...Timothy McVeigh murdered 168 people, including children, in a terrorist act using a massive truck bomb to blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City (Saferstein, 2015). Investigators collected an enormous amount of evidence, which successfully aided in the jury convicting McVeigh to death after only three days of deliberating (Saferstein, 2015). The task force assembled to investigate the bombing consisted of more than 1400 law enforcement officers (Evidence, n.d.). The amount of evidence these investigators collected was massive and estimated to be over 7,000lbs consisting of 23,290 pieces (Evidence, n.d.). Timothy McVeigh rented a Ryder truck and used that to house his homemade bomb. After the explosion, investigators found one of...
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...injury and used fake recources to demonstrate APA. Abstract Explosive tendonitis is an injury that occurs when a bone is fractured and heals over a tendon, pinching the tendon causing an explosive pain every time the tendon is used. This research was aimed at identifying the prevention and treatment of the injury. Two periodical articles, one book, one encyclopedia, and one internet site were used to research this topic. The injury is rare, but may occur in any athlete where a stress fracture can occur near a tendon. Introduction Stress fractures can occur in most athletics and several different bones. This injury can be caused by a blow to the bone by a significant force, but mostly occurs to a bone that is repeatidly struck or overused. According to Stevensonburg (2006) "Sixty-eight percent of all stress fracture occur in runners and sprinters and sports that require a high volume of either activity" (p. 37). Stevensonburg (2006) also stated "Stress fractures can be prevented by a steady and easy increase in the stated activities so that bones can grow to meet the high demand that the athlete is trying to reach. In order for the injury to heal, activity on that particular bone must be limited to little or none. Explosive tendonitis occurs when the tendon is pressed into the bone where the tendon may become cought in the crack enough so that it becomes pinched into the bone. Method Several pieces of literature were researched to describe this injury, written in...
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...Lecture note 1 Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space the four basic areas of Earth science study are: geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy. Geology deals with the composition of Earth materials, Earth structures, and Earth processes. It is also concerned with the organisms of the planet and how the planet has changed over time. Geologists search for fuels and minerals, study natural hazards, and work to protect Earth's environment Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine Earth's weather and climate Oceanography is the study of Earth's oceans - their composition, movement, organisms and processes. Astronomy is the study of the universe Lecture note 2. Earth in the Universe According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago, when everything in the universe was squeezed into a very small volume, as described above. There was an enormous explosion—a big bang—which caused the universe to start expanding rapidly. All the matter and energy in the universe—and even space itself—came out of this explosion. some stars are actually grouped closely together in space. These small groups of stars are called star systems and larger groups of hundreds or thousands of stars are called star clusters. The biggest groups of stars are called galaxies. Galaxies are divided into three types according to shape: spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies ...
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...More than quantity of explosives used, peak particle velocity and frequency of vibration after blasts were varying with changes in compressive strength of the rock and its soundness. The symmetry among parameters was apt for application of a Multi-Variable regression Model to derive out the optimum charge factor for a particular type of rock deposition and premeditated levels of blast induced ground vibrations. A regression model establishes the relationship between two or more variables based on their given interdependent in behavior. For example, a dependent parameter (Y) is in some relationship with two independent Variables X, and X2,the regression equation can be written as- Y=aX1 + bX2 + c, where a and b are called coefficients for independent variables and c...
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...Analyzing photographs provided I was able to determine several challenges that the investigating team could have faced while processing a crime scene. The crime scene appears very messy, which might cause certain difficulties and danger to process it. In this case the crime scene should be investigated for any hazardous substances and/or explosives to ensure the safety of the investigating personnel. After the crime scene was secured and personnel can safely process the scene their main concern is to protect evidence from destruction and/or cross – contamination. Finally, if there is a dead body discovered at the crime scene it should be investigated and collected first. Investigation of the dead body could give an approximate scenario of the incident and establish an overall flow of the investigation process. Messiness of the crime scene not just cause difficulties to preserve and collect trace evidence, but it also may pose a danger to the personnel of the investigating team. Explosives, hazardous substances and many other dangerous objects could have been hidden underneath all of that mess. To reduce the investigation team’s risk of getting harmed the scene, first, should be investigated by specially trained personnel. Also, each and every individual entering the crime scene should wear appropriate protective clothing such as overalls, gloves, shoe covers, glasses, masks, and etc. to eliminate skin contact with poisons chemicals or any other dangerous/ hazardous objects/substances...
Words: 756 - Pages: 4
...The great thing about plyometrics is that they can be done with very little equipment and in a relatively small area. There are many more plyometric exercises for the lower body and core than for the shoulder girdle and arms. Some plyometric boxes (and these can be any sturdy box that will allow your weight to land on them) of varying heights from 12 inches up to as high as you can jump (generally 36 inches) can take you a long way in plyometric training. A medicine ball or two (these run in weight from 2 pounds up to around 30 pounds, a good intermediate weight is 15 to 18 pounds) added to the mix and you have a full workout set-up. The last piece of equipment needed is a good pair of sneakers (basketball shoes or running shoes with good arch support will work well.)...
