...Literature Review of Strategic Business Analysis Tools: Research Ethics: PEST, BCG and Porter’s Five-Force Model Abstract This literature review takes the work of twelve different scholarly peered-reviewed resources and explains the outcome of their studies. All of the studies were conducted with different strategic analysis tools and how the use of ethics plays a role in each model. Although there are many strategic tools for managers to use, this literature review focuses in on only three tools. The three strategic analysis tools researched in this literature review are the PEST analysis, the BCG growth matrix, and Porter’s five-force model. This literature review compares the work of the different articles to show how each strategic tool was used in the different articles and where ethics play a role in each research method. The end of the literature review entails different recommendations on how to further the research for a better understanding of these strategic tools while continuing to do so in a manner that remains ethical. In conclusion, this literature review is design to give the reader a better understanding of three different strategic management tools and how they are being used professionally and scholarly with allowing for all research to be done in an manner that does not allow for outcomes that can be used in an unethical manner to pad results. Introduction The business environment is rapidly changing and the past has shown that companies who are...
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...management. Although credit and other fiscal instruments are used in some cases by individuals in their personal matters, most people generally manage personal financial statements on a cash basis. This method is effective for an individual, or perhaps a very small business with a small number of accounts and minimal transactions to record. There are, however, a number of disadvantages with this method; chiefly among these is the difficulty it causes businesses in associating operating expenses to revenues. Cash flows alone do not accurately reflect the operating activities of the organizations, and “The accrual basis of accounting overcomes the chief limitation of the cash basis – a possible mismatch of revenue and expenses.” (Ristea, Doros, Ioanas, & Morega, 2010, p. 208). When employing the accrual basis of accounting, financial events are recorded at the time they occur. For example; when a service is rendered to a customer, the company will generate an invoice and record this revenue at this time, even though it may be several weeks before payment is collected. This is done using the double entry bookkeeping method, in this example, with an entry in both an accounts receivable account and a service revenue account. In the same way, the operating expenses for the company would also be recorded within the period...
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...the post-crisis economy. Causes, evoiutions and possibie innovative soiutions to fight against the undesirable effects of the economic crisis Laura Mariana CISMAÇ West University Timisoara laura.cismas@feaa.uvt.ro Ruxandra Ioana PITORAC West University Timiçoara ruxandrapitorac@gmail.com Abstract. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the need for promoting a new vision regarding competitiveness mostly in the context of amplifying the effects and the complexity of the nature of crisis manifested now on the international level (economic, environment, demographic, value and moral etc.). The economic thinking pays increased attention to the issues related to economic crisis, as well as the development of theories that give satisfactory answers about the causes and, especially, the solutions to the crisis. Using scientific observation and comparative case study as research methods, this paper aims to make a theoretical critical review of the theories regarding the causes of economic crisis over time and to identify and analyze some anti-crisis policies. Keywords: economic competitiveness. crisis; macroeconomic theories; anti-crisis policies; JEL Classification: E30, GOL REL Classification: 81, 8M. 24 Laura Mariana Cisma§, Ruxandra ioana Pitorac Introduction Theoretical controversy on crises has augmented over the last two decades with a special accent on system and stmcture crises, as well as on the crisis of intemational economic relations among unequally...
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...Executive Summary Agricultural activities are rarely the focus of accounting research, and up until December 2000 no accounting standard existed for accounting activities in the industry at an international level. This report investigates the AASB 141 Agricultural accounting standard, discusses the background of the standard, which entities are affected by the standard and evaluates its usefulness and applicability in the industry. It was found that despite been acknowledged as a standard which provides a good conceptual framework it is often held back by its focus on theory and shift away from practicality (Elad, 2004). Intro & Background to the standard Recently, as jobs are getting diverse, there are people or companies interested in agriculture and spending time on growing their biological assets and selling the produce from the assets. It is obvious that people or companies describe above are doing those not as hobby but job because they earn profit from the activities. The size of the activities might be different but mostly regardless of how the size is, the activities and the following outcomes need to be reported in financial statements. To describe what the activities are and explain how the activities shall be treated in accounting, AASB 141 was made. AASB 141 Agriculture focuses on recognising, measuring, and disclosing agricultural activities such as biological assets and agricultural produce. Agricultural activities are defined in AASB 141 as ‘the management...
