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The terms private military company (PMC) and private security company (PSC) are often used interchangeably by people when discussing security, especially when discussing operations and support in conflict zones or war zones. However, they do differ somewhat in application depending on where and when they are applied, however, they are not new concepts. History has shown there is a never-ending shortage of soldiers and law enforcement to meet the security needs, both publicly and privately. The 1800s with the western expansion in North America witnessed the creation of professional private security companies such as Wells Fargo, the American Express Company, and the Pinkerton Detective Agency to meet the security demands of a growing nation …show more content…
Both can provide flexible, affordable, and responsive options, allowing governments and corporations to cut cost and not be hampered by cumbersome bureaucratic processes. Additionally, beyond the security element, they can provide intelligence services, training, logistical support, maintenance, life support, and information network personnel, equipment, and support. Finally, by utilizing PMCs and PSCs it allows both public and private sector entities to avoid overhead cost associated with providing healthcare, retirement benefits, and similarly costly benefits. However, PMCs and PSCs are not without drawbacks and risk, such as regulatory oversite, accountability, and enforcement. In recent years steps have been taken to curb unlawful conduct of PMCs particularly. After several cases of abuse and misconduct in conflict zones, and a great deal of negotiations in 2010, the International Code of Conduct (ICoC) was formed, followed by creation of the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) in September of 2013, to help promote accountability (Beating Blackwater, 2014). Additionally, the United States has endorsed reforms to increase accountability of contractors through The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA), later expanded in 2004, allowing for the prosecution of contractors supporting DoD missions outside the United States, and increasing punishments for crimes committed inside the United States. Finally, in 2007 Congress amended the DoD’s Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) to include contractors be prosecuted for misconduct by courts-martial (Beating Blackwater, 2014). While, these are notable improvements in the right direction, there is still work to be done in standardizing laws internationally to hold PMCs and PCSs accountable and further professionalize these areas of security

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