...Childhood: 当今世界很多杰出的企业家都从事过推销工作。推销是一门十分复杂而且不容易学会的工作。李嘉诚酷爱读书。每天白天工作之后,晚上他还要买些旧书来自学,学完的旧书再拿到旧书店去卖,再用卖掉的'''买“新”的旧书。这样既学到了知识,又节省了很多'''。最初,李嘉诚向客户推销产品之前,心情总是十分紧张。于是他就在出门前或者路上把要说的话想好,反复练习,从而成功地克服了紧张的心理。渐渐地,李嘉诚发现自己不仅推销有术,而且大有潜力。他那与生俱来的观察能力'''分析能力十分适合于做推销员。他总是能凭着直觉看出客户是什么类型的人物,并且能马上了解客户的心理'''性格,从而定好相应的推销策略。李嘉诚认为,在从事推销工作的时候,必须充满自信,而且要熟悉所推销的产品,尽最大努力,设法让客户感到你的产品是廉价而且优秀的。很快,李嘉诚成了全公司的佼佼者。但李嘉诚从来不喜欢高谈阔论,他认为从事推销工作,重要的有两点:一是勤劳,二是创新。由于出色的推销成绩,李嘉诚18岁就做了部门经理,两年后又被提升为这家塑胶带制造公司的总经理。 赤手空拳打天下 1941年12月8日,太平洋战争爆发,圣诞节前夕,香港英军向日军投降。港币不断贬值,物价飞涨,李家生活愈加困难,而李云经又在这时病'''了。1943年冬天,李云经病重,他把李嘉诚叫到床前,轻声告诫道:“求人不如求己。吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。失意时莫灰心,得意时莫忘形。”15岁的李嘉诚坚定地点了点头,李云经才放心地闭上了眼睛。 父亲去世了,李嘉诚自觉长大了许多,他明白,从此以后他要挑起全家的生活重担了。尽管舅舅表示要资助李家,但倔强的李嘉诚仍然决定中止学业,打工挣'''。他相信只要自己肯努力,一定能出人头地。舅舅表示支持他,因为舅舅自己也是十多岁就离开父母到广州打天下的。不过,他仍然没有让李嘉诚进他的公司。李嘉诚明白没有人可以帮助他,他必须赤手空拳闯出一条路来。 月明走的却是完全不同的另一条路。她以优异成绩从英华女子中学毕业后,进入香港大学,后来又留学于日本明治大学。她的生活之路充满阳光'''鲜花。但难得的是,她从来没有嫌弃过表哥。而且,她与李嘉诚两小无猜的纯真感情还随着年龄的增长转变为热烈的爱情。她一直牵挂着在香港拼搏的表哥。李嘉诚踏上谋生路后,不管是当茶楼的堂倌、还是当'''表公司的学''',月明对李嘉诚都是一往情深,她在精神上对李嘉诚的慰藉'''支持,鼓舞着李嘉诚战胜了一个又一个的困难。 1950年,年仅22岁的李嘉诚在筲箕湾创办长江塑胶厂。“长江”取意于“长江不择细流,故能浩荡万里”,足见李嘉诚的雄心壮志。月明更加欣赏表哥,并为他感到自豪。 办厂初期,曾经出过质量事故,李嘉诚再一次体会到世态炎凉。危难之中,不变的是庄月明对表哥的一片赤诚之心。爱情的力量,将历经磨难的李嘉诚锻造成不屈的男子汉。 1955年,长江塑胶厂终于出现了转机,产销渐入佳境。1957年,李嘉诚到意大利考察,回港后率先推出塑胶花,随即成为热销产品。不久,他又积极开拓世界市场,很快就成为“塑胶花大王”。 1958年,李嘉诚涉足地产业,在港岛北'''建起了第一幢工业大厦;1960年,又在柴湾兴建了第二幢工业大厦,李嘉诚的事业迅速走向辉煌。 |百度首页 | 登录 | [pic][pic] ...
