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Analysis Of A Dance Concert Rising Momentum

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Last week I went to a dance concert Rising Momentum, which consisted of seven separate pieces. The choreographic work was done by the faculty of the University of Idaho dance program. The seven pieces pushed the performers and moved the audience in ways that cannot be explained. While waiting for the next piece to start I talked to my friend that went with me and people around me about the previous and concluded that everybody in the audience interpreted the dances in different ways From watching this concert, I now have a deeper understanding of the collegiate dance world, and dance as a whole. I particularly liked how they varied in length and the technique involved. I also really liked how the lighting, special effects, and props had importance and meaning in the pieces. Talking in terms of the individual pieces, there was a couple that really evoked an emotional response in me, particularly in “Settle/Unsettle” and “Ethan & Louie.” …show more content…
It was performed as a trio. I interpreted this piece as settling into a new relationship. I understood it as an individual wants a specific person and they also want to see them happy, but at the same time there is this new person that they like and want to be with them and they are torn in two and so they settle on being alone while the first person is supporting them fully and the other is kind of off to the side, not as supportive as the other. The costumes were neutral browns and whites. It really brought attention to the dancers and choreography, rather than be distracted by a big flashy

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