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An Analysis Of A Soldier's Perceptions Of War

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Throughout The Sojourn men constantly enlist in the war, hoping to live a better life. They read newspaper headlines, see propaganda pictures and hear stories believing that the war is a one in a lifetime opportunity. After experiencing the war, many regret their decision to join and even flee. Josef, the main character of the novel finds himself regretting many of his kills as a sniper, even though he once never hesitated to pull the trigger. The combination of this propaganda picture along with the poem strive to prove a point that war is often falsely perceived as a heroistic act, acting like war is the key to a better life. This often leads to a false perception of war, and many young men joining in hopes of the benefits they never will receive. …show more content…
The words “Join the Army” in bold, sit at the middle of the picture immediately attracting your attention. Underneath “For Home and For Country” idolize the soldier, giving off the impression that it's the right thing to do and that your country needs you. Although this picture does a great job of grabbing the attention of the viewer and in many ways helps persuade young men to join the army. I believe it does this in a wrong way, falsely showing the life of a soldier as a happy, and adventurous lifestyle that will often times lead to a better life. This relates specifically to The Sojourn, as countless men join the army after basing the life of a soldier and war in general off a false perception. Many soldiers throughout the novel believe that joining the war will result in an adventure of a lifetime, and will overall be a pleasant and beneficial experience. Although parts of this may be true, countless young men soon realize that war in reality is much different than previously

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