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American Hispanic Paper


Submitted By mcw3270
Words 1223
Pages 5
Hispanic American Diversity The Hispanic community presently comprises the fastest increasing ethnic group in the United States. According to information obtained from the United States Census Bureau “As of July 1, 2008 people of Hispanic origin comprise 15% of the nation’s total population” (Pearson Education, Inc. 2009). The Hispanic American population has surpassed African Americans as the major minority in America. According to an article on the website diversityinc “"Latino" and "Hispanic" are terms used in the United States to identify individuals whose ancestry comes from a variety of countries where Spanish is their main language” (Arroyo, 2010).
Mexican Americans In the United States Mexican- Americans comprise the largest portion of the Hispanic community. Mexican Americans are mainly concentrated in the Southern areas of the United States, mainly Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada and, Texas(Pearson Education, Inc. 2009). One main reason people immigrate to the United States is to escape poor living conditions in search for better jobs and education. According to the website diversityinc “In the modern era, persistent poverty has been one of the abiding problems of the Mexican economy. The economy has few safety nets; there is no unemployment compensation and the poor do not receive welfare payments” (Arroyo, 2010). The primary language of Mexican Americans is Spanish. Most Mexican Americans are literate and able to communicate in English also. As a customer service manager I often deal with Mexican Americans, they are very respectful to everyone. However, I often witness Caucasian Americans being disrespectful to Mexican Americans because they perceive them as a threat, mainly because of the flood of non-English speaking illegal immigrants. Mexican Americans seem to place a high prominence on valuing the considerations of family over

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