...sampling without switch bootstrapping and extra reset voltage. Furthermore, a dual-supply voltage scheme allows the SAR logic to operate at 0.4 V, reducing the overall power consumption of the ADC by 15% without any loss in performance. The ADC was fabricated in 0.13- m CMOS. In dual-supply mode (1.0 V for analog and 0.4 V for digital), the ADC consumes 53 nW at a sampling rate of 1 kS/s and achieves the ENOB of 9.1 bits. The leakage power constitutes 25% of the 53-nW total power. Index Terms—ADC, analog-to-digital conversion, leakage power consumption, low-power electronics, medical implant devices, successive approximation. I. INTRODUCTION EDICAL implant devices, such as pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators, target increasingly advanced signal acquisition and signal processing systems. Such devices, which are to be implanted in the human body, require extremely low power consumption in order to operate up to 10 years or more [1]. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are among the most critical and power hungry components of medical implant devices for measurements of various electrophysiological signals (DC to a few kHz [2]). Conversion of the low-frequency analog signals does not need high speed, but requires ultra-low-power operation (e.g., in nW...
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...crew from Industrial Video Imaging (IVI). You are on your way to film the installation of energy panels at a power generating station in rural West Virginia. The film, which will be approximately one-hour long, will be shown to the Solar Energy Commission, a client with whom your Senior Management will be meeting in three days. On the morning of the installation, you discover that your only camera, a Panatronic-880 digital video camera worth $8000, is missing from your company van, parked outside your motel in Flatrock, WV. Upon inspection, you notice damage to the lock and latch on the van’s back door. While speaking with the Flatrock Police Department, you are asked to go in and fill out an incident report. Since you need to find a camera and get to the installation site, you are caught between competing time pressures; you designate a crew member to stay in Flatrock to complete the police report, but you still must decide what to do about filming the installation. You have time to stop at a local discount store and purchase a small, multipurpose digital video camera for about $700. While this solution would allow you to get to the installation on time and film the process as planned, the small, multipurpose camera might not capture some details that are important information to the Solar Energy Commission (such as the setting of the solar collectors’ tracking arcs and the calibrating of the sensing instruments). The other option is to drive to a larger city, about 60...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...crew from Industrial Video Imaging (IVI). You are on your way to film the installation of energy panels at a power generating station in rural West Virginia. The film, which will be approximately one-hour long, will be shown to the Solar Energy Commission, a client with whom your Senior Management will be meeting in three days. On the morning of the installation, you discover that your only camera, a Panatronic-880 digital video camera worth $8000, is missing from your company van, parked outside your motel in Flatrock, WV. Upon inspection, you notice damage to the lock and latch on the van’s back door. While speaking with the Flatrock Police Department, you are asked to go in and fill out an incident report. Since you need to find a camera and get to the installation site, you are caught between competing time pressures; you designate a crew member to stay in Flatrock to complete the police report, but you still must decide what to do about filming the installation. You have time to stop at a local discount store and purchase a small, multipurpose digital video camera for about $700. While this solution would allow you to get to the installation on time and film the process as planned, the small, multipurpose camera might not capture some details that are important information to the Solar Energy Commission (such as the setting of the solar collectors’ tracking arcs and the calibrating of the sensing instruments). The other option is to drive to a larger city, about 60...
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... which are analog and digital. Analog is the first type of transmission type because it is the older and has been around for a lot longer than digital. On the other hand, even though digital transmission is a younger generation, it is currently use in more devices than analog. Each signal has its advantages and disadvantages, but in most scenarios, both need to work together to create an effective transmission. Technologies that convert analog into digital and vice-versa have been created for this purpose. Converting the signals allows for a more cohesive environment because each can be adjusted to work on devices or mediums not made for them originally. The next part of this paper covers the technologies use to convert these signals. Analog to Digital Conversion In order for this conversion to take place, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is necessary. This component is essential because it is responsible for receiving the analog signal as input and sending a digital signal as output. The ADC receives an analog signal such as sound, voice, or voltage and transforms that signal into a binary output. This output is the digital signal that has a state of either on, which is represented by 1 or an off state represented by 0. ADC is used in more occasions than people think. For example, whenever music is transmitted through the radio, the signal is sent in as analog and then through ADC changed into digital. Another example is the use of phones. Voice is analog, so a conversion...