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...Aubrey Lorraine L. Rebanal July 19, 2011 BSBA- Marketing Management MWF/5-6:30pm/Ms. Songalia 1. Sykes Enterprises is a multinational corporation which provides business process outsourcing services, such as technical support and customer service. Sykes has over 51,000 employees at 80+ locations in 25 countries operating in 30 languages. SYKES provides customer contact management solutions and services in the business process outsourcing (BPO) arena. The company provides an array of customer contact management solutions to Fortune 1000 companies around the world, primarily in the communications, financial services, healthcare, technology and transportation and leisure industries. SYKES' services are categorized into three lines of business: Contact Center Services, TeleHealth, and Assistance Services. 1977 - SYKES begins as a small engineering firm with three employees in Charlotte, North Carolina 1979-1982 - The technical writing group begins in Charlotte marking the beginning of the Information Services branch 1992 - SYKES purchases Jones Technologies, Inc. in Sterling, Colorado and enters into customer support business 1993 - Company reorganizes, moves corporate office from Charlotte to Tampa, Florida 1996 - SYKES goes public – stock begins trading on NASDAQ First international presence with acquisition of Datasvar Support AB of Sweden 1997 - Several acquisitions including McQueen International Limited with multiple locations including operations...
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...Li Ka-shing and his characteristics Jianghui Yang COLL 148 February 13, 2013 Professor: Yvette Ricks Week 5 Leadership Outline: 100 points I. Li Ka shing is the businessman which I admire. I would like to introduce some of him characteristics and points out how those characteristics are helpful for me to succeed in future college and career. A. My paper is about what are the characteristics of the richest Chinese Li Ka-shing and why he is a good leader to teach me leadership skills and individual accountability to success in college and career. B. Anthony B.Chan (1997) claims that “Li Ka-shing is the richest man in Asia and eleventh global fortune according to Forbes in 2011. Li Ka-shing is the boss of conglomerates Hutchison Whampoa, Cheung Kong Holdings and Watson Group, the world leader in port management.” C. The purpose of this paper is to display what characteristics Li Ka-shing has and how those characteristics has helped him and will help me to success in business field. D. Li Ka-shing is the most hard-working, talentful and smart businessman I have ever known and he has many characteristics for me to learn. II. My major is Business Administration and I will concentrate in Finance. A. I am choosing this field from the influence of my father. My father is a businessman and he made me be interested in business and owning a successful company. B. I am planning to graduate in May 2014. Before that I need to take 4 courses in each session. That would...
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...European telecommunications industry that burned $150 billion bidding for 3G licenses, but wrote off plans for network roll-out. Similarly, the performance of NTTDoCoMo (http://www.nttdocomo.com) and KTF (http://www.ktf.com), which recently launched 3G in Japan and South Korea, respectively is not encouraging. However, Hutchison Whampoa (http://www.hutchisonwhampoa.com), a conglomerate controlled by Hong Kong’s most influential tycoon, Li Ka-shing, begs to differ. It is charging into 3G at a breakneck speed by spending $17.5 billion to set up nine operators (through JVs and WOSs) in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, and Sweden. As a first mover, Hutchison is betting that it can pioneer and dominate a new business. Its global brand is simply called “3.” Except Hong Kong and Australia, where Hutchison has been a telecom player, 3 will be a first –time entrant not only in 3G, but also in the entire telecom industry in the other seven countries. Therefore, 3 will confront the “double whammy” of having to overcome both the liability of foreignness as an unknown player and the liability of new technology. The countries Hutchison seeks to enter are developed markets saturated by strong local competitors. The number of cell phone users there has peaked, and 3 will have to take market share away from incumbents, an...
