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Combat Trauma Healing Chapter Summary

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Report on Chris Adsit’s
The Combat Trauma Healing Manual
Christ-centered Solutions for Combat Trauma
Heather L. Rutherford
Liberty University Chris Adsit’s The Combat Trauma Healing Manual
Chapter 1: Where Was God?
Chapter 2: What Happened to Me?
Chapter 3: Where’s the Hospital?
Chapter 4: How Did I Change?
Chapter 5: How Can I Stand It?
In chapter 1 or step 1 the author (Adsit, 2008) looks at understanding spiritual context behind trauma, starting with the question many ask during trauma; Why didn’t God prevent this? The author (Adsit, 2008) examines how God allows humans (his children) to have free will, God gives us all his love, but he does not want to force us to love him back he wants us to give our love freely to him. The author (Adsit, 2008) further looks at trauma is not an act of God but rather the act of human’s inhumanity against humankind. Struggling with knowing the differences between enemy, allies and thinking that no one else has suffered like the person going through …show more content…
Finally, chapter 5 (Adsit, 2008) grief is a natural part of trauma. It allows for the people to process their emotional and psychological loss to the traumatic event that occurred, when a person chooses to not deal with grief it can affect the physical body. The author (Adsit, 2008) looks the steps for processing grief: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, looking for realistic solutions to why, and acceptance. Part of processing grief is allowing for a person to mourn their loss, helping process through anger by helping them realize they are not alone, that they do not have to bear the burden alone, and that it is okay for them to be

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