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American Dream, Attitudes, And Immigrants

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American Dream
Most Americans believe that in American you can find life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is the American Dream. However, some Americans now do not want to share that Dream because they are afraid of people from Middle East and Mexico. Abramsly fears the dream “Risks being shattered” and people may fear coming to American. I agree that the American Dream is in trouble. If is in dangerous of becoming nightmare unless change their attitudes more welcoming and remember that American began as a country of immigrants. We were all immigrants at once. The 3 factors of American Dream, attitudes, and immigrants. American Dream definition freedom and real! Most people daily in live, we dream to work less hours with a better pay and spend …show more content…
The immigrants think American have more freedom and have everything to prove them what they need. A bit of disagree right here, take a look at Chinese people who live in China have the best sense of math, skills with science, and general technology. We, American buy their clothes and cars that are not from us as American. Once immigrants move to American and we feel that they are taking over American jobs and living so that force us to pay for their taxes.
“Today, I fear, foreigners slumber with dreamy American smile on their sleeping faces no more; that intangible faith in the pastel-colored hue and soft contours of the Dream risks shattered, replaced instead by an equally simplistic dislike of all things and peoples American” (84). Abramsly states, dream perfect and friendly. But seems like they are losing faith and fear of foreigners because we don't know them and what culture they come form. They questions largely boil down to the following: where has the worlds faith in American gone? Where is the American headed?” (81). He explains, seems like losing trust and losing everything that we hoped

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