate future. The negative effects of oil production on the environment have been a concern for many years; however, this statement can be refuted by new statistical evidence that is available today. When oil production was first introduced into society the harmful effects emitted into the environment were largely detrimental...
Words: 1981 - Pages: 8
...AN ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES IN ACHIEVING ENERGY SECURITY FOR EFFECTIVE OPERATION OF HOMES, SCHOOLS AND HEALTH FACILITIES IN KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA BY ONYANCHA MORARA GEORGE A Research Project Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Conferment of the Degree of Master of Business Administration DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS FACULTY OF COMMERCE KISII UNIVERSITY 2014 DECLARATION DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE This research project is my original work and has not been submitted for the award of a diploma or degree in this or any other institution/university. Signature……………………………….. Date…………………………… Onyancha Morara George CBM12/10003/10 DECLARATION BY SUPERVISORS This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as University Supervisors. Signature:………………………………… Date:………………………… Dr. Nemwel N. Bosire Lecturer, Department of Business Signature:………………………………… Date:…………………………. Mr. Martin O. Lumumba Lecturer, Department of Business COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by means of mechanical reproduction including photocopying, recording or retrieval from systems without express permission of the researcher or Kisii University on his behalf. ©2014 DEDICATION This research project is dedicated to my father, the late Onyancha Michieka and mother...
Words: 16385 - Pages: 66
...Energy is something vital that drives everything- people, animals, plants, gadgets, industries, offices, and all the institutions or the activities one can imagine. It is the energy- be it a mechanical, chemical, tidal, wind or hydropower-that has created the world with different artificial stuffs and; compelled people to live in fantasies and search for newer ways to fulfill their dreams. This has been the same for quite a long period of time that people are eager to live better lives. A better life in a lay man understanding is to have good food, good clothes, good house to live in, a vehicle to transport to one’s work, a homely environment and various gadgets and so on so forth. As life gets better so does the energy consumption. And a haunt for alternative source of energy becomes essential. Large amount of energy source especially petroleum products are spent on vehicles and industries to offer goods and gadgets for the world population. As the world population is increasing day by day, the demand for energy is also increasing. However, the petroleum products on earth are limited and one day all of them will be used up. Then what? So, alternative source of energy is necessary to replace and preserve petroleum products that are getting scarce. Some of the sources of energy do no good to the environment. For instance, petroleum products like coal burnt in the industries release CO, CO2, SO2 and so on. These gases are harmful as they cause global warming, acid rain, breathing...
Words: 630 - Pages: 3
...Thesis statement: Research shows that it would be beneficial for alternative energy sources to replace the use of fossil fuels, because they will provide a cleaner environment, are unlimited, and are more reliable. Annotated Bibliography Bhattacharjee, A. (2012). Everything You Need to Know About The Types of Renewable Energy. Retrieved January 23, 2016, from https://brainmass.com/ebooks/TypesOfRenewableEnergy The book gives the reader a clear and concise view of the alternative energy options. Each form of renewable energy is defined and talked about. The book discusses the history, current technology, and advantages as well as disadvantages of each form of renewable energy. The author, Anindita Bhattacha, has studied at the National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India as well as the New York Institute of Technology, USA. Her areas of specialty are earth sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Her education gives her credibility for this book. The book cites many professional and peer-reviewed articles and journals. These sources discuss the various forms of renewable energy and discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of many forms of renewable energy. These sources also discuss fossil fuel use, and how the use of these fuels impact our lives. The book will be used to discuss the relevant research on the benefits of renewable energy and how these sources are unlimited, and clean for the environment. Delavaripour, H., &...
Words: 1814 - Pages: 8
...Alternative energy – Why is it a game changer? * Compare the difference between old days and now. * How alternative energy influence nowadays life? Introduction (background) http://renewable-solarenergy.com/non-renewable-energy-sources.html What was used before to generate energy? * Fossil fuels(The term ‘fossil fuel’ refers to fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. ) * Where do it come from? How can it be used? It can be used to produce electricity, heating, cooking, transportation and manufacturing. 85% of the energy used in the industrial processes is form the non-renewable type of energy. * Transportation?... http://renewablegreen.net/?p=124 What limitations or disadvantages does non-renewable energy have? * However, after never-ending mining and ‘drill baby drill,’ we realized that there is was limitation to how much we can use them. Because one day, the mines will be empty and drilling pipes would dry out. Over the years, their demand has been far outstripping their availability. * Pollution created (air, water) => Global warming and greenhouse effect * Increasing oil price (because of limited resources) And with demand overpowering supply, prices will continue to rise dramatically. Combustion of fossil fuels emits harmful gases like sulfur dioxide (causing acid rain) and carbon monoxide (contributing to greenhouse effect). Due to the adverse affects, the globe is heating up and the polar ice caps are melting faster. A need...
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