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...Programming Topic: Analog to Digital Converter using Verilog programming Language By: Kamaalbir Singh (Section: E3901, Roll No: B28) & Jasmeet Singh (Section: E3901, Roll No: B27) Introduction: An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a device that converts a continuous physical quantity (usually voltage) to a digital number that represents the quantity's amplitude. The conversion involves quantization of the input, so it necessarily introduces a small amount of error. The inverse operation is performed by a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Instead of doing a single conversion, an ADC often performs the conversions ("samples" the input) periodically. The result is a sequence of digital values that have converted a continuous-time and continuous-amplitude analog signal to a discrete-time and discrete-amplitude digital signal. Fig 1:Electric Symbol Of an ADC Fig 1:Electric Symbol Of an ADC Design (Using Verilog): * The basic module of the adc will have an input, an output and a clock (clk) as part of the port list. * It will also include some user defined parameters (basically different data types). * The main logic for an adc is to convert an analog input signal into a digital one, so we will design logic for quantization and sampling etc. Applications: * The major applications of an adc include Music Recording and Digital Signal Processing. * Analog to Digital converters are used virtually everywhere where an analog signal has to...
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...the creation of analog-to-digital converters, technology convergence, and the changes in the media industry and audiences. There have been advances in the way gatekeeping and content filters are handled. The rise in the technology of books has even been so great that there has been a decrease in the annual sales by 44 million books. With the ascending spiral of technology the world of media will be a great place for the future. Analog media has been used originally for audio recording for media that was analogous for the sound that it was creating. Although, recently Analog media has been used to refer to non-digitized media, such as film, audio, print media, etc. Since technology has advanced and become dependent on computers analog has been translated into digital media so that it is in computer and machine-readable form. It is put into binary digits so that computers may read and comprehend it. This process in which media is translated into computer-readable is called digitization. Communication of media has been transferring from the traditional analog media to the newer aged digital media. This is much more convenient in this new age because people have learned to depend on their computers to do work. When dealing with audio and video an analog-to-digital converter works at an extremely high rate. Digital media is a great advancement in media technology. Technological convergence is the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in digital environment. It...
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...Analog / Digital Conversion Casey Doolan NTC 362 April 29, 2013 Eddie Horton Analog / Digital Conversion When you start the conversion from analog to digital there are three steps that need to be done to get the ball rolling 1) everything starts with the transmission of the original data, 2) then you have the modulation and 3) then receiver receives the information and they make sure there is no reduction in the quality of the signal. When you have a binary signal, it is made up of binary digits 1 and 0 and if there is no “noise” or “distortion” during the transmission of the information then everything will stay the same. If there is a change in the signal it will be measured by the receiver, encoding will not be necessary because the information that is being transferred will be converted into a binary form. An example of this in voice communications through telephones because when a call is made it is not in any type of binary form, they are analog signals that vary is value and must be converted into digital form so that it can be used in a digital communications system. When you convert a digital signal to an analog signal you must use a converter and in this case the converter is a DAC (digital-to-analog converter). What the DAC does is it accepts the discrete binary value and it will convert them into a continuously varying value of an analog signal. If you don’t monitor the conversion, then the sound quality of the signal might be affected. Examples of...
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...|QUESTION: A1 | |a. | |CLK | |Data Input | |Q0 | |Q1 | |Q2 | | | |0 | |x | |1 | |1 | |0 | | ...