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...Husky Energy Inc; Foreign Exposure, Portfolio Analysis Phillip Oliveira Sheridan College FINA30065 March 22, 2015 Husky Energy; Foreign Exchange Exposure Husky Energy is Canadian, vertically integrated oil and gas retailer, operating “555 gas stations in Canada” (Hoover’s Inc, 2015), along with oil refining operations in the Canadian oil sands and off-shore Newfoundland and Labrador refineries. They are also operating the Liwan Gas Project, which consists of a 40% “working interest in the Wenchang oil field in the South China Sea”. (Husky Energy Inc., 2015) They are also planning further offshore developments in Indonesia. Husky itself, is actually controlled by Hutchison Whampoa Lmt, a Chinese investment holding company. (Hoover’s Inc, 2015) While Husky is an international oil extraction company. As the majority of Husky’s operations are located in Canada, it is primarily a Canadian company. Its operations in both China and Indonesia though, it faces exchange rate exposure from both the Chinese Yuan and the Indonesian Rupiah. This is because it currently owns a 40% stake in the Chinese Wenchang oil field extraction operation, and has plans to develop oil fields in Indonesia. Assuming that local Chinese labour will be used for the construction and operation of these facilities, all labour cost will be incurred in local currencies. Also, it can be assumed that materials suppliers and contractors will be acquired from local suppliers in order to cut down on transportation...
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...decisions that has allowed them to operate their networks in over 30 countries as well as operate partner networks in over 40 countries. In 2007, Vodafone Group entered the Indian market by acquiring 67% of Hutchison Essar, one of India’s largest mobile telecommunications companies, for $11.1 billion. After the time of the acquisition, the company was rebranded which was in accordance with Vodafone Group’s practice. The company was now known as Vodafone Essar. In 2011, Vodafone Group agreed to buy out Essar and purchased their 33% stake in the business for $5.46 billion. This agreement left Vodafone Group owning 75% of the mobile phone business with the remaining shares being held by individual investors. Due to Indian law, a foreign company cannot own more than 74% of a local phone operator therefore; this agreement required Vodafone Group to ensure they were in compliance by either selling 1% of their shares of offering an initial public offering. The company was again renamed and was now known as Vodafone India (Vodafone). The initial $11.1 billion investment in India by Vodafone Group was done through a Netherlands based subsidiary. This subsidiary acquired Hong Kong based Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd.’s stake in Hutchison Essar Ltd. Hutchison Essar Ltd was a joint venture that held and operated the telecom licenses in...
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...HUTCHISON WHAMPOA'S FINANCING STRATEGY PRIOR TO JUNE 1997 A financing strategy is integral to an organization’s strategic plan. It sets out how the organization plans to finance its overall operations to meet its objectives now and in the future. Hutchison, like other large firms in Hong Kong, relied heavily on internally generated funds to fuel growth. Having reserves of 67,994m (more than twiceof operating expenses in 1996), it is stable enough to continue without external funding, indicating a conservative financing strategy. Debt ratios for 1995 & 1996 are 46% and 42% respectively, showing HWL’s relatively medium dependency on debt . With approximate interest coverage ratio of 4.96 and an A3/A+ credit rating from Moody’s and S&P respectively, HWL was considered to have a relatively low default risk. As stated in the case, HWL had “drawn on short-and medium-term loan facilities underwritten by banking syndicates for external financing”. Prior to June 1997, the longest debt maturity HWL had offered was 9 years including subsidiary loans. Looking at HWL’s long term liabilities in 1996, 69.5% of its loans are repayable in 5 years which further indicates the firm’s strategy of borrowing without long term obligations to maintain liquidity and flexibility. There is a net cash outflow of 5,486 compared to cash inflow of 3,950 – this was mainly due to the increase in purchase of and advances to associated companies, additions to managed funds and other investments, and purchase...
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...AF4320 Corporate Finance Semester 1, 2013-2014 Individual Written Assignment This essay will trace the dividend payouts of three public companies in the last consecutive fifteen years and find the key factors which affect a company’s payout policy. The three public companies, namely Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), CLP Holdings Limited (CLP), and The Bank of East Asia (BEA), are all the constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Index. HWL Dividend Payout History over Last Fifteen Years Figure 1.1 A glance at the figure provided reveals changes in HWL’s dividend payout in the last consecutive fifteen years. During this period, HWL’s dividends per share (DPS) climbed steadily from $1.16 to $2.08, with only four changes, while the company’s earnings per share (EPS), an indicator valuating a company’s financial performance in terms of how much earnings made for equity holders, fluctuated greatly, ranging from a low of $1.72 to a peak of $27.65. It should be noted with great attention that HWL’s DPS had remained unchanged at $1.73 for ten consecutive years before it rose again to $1.92 in 2010. Dividend Policy As one of the biggest corporations in Hong Kong, HWL has long been dedicated to providing stably increasing returns to its investors (HWL, Annual Report 2012). The actual dividend payouts follow quite consistent with the company’s statement: four moderate rises without any decrease, as demonstrated by the above figure. Figure 1.2 The dramatic difference between the...