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...Infosys: Summary In 1981 Narayana Murthy and six colleagues established Infosys with $250; it is an organization created for professionals by professionals that promised to be fair to its “infoscions” (employees), customers, and shareholders (Delong, 2006, p. 1). The company’s overall vision was to become a “global company” that developed wealth in an honorable manner by redistributing funds to the poor and provide fairness to all (Delong, 2006, p. 3). Infosys worked in the information technology (IT) market via several strategies, body-shopping and offshoring; however; it turned out creating problems than the company planned for which caused a chain reaction of more problems before management finally realized they “fell from grace” (Delong, 2006, p. 10). Therefore, the following paragraphs summarize and analyze Infosys (A): Strategic Human Resource Management written by Delong, Tandon, and Rengaswamy as it relates to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). Case Analysis When Infosys first opened its doors, their strategy known as bodyshop was increasing their labor costs due to the U.S. government limiting distribution on B1 Visas per year. Body shopping is a form of outsourcing in which Infosys recruits IT students straight out of college, place them with clients on project-based assignments until completion (Delong, 2006). Once completed workers are either placed on another project or benched to wait for a new assignment (Darwish, et al., 2010). This is similar...
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...Generalized or Specialized September 24, 2014 HR is a function within an entity that can improve and transform decision-makers and the company overall; HR have one goal in mind, focus on core capabilities. This process requires that HR possess the need to maintain a diverse group of talented employees that will one day become leaders, obtain the expertise of current and exiting employees and subcontract business activities (Fulmer, et al, 2006). Therefore, in order for HR to be an effective strategic partner two things must be understood; first, the business of the business and second, work begins with the business (Fulmer, et al, 2006). Since technology and the economy continues to change, HR need to change as well by taking on a more specialized approach to work. The reason being is that if HR takes a specialized approach to work it will leave room for more attention on strategic issues than operational issues within the company (Mello, 2015). What that means for the company, HR can outsource a portion of their roles (payroll and staffing) to place themselves where they can help the company with strategy executions. Fulmer & Genson (2006), states that in order to be a true strategic partner, HR must possess knowledge of the company, help support the strategies of the company, and must possess the ability to interpret or transform every business activity into strategic goals for the company’s success (para. 2). In other words, with a more specialized approach to...
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...Topic - Why is the study of different theories of motivation important to managers? Introduction To be motivated means to be moved to do something. Motivation is anything that inspires one to do something. The motivation for me to wake up early morning is to make it to the university in time. Motivation may be defined as psychological forces that determine the direction of a person's behaviour in an organization, a person's level of effort and a person's level of persistence in the face of obstacles. Managers motivate their employees. Most companies are looking into ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality. The question is how to make employees work more productively? This is a question of utmost importance to any manager. The answer to this question is very complex and critical. I will address this question by using various journals, research paper and books. There are several theories which manager may employ in order to motivate the employee. This paper will discuss about various types of motivation theories. It further examines which motivation theory should be applied by a manager in a particular situation in order to motivate employees. It will explain how it is dependent on the size of the organization, environment in which the organization is placed and the economic condition of the nation in which organization is. Motivation Motivation can be divided into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic (Guzzo, 1979). Intrinsic motivation is the motivation to...
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...humor in advertisement: mockery, perceived truth and playful humor. The Results of three studies indicated that parodic ads can produce positive as well as negative outcomes across these attitudinal variables. The methodology used was Random sampling data was collected from various people to know the Perceptions of mockery, perceived truth and playful humor in a parodic ad and whether it will positively relate to attitude toward the parodic ad or negatively relate to the attitude toward ads including parody. The results showed that parodies can generally be beneficial in building attitudes toward a parodic ad. The combination of all these types of humor mockery, perceived truth and playful humor can result in positive responses. Andreea-Ioana Maniu, Monica-Maria and Zaharie(2014) the purpose of study was to analyze how creativity is used in new advertising ways among university students role. The paper outlines the...