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...Kevin Hall: Analog Vs Digital for Recording Music The research I have done addresses the recording industry's use of analog vs digital hardware to create music. My research has shown that the preferred method depends on many factors, personal & social to create the visions that they hear in their heads. Introduction What are the benefits of digital versus analog in the music recording industry that might be a very touchy question to some, as analog does have a very strong following. However over the past couple of years digital music recording has come into the foreground. In this research some of the questions regarding two different recording techniques will be answered. Literature Review After doing a bit of research, there seems to be very strong arguments for both sides. Some people feel the warmth and tone you get out of analog will never be duplicated. However, some of the newer school musicians feel that with modern technology that same warmth and tone can be achieved through digital means. Either way the music industry as a whole has benefited from both. According to Chiang (2013) “There is no doubt about it, recording to tape adds a certain characteristic to the sound.” And “it’s one of the great attributes of recording to tape. It adds certain fatness to the tracks, makes them feel alive.” However, on the other hand you have younger musicians usually going the route of digital. Like Dotree (2009) says” The untrained ear may not notice the difference...
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...Analog and Digital Comparison Technologies for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions There is no actual all analog or all digital telecommunications going on technologically today (Goleniewsk & Wilson Jarrett, 2007, Chapter Chapter 1, Analog Versus Digital Transmission). One day, developers hope to make the network 100% digital. Connecting to the internet or just making a call to your mother two states over is a mixture of both when it comes to communicating from one terminal to the next. That being said, it takes codecs and modems for a successful conversion to occur. Say you are calling another state from a land line. This call will start out analog at your telephone and then must be converted to digital. When you pick your phone up, it connects to a codec. Your voice can range from 100Hz to 10,000Hz depending on many factors. The average Hz a phone company will allot is 4,000 which works for virtually all people. Codec is short for coder-decoder and it works by minimizing the amount of bits per second that will carry the voice to the multiplexer. In the case of a cellular network, the data will have to be compressed even further so that the most efficient transmission can occur. The codec will then transfer the data to a multiplexer. This particular multiplexer is a TDM (time division multiplexer). This will allow for one channel to be open at a time. This does make sense since it would not be good to take over a phone line once it is being...
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...modulation techniques? Begin your explanation with frequency-shift keying and move to multilevel QAM. During this week’s readings I have found 4 different modulation techniques: Amplitude modulations, frequency modulation, phase modulation, and quadrature amplitude modulation. While these have different modulation schemes that branch out, these are the primary used modulations I have found. Amplitude modulation is when different amplitudes are used to represent the digital bitstream in analog format. Modems rely on amplitude modulation to determine the high amplitude that is represented by ones and low amplitudes that are represented by zeros. They also rely on amplitude modulation to determine the difference in the amplitudes so the receiving device can put out the message in the correct way. Frequency modulation is also known as FSK, or frequency-shift key. FSK’s uses two different frequencies to distinguish between a mark digital 1 and a space digital 0 when transmitting on an analog line. It is used on modems that operate at 1,200bps or slower (Goleniewski, 2007). Phase modulation modifies a sine wave, also known as a carrier, to allow it to carry information. The phase of the sine wave is changed to fit the type of information that is being transferred. Phase modulation can be paired with carrierless amplitude for ADSL, or Asymmetrical DSL. Last Quadrature Amplitude Modulation is a “single-carrier scheme that modulates both the amplitude and phase...
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...A hybird / digital software package for the solution of chemical kinetic parameter identification problems by ALAN M. CARLSON Electronic Associates, Inc. Princeton, New Jersey INTRODUCTION The modern hybrid computer offers many significant improvements over first generation hybrid systems These improvements include: 1. The increased speed of digital computers en- abling programs to be written in hybrid FORTRAN without drastically limiting hybrid solution rates. 2. The development of analog/hybrid software (e.g., hybrid simulation languages and analog set-up programs). The net result of these improvements has been an increase in the SCope and complexity of hybrid applications and a reduction in the effort required to program and debug hybrid problems. Unfortunately, the dev'elopment of hybrid applications software has not kept pace with recent hybrid improvements. Applications software for purposes of this discussion is defined as an integrated set of digital/hybrid programs capable of solving the majority of frequently occurring problems in a specific applications area. Based on this definition, little or no tangible information is currently available on the practicality of developing hybrid software packages although its benefits are obvious. In mid-1968, EAT's Princeton Computation Center initiated a development project to· determine the feasibility of hybrid applications software. The objectives of the project were to select a frequently occurring 733 application...
