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Analysis Of Black Elk Speaks

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Written in a time when many were unware of the turmoil, Black Elk Speaks, introduces us to an amazing gentleman named Black Elk. Transported into a time when Native Americans were hunted, tracked, and murdered in the pursuit of land, gold and pure human greed. The Lakota Indians were a peaceful tribe that wanted to live among their people and culture in their own country and be content. At the beginning of the book, we are introduced to Black Elk as a young boy. At this time Black Elk falls very ill and has a great vision. This vision plays a huge part in Black Elks life and in the Lakota culture. We learn through Black Elk that he continues to have visions and he is blessed him with many gifts and that he was able to use to help himself and people. Black Elk was around 5 years old when he had his first vision and heard the voices, but it was not until the age of 9 that he really began to understand the visions. …show more content…
During this tip Black Elk heard a voice “It is time; now they are calling you.” (Neihardt, 1932) Black Elk began to become ill over the course of a few days. His arms and legs swelled and he was unable to walk, Black Elk finally sank into unconsciousness, where he experienced a great vision. This vision would lead Black Elk for the rest of his life. Black Elk was able to continue to hear the great voices and many times they warned him of great danger. Many of the great dangers he was warned about were the Wasichus (white

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