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...Georgia College and State University Human Resource Management Human resource management (HRM) is an area that is vitally important for any public agency to function properly. Within HRM there is a very significant relationship that must exist between the employees and the organization itself. One must be able to focus on the moral values of the organization, as well as the values that could be incorporated through positive relationships. Georgia College and State University operates under the University System of Georgia along with many other renowned universities within the State of Georgia. However, even though these institutions operate under the same system, they each have their own unique human resource department with specialized goals that pertain to their particular institution. Just like other universities within the University System of Georgia, Georgia College is dedicated to it’s own respective mission that is focused on having the institution thrive to it’s fullest extent. “The most important of all, for a company, is still the human resource and this is because without it, it would be impossible to accomplish the mission or to attain a specific vision within a company,”(Dumitrana, Mihaela, et al.) Human resource management is, like previously stated, vital to the growth and success of a public agency. Georgia College is not immune to this idea. In order for a human resource department to prosper, there must be lasting relationships between the department and...
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...Risc: ........................................13 D. Riscurile Operaționale Cargill Pharma & Îngrijire Personală ................................................13 E. Riscurile Operaționale Cargill Cercetare și Dezvoltare..........................................................14 3. Matricea Riscurilor Companiei Cargill Inc. (Claudia Ioana Toma) ...................................15 A. Terminologia de Risc Utilizată ...............................................................................................15 B. Matricea Riscurilor .................................................................................................................16 C. Tabelul ce stă la baza matricei riscurilor pentru compania Cargill ........................................17 4. 5. Harta de interconectare a riscurilor (Andreea Voicu) .........................................................22 Măsuri de Acoperire a Riscurilor (Titavu Alexandra Ioana Olimpia Diana Tufeanu) ..........28 A. Agricultura (Titavu Alexandra Ioana) ....................................................................................28 B. Management Financiar și de Risc (Titavu Alexandra Ioana) ................................................34 C. Cercetare –Dezvoltare (Titavu Alexandra...
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...Marin Sorescu – Iona Inspirata din mitul biblic al omului inghitit de un peste, drama “Iona” da nastere, de-a lungul celor patru tablouri, la interogatii existentiale grave, privitoare la: viata, moarte, singuratate, destin; prin aceasta trasatura, ea se incadreaza in teatrul de idei, devenind un adevarat poem dramatic al nelinistii metafizice. La o prima lectura, actiunea ar putea fi rezumata astfel: Un pescar sarac, Iona, pe care norocul mereu il ocoleste, sta in gura unui peste urias si isi arunca navodul intr-o mare ostila, care refuza sa-i dea macar un peste (sau, poate, si-a pierdut capacitatea genetica originara). Omul vorbeste cu dublul sau launtric, intreaga “actiune” fiind un solilocviu cu profunde implicatii filosofice. La un moment dat, gura pestelui se deschide si Iona este proiectat in adancurile stomacului sau, ai carui pereti antrenati in “vesnica mistuire” alcatuiesc un spatiu inchis, angoasant, un labirint din care omul va incerca sa se elibereze. Spintecand burta primului peste, Iona constata ca a nimerit intr-o alta burta (cea a pestelui al doilea care intre timp il inghitise pe primul). Tentativa de eliberare se repeta, in final, omul ajungand pe o plaja pustie inconjurata de un orizont format din burti de peste. Alcatuita ca un dialog intre Iona si dublul sau, drama releva teama de tacere a personajului, nevoia de comunicare intr-o lume a singuratatii. In aceste conditii, dorul de a vedea “pe cineva mergand pe drum” se converteste in acuta constiinta...
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...HIDROCENTRALA PORŢILE DE FIER Hidrocentralele transformă energia hidraulică în energie electrică. Este o formă de energie primară regenerabilă şi nepoluantă. Costul construcţiei hidrocentralelor este mai ridicat decât cel al termocentralelor, dar energia electrică produsă este de 3-5 ori mai ieftină datorită cheltuielilor ulterioare reduse. Funcţionare Printr-un baraj de acumulare a apei pe cursul unui râu unde poate fi prezentă şi o cascadă se realizează acumularea unei energii potenţiale, trasformată în energie cinetică prin rotirea turbinei hidrocentralei. Această mişcare de rotaţie va fi transmisă mai departe printr-un angrenaj de roţi dinţate generatorului de curent electric, care prin rotirea motorului generatorului într-un câmp magnetic, va transforma energia mecanică în energie electrică. Tipuri de hidrocentrale 1. cu o cădere mică de apă - < 15 m, debit mare, cu turbine Kaplan 2. cu o cădere mijlocie - 15–50 m, cu debit mijlociu, cu turbine Kaplan sau Francis 3. cu o cădere mare 50–2.000 m, cu un debit mic de apă, turbinele utilizate sunt turbinele Francis, Pelton Hidrocentralele mai pot fi clasificate după capacitate, sau după felul construcţiei, ca de exemplu hidrocentrale: 1. aşezate pe firul râului (centrale fluviale), producând curent după debit 2. cu un lac de acumulare 3. CHEAP - centrale hidroelectrice cu acumulare prin pompare 4. cu caverne, pentru acumularea apei Dacă...