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...1. Barricaded- a. Obstruct passage of persons, vehicles or flying materials b. Mandatory c. In the judgment of the inspector the operator has demonstrated extraordinary effort above and beyond that which would normally be expected to abate the situation d. None of the above 2. Defect- a. A rope or suitable for supporting one person to which a lanyard or safety belt is attached b. Recommended c. Any characteristic or condition which tends to weaken or reduce the strength of a tool object of structure of which it is a part d. None of the above 3. Safety Belt- a. A device usually worn around the waist which by reason of its attachment to a lanyard and lifeline for a structure will prevent a worker from falling b. A rope or suitable for supporting one person to which a lanyard or safety belt is attached c. A and B d. None of the above 4. Imminent Danger- a. An event at a mine which causes bodily injury to an individual which requires such individual to be admitted to a medical facility overnight for reasons other than strains, sprains, or observation as determined by a physician b. The existence of any condition or practice on a surface mine which could be expected to cause death or serious physical harm before such condition or practice be abated c. Which fits and has the qualities or qualifications to meet a given purpose, occasion, condition, function, or circumstance d. None of the above 5. What...
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...Electroslag Welding Electroslag Welding Electroslag Welding is a welding process, in which the heat is generated by an electric current passing between the consumable electrode (filler metal) and the work piece through a molten slag covering the weld surface. Prior to welding the gap between the two work pieces is filled with a welding flux. Electroslag Welding is initiated by an arc between the electrode and the work piece (or starting plate). Heat, generated by the arc, melts the fluxing powder and forms molten slag. The slag, having low electric conductivity, is maintained in liquid state due to heat produced by the electric current. Electroslag welding (ESW) is a highly productive, single pass welding process for thick (greater than 50 mm) materials in a vertical or close to vertical position. An electric arc is initially struck by wire that is fed into the desired weld location and then flux is added The slag reaches a temperature of about 3500°F (1930°C). This temperature is sufficient for melting the consumable electrode and work piece edges. Metal droplets fall to the weld pool and join the work pieces. Electroslag Welding is used mainly for steels. Electroslag Welding equipments Power source Wire feeder Electrode guide tube Retaining Blocks Welding head and Controls Power source 100 % duty cycle AC and DC (EP) power source 10,000 Amp OCV 60V (range is 30 V to 100 V) Remote controled Wire feeder Feed roller Drive motor Provide oscillation...
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...volcano is 4. This is because it will be larger than normal but within reason compared to others.Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington. St. Helens sits within the Casade Mountain range which was created by a subduction plate boundary. The last major eruption was on May 18, 1980, an earthquake struck below the north face of Mount St. Helens, triggering the largest landslide in recorded history and a major volcanic eruption that scattered ash across a dozen states. The sudden lateral blast destroyed 1,300 feet off the top of the volcano, sending shockwaves and pyroclastic flows across the surrounding landscape. 57 people died in the disaster. Since 1980 there have been numerous eruptions.The first piece of evidence that shows that an eruption of Mount St. Helens is imminent is that there has been enormous earthquakes. Earthquakes are the result of rock cracks that are caused when maga exerts pressure on the rocks until it cracks the rock. This shows an eruption coming because once the plumbing system opens magma flows and an eruption...
Words: 422 - Pages: 2
...scenes. He repeats “Two years of overtime,” the brothers make similar remarks and the same action is described when Mike snaps the box shut and the brothers chuckle. Trim some of Georgette and Lauren’s dialogue. First, on page 8, the dialogue about the veil isn’t needed. End the scene with Mike and Ronnie. Later trim the conversation between them beginning on page 25. On page 38, Aameen sounds unnatural when he rattles off several questions. People don’t talk this way. Also, be careful of overly mentioning the race (page 42). On page 28, a reporter discusses the use of an explosive that is virtually undetected when used in clothes, but this doesn’t feel fully paid off at the end. Also, consider the idea that Sims is tracking down the undetectable explosive and is killed. Consider if the scene/discussion between Sims and Thatch is needed versus showing Sims being active and discovering something about the explosives and/or body. The script is professionally formatted, however, remember to show and not tell or explain feelings. The audience can only see what’s on the screen or hear dialogue. For example, on page 11, the audience can’t see that “Ronnie considers”. On page 25 it’s not clear what is meant by “Ronnie considers them in a different...
Words: 1433 - Pages: 6
...* * Starting a businessStarting a business * Business structuresBusiness structures * Partnership * Proprietary company * Sole trader * Trust * Where to beginWhere to begin * Skills and abilitiesSkills and abilities * Abilities * Skills * ResearchResearch * Conducting market research * Business plansBusiness plans * Write a business plan * Buying a businessBuying a business * Key issues * Steps to buying a business * Buying a franchise * Your business ideaYour business idea * Feasibility * Turn your idea into a business * Financing your businessFinancing your business * Make a budget * Your business loan application * Negotiating your business loan * Work out required finance * Find a business loan * Types of financing * Professional advisersProfessional advisers * Getting the best professional advisers * Types of professional services * Selecting a professional adviser * The importance of locationThe importance of location * Locating your business at home * Leasing commercial property * Insuring your businessInsuring your business * Types of business insurance * Support...
