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An Organization Review of District 60 School System


Submitted By iantsnyder
Words 2937
Pages 12
Organizational Challenges of District 60 School System
Ian T. Snyder
MGT 460 Leadership Priorities & Practice
Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Henry
May 22, 2014

Organizational Challenges of Pueblo’s District 60 School System

Developing a strategy to provide the highest quality of public education to young people in the United States has proven to be a challenge for many school systems. Educators agree that one of the greatest factors that directly effects their students’ academic abilities is the existence of large individual differences in their learners. There are a variety of beliefs on how to deal with these individual differences which is illustrated in the variety of practices used to educate students in local school systems. This is a result from the fact that many school systems have a great deal of autonomy to create a varying mix of educational programs they feel will meet the needs of their respective diverse student populations. One school system in Pueblo, Colorado has faced such challenges as this school district is home to a very diverse student population that has experienced a significant decrease in the academic performance of its students over the last decade.(Report Card, 2011) In this paper, the author will discuss challenges faced by the administration of Pueblo’s District 60 school systems to provide diverse educational programs to their students and the impact re-organization has had on their academic performance. The author will also illustrate how District 60’s leaders dealt with this challenge, methods in which this administration might have more effectively managed its reorganization policies and finally outline recommendations that will provide guidance on how to strategically plan to avoid similar obstacles in the future. The Pueblo City Schools District 60 is located in Pueblo, Colorado

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