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Hearing Dogs Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of hearing dog or thought it would be cool to have one if you were deaf or hearing impaired? Hearing dogs assist deaf individuals by alerting them to a variety of household sounds such as a door knock or doorbell, alarm clock, oven buzzer, telephone, baby cry, name call or smoke alarm. In 1970 a hearing-impaired women named Mrs. Elva Janke made a request for one because her old dog had died that helped her with alarming sounds in her home. She reached out to cities to help get her request/point across. Agnes McGrath the inventor of hearing dogs accepted the request and help the deaf and hearing impaired people in the world. Three years later after the request was made the “Hearing Ear Program” was transferred to the American Humane Association. In 1979 the “Hearing Ear Program” became Hearing Dog, Inc.Soon after the Hearing Dog, Inc. became International Hearing Dog Inc.
The most important thing a Hearing Dog provides a person in public is an good awareness of his or her environment. A hearing dog job isn't to just alert deaf people of sounds in public, it's to …show more content…
People who are very proud of who they are and what they've accomplished with their lives feel that the hearing dog isn’t very necessary. Although they may agree that it is helpful in many ways. Though there are different ways to be able to be aware of your surroundings. Hearing dogs are I guess you could say a good option for those who love animals. Some people though would just prefer the help from technology because it is a little easier. No need to worry about having to take care of the dog and all of its needs. Instead just have a device installed that does the same thing and you don't have to worry about taking care of it and paying for when the dog needs something done that has to deal with its health. So the effect of the hearing dog is a good one but is not a choice everyone happens to

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