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Community Service Learning Project Analysis

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Since I joined the Boy Scouts of America in the second grade, I have been involved in community service that has supported numerous organizations. This passion for service has lasted far beyond my Eagle Scout project for the Durham Ronald McDonald House. While in college, I have taken on several large service learning projects and donated my time at a variety of organizations, such as: the Crisis Assistance Ministry, the Jamil Niner Student Pantry, the Historic Washington Heights Neighborhood, Second Harvest Food Bank, Charlotte Humane Society, Habitat for Humanity Restore, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Sow Much Good, Project Linus, and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern of North Carolina. Each semester, I look for new ways to get involved and give back to the community that has provided me so many amazing opportunities. One such service learning project that I completed was with the Crisis Assistance Ministry of Charlotte. This organization seeks to restore dignity and provide emergency help to those facing basic needs insecurities. Every month, clients are able to come to the Free …show more content…
Service provides members of the programs the opportunity to bond with their peers and to get to know them on a more personal level. During the week, people are rushing back and forth between classes, meetings, work, and the list goes on and on. Community service events remove all of those distractions and allow people to work on their personal connections. It is a time to focus on giving back to the community. Also, it is a time to focus on nurturing the culture and community of UNC Charlotte. After volunteering, there is an air of purpose and determination. Service reveals what is important in life and how we can use our education to truly make a difference in the lives of

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