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Essay On Childhood Lead Poisoning

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Childhood lead poisoning is one of the most common pediatric problems currently in the United States, despite the fact that it’s very preventable. Lead poisoning is a danger because in most cases, it is without symptoms; therefore, it can go undiagnosed and even untreated. In statements published by the CDC in 1985, the threshold for blood lead level was 25 µg/dL, however it was noted that adverse effects occur at levels as low as 10 µg/dL [3]. Since health effects have been noted in levels even lower than 10 µg/dL, there is no set threshold as to what level of lead poisoning can be considered a danger. Therefore, primary prevention utilizes the involvement of pediatric health-care providers, public housing agencies, and public organizations …show more content…
Department of Health and Human Services released a Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Childhood Lead Poisoning. Before the release of the prevention plan, CDC had focused their resources on finding lead-poisoned children and treating them. However, they had begun to focus their attention on the prevention of exposure before poisoning could occur. To achieve this goal, the CDC recommended: (1) increasing the number of childhood lead poisoning prevention programs, (2) a reduction of leaded paint and dust in high-risk housing, (3) decreased use of lead from other sources, (4) launch of national examination for children with elevated blood lead levels. After the publication of CDC’s recommendations, childhood lead poisoning received public attention, which led to a series of preventative measures being adopted. The attention from the media led to Congress holding hearings in which a Senate bill was passed, allocating $250 million as a down payment for the removal of lead in public housing; a public interest group, the Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning was founded; the federal government also set up a hotline to answer parent’s questions and direct them to help; and the CDC called for blood screening of every American child between the ages of 1 and 5 years

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