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...Captain: Kannoga Ayumi * 16 years-old * Has long, brown ponytails * Eye color is violet * Attacking Specialty: short-range, mid-range, & long-range * Weapon(s) used: any type of gun and explosives Captain: Kannoga Ayumi * 16 years-old * Has long, brown ponytails * Eye color is violet * Attacking Specialty: short-range, mid-range, & long-range * Weapon(s) used: any type of gun and explosives Vice: Tohmiko Fuko * 15 years-old * Has long, indigo ponytails * Eye color is red * Attacking Specialty: mid-range * Weapon(s) used: caliber, shotgun, rail gun, explosives, and a pistol Vice: Tohmiko Fuko * 15 years-old * Has long, indigo ponytails * Eye color is red * Attacking Specialty: mid-range * Weapon(s) used: caliber, shotgun, rail gun, explosives, and a pistol General: Kitaouji Satsuki * 17 years-old * Has short, brown hair * Eye color is blue * Attacking Specialty: short-range * Weapon(s) used: caliber, knives, katana, a pistol, and explosives General: Kitaouji Satsuki * 17 years-old * Has short, brown hair * Eye color is blue * Attacking Specialty: short-range * Weapon(s) used: caliber, knives, katana, a pistol, and explosives Spy: Otonashi Saya * 16 years-old * Has long, black hair * Eye color is indigo * Attacking Specialty: long-range * Weapon(s) used: throwing knives and a pistol Spy: Otonashi Saya * 16 years-old ...
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...Unfree labor in the New World was brown, white, black, and yellow; Catholic, Protestant and pagan.” (Capitalism and Slavery 108). The piece of evidence demonstrates that slavery was a system that was working for the slave owner and racism was just an add on to the main point which was, how the South with the use of slaves was increasing their wealth. The South were worried of the loss of the most affordable and durable labor force that they had acquired: “... the South where reliance on slave labor was the foundation of their economy. The cotton economy would collapse. The tobacco crop would dry in the fields. Rice would cease being profitable.”(27f. The Southern Argument for Slavery). Slaves were a necessity for the slave owners they were not going to permit the ban of the most useful workers that they have had, that's why fugitive slave laws were established: “The most explosive element in the Compromise of 1850 was the Fugitive Slave Law, which required the return of runaway slaves. Any black--even free blacks--could be sent south solely on the affidavit of anyone claiming to be his or her...
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...I attended the Dishman Gallery on the Lamar campus and found a piece of art that I thought would be good for this paper. The artist’s name is William F. Witherington, born in London, England 1785. The piece I would like to talk about is called Guy Fawkes Day, which is an oil painting. Oil was the main type of medium that most artists were using during the time frame of William F. Witherington. The romantic period had just started in the beginning of the 1800s. You can see how this reflects in the painting by the use of oil as the medium and the way he tries to make the people and surroundings look realistic. He uses warm colors in the center of the piece and lighter colors around the center and a blue cool color for the sky. The name of this artwork is Guy Fawkes Day which is a holiday celebrated in England. A man named Guy Fawkes was arrested for guarding explosives that were meant to kill King James I. This day was made to celebrate the failure of the attempt to kill the king. In the painting you see a man in the middle that is being cheered and praised, but it is definitely not the king. Is this the man Guy Fawke? Maybe William Witherington is trying to say that the people actually wanted the king to die and he is showing this by having Guy Fawke praised in the street of his painting. On the other hand, could this be the man that stopped the assassination attempt. The use of line is easy to spot in this painting. Men, women, and children point in the direction of the man...
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...Leone Co. Smart Nuclear Missile Weapon’s Project Sean Calhoun Sarah Sanchez Gerardo Cazares MGMT404 Project Management DeVry University 4/15/12 Table of Contents 3…………………………………....... Executive Summary, Scope Statement 4…………………………………………………………………… Objective Definition 5…………………………………………………………… Objective Definition 6………………………………………………………………… Technical Requirements: 7………………………………………………… Limits and Exclusions 8…………………………………….. Decision Making and Concern Levels Matrix 9………………………………High-Level Gantt Chart View, Work Breakdown Structure 10………………………………………………………… Risk Identification 11……………………………………………………………………….. Risk Identification C. 12……………………………………………………… Risk Assessment 13…………………………………………………… Risk Response Matrix 14……………………………………………………. First & Second Highest Risk 15……………………………………………………… Communication Plan 16………………………………………………. Communication Plan Matrix 17……………………………………… Performance Measurement and Control Approach 18……………………………………………………… Audit Process and Timetable 19…………………………………………………… Customer Review 20………………………………………………………Conclusion / Recommendation Executive Summary Through the use of personal computers, customized computer software, and unclassified databases, the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) is now able to model nuclear conflict and approximate the effects of the use of nuclear weapons. For the first time, this allows nongovernmental organizations and scholars to perform analyses...
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