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...Letter of Transmittal November 28, 2008 Mr. Md. Shibli Shahriar Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Daffodil International University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, I am very happy to submit my Internship Report assigned to me at the completion of my BBA program. While working on the report, I have tried to follow each and every guideline that you had advised. It has been a very enlightening experience to work on this project and I have thoroughly enjoyed my internship period at CityCell. The authority of Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited has also extended their cooperation as and when required. I hope you will accept my report and kindly oblige. Sincerely, Md.Fazlay Elahi Sakib ID:042-11-365, Batch: 8th Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) Contact:01715909903 Acknowledgement This internship report would not be completed without the help and cooperation of the following people. First of all I would like to thank honorable faculty member and my internship advisor, Mr. Md. Shibli Shahriar, Assistant Professor, BBA program for giving me the permission to work on this topic. My special appreciation and sincere gratitude goes to him for the clear guidelines given, which was very help for me to understand and prepare the structure of the paper. Next, I would like to thank Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited authority for their cooperation in doing this project. I would specially like to thank...
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...VODAFONE Australia's revenue fell by 16 per cent in the last three months of 2012 as it continued to lose thousands of customers. Accounts released overnight by Vodafone's Europe-based parent showed that its 50 per cent share in the telco’s Australian business lost 64,000 customers in the three months to December 31, to 3.11 million. As Vodafone operates in Australia as a joint venture with Hong Kong’s Hutchison Whampoa, the decline means that the local operation shed a total of 128,000 customers during the period. Vodafone Australia’s total mobile subscriber base is now 6.2 million. Telstra yesterday revealed it had grown its mobile base by another 607,000 subscribers in the half to December taking its total to 14.4m. Optus, the nation’s No. 2 telco, has 9.5 million mobile customers. Vodafone Australia’s losses contributed to a 16 per cent fall in its service revenue during the December quarter. Vodafone’s local operations continue to be punished by a series of network meltdowns and customer privacy breaches dating back to 2010. Since that time Vodafone Australia has lost about 1.3 million customers. The telco has spent $1.7 billion in the last two years trying to repair its mobile network and bring it to parity with Telstra and Optus, however it has so far been unable to completely fix its damaged brand. “The business continues to focus on network improvements and arresting weakness in brand perception,'' Vodafone Group said in its third quarter financial report. In...
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...What is tax haven? Why are all tycoons so crush on them? In January 9, 2015, Cheung Kong Holdings Limited announced the restructuring arrangement of combining Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa to form a new listed company: “CK Hutchison Holdings Limited”. This newly established company is incorporated at Cayman Islands (SCMP, 2015) which has been commonly known as “tax haven”. As the name implies, tax haven is a place where levy taxes at a very low rate or even not at all to companies registered there. It has been an interesting phenomenon that most of the largest corporations in the world, they are not registered at the place where they operate their major business or make most of the profits. Indeed, how is this mechanism works? How could the multi-national corporations in the world transfer their profits made all over the world to these tax havens to avoid tax? Advantages of tax havens If we look at the figures provided by HKEX in 2013, 724 out of 1602 companies listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange market are incorporated in Cayman Islands (881903, 2015). This has indicated that it has already been a common practice for listed companies to be registered in these offshore financial centre. Take Cayman Islands as an example, being one of the most popular tax havens in the world, not only it has a no profit tax levied, but also it comes with much looser company law and other financial regulations. For the investors who want to register a company in Cayman Islands...
