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Child Grant Research Paper

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Another tremendous and quite obvious thing to talk about when it comes to this topic is child support grants supplied by the government. It is one of the main reasons why I chose this topic. I see the neglect of children every day, its real, its happening. It happens so much so that a mother falls pregnant to get that grant. It’s quite painful to know that a mother uses her child to get money and then spends it on everything else but that child. With the economic state of our developing county it is quite hard to find a job and therefore places a lot of pressure on young men and women and maybe even teenagers who dropped out of school in the hopes of finding a job. As stated in my review of literature, the number of pregnancies has decreased …show more content…
They had 5 children for which the mother received a child grant for all 5 of these kids. The reason she got away with it is because she never changed her surname after marriage and claimed to be unemployed. The fraud connected to child support grants is immense. A teenage girl that receives a grant herself can go claim a grant for her child and then at the same time receive two grants, or the grandparent could claim parenting rights and then receive the grant of their own son/daughter and receive it for their grandchild. Therefore it is accurate to say that just because child births and teenage pregnancies decreased during the time of introduction of the child support grants does not rule it out as a reason to get pregnant because it needs to be noted that the amount of money paid out as a child support grant has doubled if not tripled in the last 18 years. Possibly every second year this amount increases. If a small town in the Eastern Cape can be found guilty of having women who have ample children for this grant, it must be true to the rest of our poverty stricken …show more content…
Especially for someone who is without a job or even without an education to get a job. The child support grant has not once decreased since the government initiated it, which means that if our country does not plan on doing something drastic to slow poor women down from having children and getting a job, a great chunk of tax payers money will go to supporting unemployed people that make a living off of their children. I’ve seen women who have up to 7 kids and receive child support grant for all their children, yet they do not care for those children. They are just there to be a source of income for her. It could be argued that teen mothers, who are in the minority, do not receive this grant but it could also be noted that those mothers are either from a rich family who do not actually need the governments money or it is teen mothers who are scared to apply for money for their babies in fear of losing their own grants. It could also be as a result of missing documents. But child support grants has definitely become a reason for women and teens to become

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