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Animal Testing Inhumane

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As soon as the words “animal testing” spirals out in a conversation, the atmosphere immediately becomes uncomfortable, but people never realize why. This is probably because when people think of animal testing, they think of cages, injections of poisonous liquids, and other cruel treatments for the selfish benefits of the human race. Many people look upon animals as companions while others view them as a way of advancing experimental research. Animals are meant to be respected and admired, but the truth is that many people either are not aware or don’t acknowledge that animals are essential to human existence and have been playing a vital role in improving the quality of our lives. Their role in finding cures for diseases, treatments for illness, …show more content…
The article “About Animal Testing” written by the Humane Society International states: “Animals are forced chemical exposure in toxicity testing, which can include oral force-feeding, forced inhalation, skin or injection into the abdomen, muscle, etc.” (HSI 1). The fact remains that animals are being exploited every day by research facilities and cosmetics companies all around the world. Many of these animals will die due to the method of which they perform these tests. The animals that experience these tests usually suffer from pain, terror, and loneliness. Also stated in the article “The Truth about Animals Used for Experimentation” by PETA: “Some animals develop neurotic types of behavior such as incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling out their own fur, and even biting themselves.” (PETA 2). Even after all of the testing procedures have been implemented on the animals, most of them die due to the effects of the tests or having no more use for the experiment and being killed …show more content…
However, animal research has played a very important role in the history of medical health. Without animal testing and research a lot of our medical advances might not have been discovered. The sad truth is that animal testing has been used for treatments that we all know today. Makeup brands are always promoting its new trend of being animal cruelty-free. However, makeup does a small deal to our bodies when we compare it to diabetes or AIDS. If cosmetic products were not tested out on animals first, it may cause severe allergic reactions or even death to the consumers. Animals used in cosmetic testing are actually a really small fraction compared to the animals used to find cures to diseases. In the article “Animal Experimentation Benefits AIDS Research”, Dr. Joseph E. Murray covers the truth about animal testing that social media does not reveal to the public eye on a daily basis. He explains the views of animal activists: “-’we’d be against it’”(Murray 5). If a cure was found for AIDs, animal activists reported that they would be against it. However, if they were to have a loved one living with AIDs, would they make the decision to use the cure? When it comes to life and death, you need to make a choice, whether you’re against or for a cause. If animal activists knew that insulin resulted in a research that involved removing an organ out of a dog and grinding it up to

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