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Analysis: Are We In A Race Against The Machine

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Are we in a Race Against the Machine? For that answer maybe, we should ask the McDonald's employee who is slowly being replaced by a self-service kiosk. Or the Schnuck’s employee who found their hours cut due to the fact more and more people are using the self-checkout lanes. Technology has definitely made our lives more convenient, but that convenience comes at a cost. How many times have you used an app for curbside pickup for your food? Purchased clothes online? Ordered a pizza? Every time we make one of those purchases, we need to keep in mind that that was someone's job at some point. Machines will never be able to take over every job sector, but those low skill jobs will probably be a thing of the past in the not so distant future. What does all of this mean for those low skilled workers? …show more content…
The report states that” job losses will not be spread evenly across income, as lower skilled, lower waged workers are more at risk of losing work due to automation”. So which jobs are most at risk? According to experts, Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, in a 2013 study they released, stated that “recent developments in machine learning will put a substantial share of employment, across a wide range of occupations, at risk in the near future.” Specifically, jobs pertaining to transport and logistics, office support and many workers in the sales and services sector. In the opinions of Mr. Frey and Mr. Osborne, that puts about “47 percent of American jobs at high risk of potential automation”. ( So what does all of this mean? Author, Kevin Kelly Stated it best when he said, “This is not a race against the

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