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First Tech Challenge Robotics Research Paper

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Everybody needs a hobby to participate in!! An enjoyable, educational activity that I participate in is the United States First Tech Challenge Robotics. Robotics is a program that teaches kids, grades seven through nine, the basics of engineering, robotic design, programming, public relations, and many, many more! It will literately stick like superglue to every participants brain. I have had people often stereotype robotics to be fighting, lasers, etc., but there is truly more than just walking, talking, and basically anything a human can and cannot do. It is the exact same with clouds; people think clouds taste like cotton candy, but are yet to figure out that they are conspicuously wrong. First of all, robotics I a very interesting thing to learn and talk about. It is so interesting, in fact, that my school, Ridgeview Highschool, has a class based on robots. The class is titled, Technological Introduction to Robotic Design. Thats quite a hefty name! Second of all, while being a participant of a robotics team here at my school, I am often finding myself excused from school for trips to go to a competition, …show more content…
First, I get out of school when it finally comes time for one of the four, world-wide competitions. Each competition is roughly about 10-17 hours away from my school campus. Usually the trips are agonizing but fun. Second, I know for sure that I can get away from school when we, the robotics team, go out into the community to tell all of the residents about the strenuous process that we call robotics. When the community has been contacted, time and time again, they will gladly involve their selves with robotics. Last but not least, we will usually get out of school when we are doing something important for the team such as: fund raising, outreaching to the community, etc. Being away from school is always fun, educational or

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