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...or samples. The result is called digital representation. Strictly speaking, digitizing means simply capturing an analog signal in digital form. For a document the term means to trace the document image or capture the "corners" where the lines end or change direction. The term digitization is often used when diverse forms of information, such as text, sound, image or voice, are converted into a single binary code. Computers predate to the Digital Age. Prior to the 1950s, computers were analog, using vacuum tubes. Later, vacuum tubes were used in conjunction with diodes. Like the digital computers that came later, analog computers used binary logic, but instead of being directly controlled by a program consisting of 1s and 0s, the state of the vacuum tube was changed by a change in voltage. The voltage change was analogous to a 1 (power on) versus a 0 (power off). In 1956, MIT built the TX0, the first general-purpose, programmable computer to use transistors. Digitization occurs in two parts: Discretization and Quantization. Discretization is the reading of an analog signal A, and, at regular time intervals (or frequency), sampling the value of the signal at the point. Each such reading is called a sample and may be considered to have infinite precision at this stage. Quantization is when the samples are rounded to a fixed set of numbers (such as integers). Data Communications There are many different ways in which analog converts to digital. For example, signals are continuous...
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...Analog and Digital Comparison Paper Amanda Dyer, Derick Campos, Jesse Ford, Mehran Gerami, Nicolas Monteiro, Wendell Taylor NTC/362 October 15, 2015 Richard Swafford, Jr. Analog and Digital Technology: A Comparison Analog and digital are two different types of signals used to transmit audio or visual information from one place to another. Analog signals are continuous, meaning that there are no breaks or interruptions and digital signals are not continuous, they use specific values to represent information (Strickland, 2008). Analog transmissions are sent via electronic pulses of varying amplitude, while digital transmissions are converted into binary format to represent two individual amplitudes. Analog is cheap and has been used quite some time now, but the biggest issue with analog signals is the limitation of data that can be transmitted. Nowadays almost all equipment being produced is digital based. Analog to digital conversions or A/D conversions is the process of changing a continuous variable signal to a multi-level signal without altering the vital contents or the information or data. A prime example of a telecommunication that uses this form of conversion is a telephone modem. Voice communications vary in range and are not in binary form, so these analog signals must be translated into digital signals. Digital to analog conversions or DAC is the conversion of binary code to analog signal. In order words, signals having few defined levels or states are...
Words: 1984 - Pages: 8
...Audio Recording Convergence and the Digital Age Final Project Abstract With information technology advancements and a more computer savvy world, the audio recording medium and digital medium have merged, changing the sound recording industry forever. This convergence has blurred the line between professional and amateur sound recordings. Technology has made new products smaller, feature rich and more affordable where anyone can record their music and offer it on the web for the whole world to enjoy. This medium convergence has closed the gap between musicians and listeners and brought forth a famine in the recording industry, which in turn, has brought new opportunities to the dying market. What does this mean to us? In short terms, with new digital formatting software available to anyone, the compression of music waves, and the technological advances, the recording industry is struggling to stay afloat. This statement is pretty remarkable, being that the world’s leading recording engineers are having difficulties keeping business alive with the evolution of technology. It is evident, recording engineers need to step backwards to differentiate themselves and find better innovative ways to keep the recording business profitable. This transformation in the world of recording, is affecting all of us as both consumers and producers of audio content. The following research paper discusses these convergence changes with a short look into the...
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