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Dorothea Dix

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Although the 19th century literally was the rebirth of the prison system it essentially was still corrupt, or so they thought. In the year 1799 the penitentiary act was made. Basically, it made a law that the prisons were built to mostly hold one inmate per cell and they would operate on continuous labor, which specifically is quite significant. There actually was a system that generally was made in Pennsylvania and the Eastern state penitentiary in Philadelphia, it for all intents and purposes was said that all of the prisoners should remain isolated from each other, sort of contrary to popular belief. There was to be no communication from the prisoners in a subtle way. Prisoners were treated wrong for their doings and would basically often …show more content…
By this time that people generally were more educated, "Americans mostly wanted to kind of fix inmates'' character instead of simply punishing them." (WIKI) When people entered jail the streets really were cleared of them being a problem and also the streets could really be cleaned for fairly less than paying real workers. This meant that the jailors can be an attribute to the economy, instead of a burden. Dorothea Dix was a woman to look up to. Overall, what she did was travel in between the United States and Europe to generally help give people a second chance. She helped with the administration of hospitals in the American Civil war and gave female nurses jobs for once, sort of contrary to popular belief and the common thought that woman were not to work during these times. Not only did she help change prisons but also created new mental institutions to actually assist those in need. Dix would take in account notes on how prisoners, for the most part lived and what conditions they were thought to have by the medical staff at the time. Shortly after Dix conducted her observations, she presented her findings to the Massachusetts legislature. Massachusetts set funding to kind of fix up jails and create new mental institutions. Many prisoners particularly were for the most part moved from jail to mental institutions and their conditions improved, which gave the new process that is used today to first analyze a person and their crime by many doctors to see if they are apt to live in a jail or if they have mental health issues and need medical attention and recovery. Across the country the result of Dorothea Dix and the Quakers particularly was actually felt in all of the homes.

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