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...The Importance of Managerial Accounting ACC206: Principles of Accounting II May 16, 2012 The Importance of Managerial Accounting Every business whether large or small has a need for an accountant. Accountants are expected to know about the business from top to bottom and are responsible for reporting numbers and figures on financial statements for outside as well as inside decision-makers. The type of accounting that reports to inside decision-makers is managerial accounting. Without this vital information reported by managerial accounting, the business will not be able to operate in a profitable manner. This will be a brief discussion about managerial accounting by answering a few questions such as; what is management accounting, what are the sources of data, and how are the data used to make management decisions, all reflecting in the importance of managerial accounting to any business. Managerial accounting provides vital pieces of financial information about a business’s operations to inside decision-makers allowing them to analyze the business in a more profitable manner. “Managerial accounting provides information to help managers plan and control operations as they lead the business” (Horngren, et al., 2012, p.775). Not only does managerial accounting provide the financial information, but it also “includes managing the company’s plant, equipment, and human resources” (Horngren, et al., 2012, p.775). All of these different departments of a business offer...
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...“The emerging epidemics of obesity in developing countries”, Retrieved on July 9th, 2012 from: http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/35/1/93.short Aboulnasr, K. (2010, January 1). Gender Differences in the Processing of Nutrition Information on Food Products. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 47, 528-556. Aggett, PJ et al. (2005) PASSCLAIM Process for the Assessment of Scientific Support for Claims on Foods: Consensus on Criteria. Eur J Clin Nut 44 (Suppl 1), pp. 1-30. Alice T. Yang Æ David S. Sugarbaker Æ Paul E. Farmer (2008), “Increasing Access to Surgical Services for the Poor in Rural Haiti: Surgery as a Public Good for Public Health”. World J Surg 32:pp. 537–542 Baek, O. K. (2009). The engines of Hippocrates: From the Dawn of Medicine to Medical and Pharmaceutical Informatics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Bailey, R. (2007, December 1). Japan 2007 yearend update: demographic trends point to a strong potential market for non-drug products as the costs of healthcare rise and new health claim categories are explored.(JAPAN INSIDER). Nutraceuticals World, 9, pp. 53-62. Bevan H, Ham C Plsek PE (2008) “The Next Leg of the Journey: How do we make High Quality Care for All a Reality? Coventry”: NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. 89-102 Bourdieu, P., 1986, “The Forms of Capital”, in Richardson JG (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, pp. 241-258 Cole, T. J., Bellizzi, M. C., Flegal,...
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...Baltic Journal of Economics ISSN: 1406-099X (Print) 2334-4385 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rbec20 Explaining and tackling the shadow economy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: a tax morale approach Colin C. Williams & Ioana A. Horodnic To cite this article: Colin C. Williams & Ioana A. Horodnic (2015) Explaining and tackling the shadow economy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: a tax morale approach, Baltic Journal of Economics, 15:2, 81-98, DOI: 10.1080/1406099X.2015.1114714 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1406099X.2015.1114714 © 2015 The author(s). Published by Routledge Published online: 12 Nov 2015. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 1004 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rbec20 Download by: [] Date: 20 April 2016, At: 09:43 Baltic Journal of Economics, 2015 Vol. 15, No. 2, 81–98, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1406099X.2015.1114714 Explaining and tackling the shadow economy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: a tax morale approach Colin C. Williamsa* a and Ioana A. Horodnicb Management School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; bFaculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iași, Romania Downloaded by [] at 09:43 20 April 2016 (Received 26 November 2014; accepted...
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