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Anglo Saxon Research Paper

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The Anglo-Saxon time period is one of the most significant eras in all of history. After four centuries of near European domination, the Roman Empire fell in AD 410. With this came the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon time period, or the Dark Ages, which would last until the year 1066. The historical events which occurred within the six centuries of the Anglo-Saxon rule made phenomenal marks on America, Britain, and the world as we know it.
Before the time of the Angles and the Saxons, and even before the Romans, Britain had already been occupied for one thousand years or more. Its inhabitants came from a variety of different places and were known by a variety of different names. Collectively, however, these peoples called themselves the Britons, …show more content…
After their settlement, more and more of their people joined their new homeland, and the three tribes were soon broken into several independent kingdoms. It was once believed that the Romano-British were slaughtered or driven west by hordes of invading Anglo-Saxons, part of the great westward movement of 'barbarians' overwhelming the western empire. The new conquerors of the land of Britain drove all ruthlessly drove all remaining Romans to present-day Scotland or Wales, while even raging war among themselves quite frequently. Luckily, however, the Anglo-Saxons did pass on a culture and lifestyle that was about more than their common pillaging and chaos and …show more content…
They did much only for themselves, and they were greedy and gruesome. They destroyed much and seemed to care for very little. These perceptions, however, are often given to the peoples based on how they started their new lives in Britain: the murder, the invasions, and the destruction. When you look past their beginning, you can see the true progress they made as a civilization. They valued courage and bravery and eloquence. They loved their families, and they were unimaginably generous. They shaped the culture of the life of our mother nation. The British. The Pilgrims. Our Founding Fathers.

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