Premium Essay

Animal Testing Is Bad

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Pages 7
Kittens, bunnies, mice, dogs, monkeys are burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged for the making of a product (“Cruelty”). Cruelty free is labeling that indicates a product’s making is harm free to animals. Many tests are far from cruelty free. There are thirteen standardized tests for makeup testing, most of them being on animals (Siegel-Maier). The most common are the Draize and LD50 (Siegel-Maier). If testing on animals is more expensive and less accurate why choose that over other alternatives. Testing makeup on animals is immoral, ineffective, and unnecessary.
Testing makeup on animals is immoral, it is cruel. There are many tests for makeup products that are done on innocent animals. The tests are taken on guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, mice, and sometimes hamsters to ensure safety if product is swallowed, inhaled, or has made contact with skin or eyes, etc.. Diarrhea, convulsions, bleeding from mouth, seizures, paralysis, or death may occur in all of these tests (“Cosmetics”).The test used for substances being swallowed is acute oral toxicity. Seven rats are to swallow an amount of substance and determine which amount cause half of them to die, which is a lot like LD50 (“Cosmetics”). The rat's throat is …show more content…
LD50 stands for lethal dose fifty percent 50%. LD50 is a test that finds out which dose of chemical will kill 50% of the animals (“Animals”). Twenty to one hundred animals are fed a toxic substance to find out the toxicity levels (Siegel-Maier). This test only shows what amount of a certain substance will kill a dog, rabbit, or hamster (Siegel-Maier). Which doesn't help testing for humans.Tests are complete when half of the animals are dead(Siegel-Maier).. The animals don’t die fast, they suffer. They experience organ rupture, diarrhea, convulsions, and internal bleeding usually for a period of week, even months (Siegel-Maier). Another cruel and unfair test is

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