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American Hypocrites Research Paper

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First off, if you downloaded and are reading American Hypocrites: The Politician, thank you!
The American Hypocrites series delves into real life situations and shows us possible outcomes. The possibilities are real, however unfortunate, unattractive, or even impossible they may seem at the time. When people are pushed to the limits even the most innocent could turn into criminals and there’s no telling what someone would do when seeking revenge for lost loved ones and lives gone wrong.
You are reading the first story the series. Continue on with The Liberal Professor and The Hollywood Celebrity, also available on Amazon. I would love to know what you think!
Thank you,
Hypocrite, Merriam-Webster definition: 1) a person who puts …show more content…
It was the deadliest single incident for U.S. law enforcement since September 11, 2001.
Dianne Palermo is a political powerhouse. Everyone knows her. She takes a firm stance on her beliefs and doesn’t hold back. As one of the most accomplished women in politics you can either love her or hate her, but either way, you know her.
Today, she’s at home in San Francisco where her house is more of a fortress than a home, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She likes the quiet away from the hustle and bustle of her life. She also enjoys the security of the six-foot brick wall around her house, and of course the staff that monitors the property.
Her schedule is consistently booked but on this Thursday evening she has a small break. Her husband will be back in town tomorrow and they are hosting a house full of people before their big fundraiser Saturday night.
Dianne is in her office on the second floor, sitting on her window seat and watching the sun go down. She smiles and takes in a large breath, inhaling her own pride. She is satisfied with her achievements and feels good about her …show more content…
Teresa is from Mexico and has been helping the family for years, “Excuse me,” she says, “may I come in?” Her English is limited and her accent is heavy.
“What is it Teresa?” Dianne asks, visibly annoyed by the interruption.
“I am sorry. I must go.” Teresa would normally stay on the property all week, only going home on the weekends.
“Go? But today is Thursday?” Dianne reminds her, questioning why she would leave. “We have things to do for this weekend, guest rooms and the linens!”
Teresa is struggling for the words and points to the TV.
“Do you want me to turn that on?” Holly asks.
“Yes ma’am,” Teresa says, nodding her head.
Holly turns on the television they see a Breaking News story unfolding. They see that by recommendation from the San Fran PD, people are closing up shop and shutting things down in the city. They see officers in riot gear filling up the streets and other shots of people throwing rocks and bricks.
Dianne turns to Holly, “What is this?”
“It looks like it’s happening now. This is breaking news!” Holly says, in aw of what she is seeing on the screen.
“No work. I must go. Ma familia,” is all Teresa says. She looks from Dianne to Holly, and then back to Dianne, “I sorry miss. I

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