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Alzheimer's Case Study

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ADMINISTRATION Many Alzheimer’s patients would love to remain at home living in the community they are a part of. They are used to their surroundings and enjoy being around the things, activities, and the people they love. Caregivers often go to great extents trying to make this happen often to the loss of their own financial, physical, and emotional well-being. The U.S. Administration on Aging (AOA), a program division within the Administration for Community Living (ACL) (Link, 2015), has been in the forefront of helping caregivers. The ACL assist in maintaining a wide range of support programs that address daily issues caregivers face. The ACL has made considerable advances in meeting the various, rapidly changing support needs of …show more content…
59). As the population ages, so will the numbers of older individuals with dementia. The demand is great for developing and implementing interventions to support caregivers who assist these individuals. (Herbert et al, 2013). Funding social services and implementing caregiver counseling can also help alleviate some the burden the caregiver faces. The ACL’s mission is to “Maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities, and their families and caregivers” (Journal of the American Society on Aging, 2015, p. 63). The ACL was based on a commitment that older adults should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and participate in the activities of their communities. The key point is to support the caregiver in meeting this commitment to the individual affected by Alzheimer’s …show more content…
They put in many unpaid hours that require them to adjust their daily lives. Those employed full or part-time usually need to make work schedule changes, go on leave, work late/early, or take leave of absence. As patients require elevated levels of care, the experience to the caregiver may be overwhelming and bring irreversible changes to their personal lives and relationships. (Alzheimer’s Society, 2011). Care for the person who is caring can’t be ignored.
According to the Alzheimer’s Society (2014) approximately 38 percent of people with dementia in the UK live in care homes; such as residential care and nursing home care. Costs include, care provided to the patient when patients need constant daily attention. The Department of Health (2013) estimates approximately two-thirds of care home residents are estimated to have dementia. As the patient’s dependence increases and their everyday function decreases, more will be expected of the caregivers and their families in the

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