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...Introduction The Telecommunication industry plays an important role in the Irish economy in terms of size and employment. Continuous development in the telecommunication sector improves the lives of Irish citizens by changing the way we interact with family and friends, the way we learn and the way we do business. In Ireland, the Telecommunication industry is regulated by the Commission for Communications Regulations (Comreg), which is responsible for the regulation of the telecommunications, broadcasting and postal markets, based on the EU regulatory framework. (The contribution of Telecommunications to the Irish Economy, 2005). Currently, the major players in the Irish Telecommunication industry are Vodafone, Eir, Sky, Three Group and Virgin Media. This report will focus on Three Ireland. In order to analyse Three Group in Ireland and give future recommendations to the company, we have started from an external analysis of the Irish Telecommunication Industry. In doing so, we have used tools such as PESTEL analysis and Porter’s Five Forces that allowed us to better understand the environment in which the company operates. We have then focused on the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company by conducting a SWOT analysis. Finally, we have identified areas in which the company should focus in the future in order to keep its competitiveness. According to their website, Three is Ireland’s largest high speed network and fastest growing mobile operator. Launched in 2005...
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... } RequestProcessor processor = new RequestProcessor(collection); int numberOfThreads = 5; Thread[] threads = new Thread[numberOfThreads]; for (int index = 0; index < threads.length; index++) { threads[index] = new Thread(processor); threads[index].start(); } try { for (int index = 0; index < threads.length; index++) { threads[index].join(); } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } ThreadStatisticsSetup.print(); } One possible output is: Tabulator: 1 Count 1137 for candidate Bill O'Reilly=20.695303967965053% Tabulator: 1 Count 1077 for candidate Ann Coulter=19.603203494721516% Tabulator: 1 Count 1090 for candidate Rachel Maddow=19.839825263924283% Tabulator: 1 Count 1094 for...
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...Introduction to Philosophy American Intercontinental University Philosophy ABSTRACT Throughout life, we deal with many day-to-day situations. Some come in forms of Mere Assertions, Circular Reasoning’s and Ad Hominem to name a few. If you ever knew what these terms mean. I will give a brief description and example of these meanings. There are nine different types of segmentations in philosophy that are used in the world today. The different segmentations are mere assertions, circular reasoning’s, ad hominem, red herring, pseudo questions, false cause, sweeping generalization, slippery slope and equivocation or changing meanings. These different segments play an essential role in our day-to-day environment. For instance, if you read in the newspaper that a crime was committed, that is an example of mere assertions. In society today, this phrase is heard repeatedly, “You do the crime, you pay the time.” This means that if you commit a crime you, will be punished to the extent of law. In some Middle Eastern countries, they cut your hand off for stealing. In the other parts of the world including the United States, you are innocent until proven guilty. They have to prove with a reasonable doubt that the individual committed the crime. This means that they have to provide evidence to the court showing that beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual was guilty of the crime. This is an example of mere assertions, if someone commits a crime you must have the...
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...In today’s society, the majority of the public receives its news from networks putting forth mass media broadcasts. Many of these news stories attempt to summarize published research studies; however, people need to understand that all of the information they receive from news networks are not always accurate and truthful. The article “Study says person's trustworthiness determined by how close photo is taken,” published by Fox News on October 25th, 2012, is an example of how a news network can present a story that is bias, and lacks information. The study, “Perspective Distortion from Interpersonal Distance Is an Implicit Visual Cue for Social Judgments of Faces,” conducted by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), tested whether or not a person’s trustworthiness is affected by how close their photo was taken. The study consisted of four experiments testing multiple audiences on various photos of white males. Each experiment had two pictures for the test participants to analyze; one picture was a man’s face from two feet away, the other being seven feet away. The subjects then rated the man’s trustworthiness by using the “trust meter” they received. For example, the mean trust investment difference in experiment one was 3.2 > 2.45 (far face - close face). The other three experiments had similar results, supporting the claim that the closer someone’s picture was taken, the less trustworthy that person will look in that individual picture (Bryan, Perona, & Adolphs...
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