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Analysis Of Laura Hillenbrand's 'Unbroken'

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Pages 1
The central idea of "Unbroken" is that , former Olympian and prisoner of war, Louie Zamperini always managed to persevere through his challenges. The author, Laura Hillenbrand, develops this idea by showing us what kept Louie going,religion and the thought of the Olympics. As a captive, Louie was living in terrible conditions, with a sadistic sergeant as an enemy. According to the book, "Louie was sick and demoralized. He lay on his plank, daydreaming of the Olympics, clinging to them as a shining promise." This shows him in a painfully unhealthy state, getting through only by thinking of his dream before the war. After the war, Louie is left traumatised. He is now married and has a child on the way, but he is also an alcoholic and Shell of

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