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Annie Sullivan Research Paper

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Imagine being born with two other siblings that died, a mother who dies of sickness, and an abusive father who abandons you. Annie Sullivan was a part of that family, which gave a young child a horrifying and depressing start to life. But, over time the fog uplifted from her dark world, and she became a famous name in history. Annie Sullivan faced a harsh and discouraging childhood, taught Helen Keller, a deaf and blind girl, how to understand the world, and became an inspiration for teachers and disabled people everywhere. During her childhood, Annie faced several issues in family and personal health. She was born in 1866 in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts. Her family started with Alice and Thomas Sullivan, who lived in Ireland, but emigrated …show more content…
Throughout her career, she didn’t gain many accomplishments, but she is mostly known for her wonders in teaching Helen Keller. After Annie graduated, her principal from school, Mr.Agonos, had received a letter from a family asking for help for their daughter, Helen Keller. Mr.Agonos mentioned this opportunity to Annie and offered her to the desperate family. Once Annie met her patient, she started teaching her by using a technique in which you give the physical object of something to someone in one hand, and then fingerspell the word in the other. Rapidly, Helen caught on to understanding how to spell. Annie and Helen’s kind of story was nearly unheard of, with only one other person back then had actually achieved something similar to her, making Anne an easily recognizable name. As time continued and Helen and Annie both got older, Annie decided Helen should write an autobiography. During the publishing process of Helen’s book, Annie found John May to help with the editing. Quickly, the two fell in love. And although Annie rejected John’s offers to marry her multiple times, she finally said yes. Furthermore, the couple married on May 3, 1905, and never had any children. Eventually, though, John May left Annie, because he believed she cared too much about Helen Keller. Additionally, Annie was awarded many honors and awards, including her name in the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Also, in 1930 through 1931, Helen and Anne were given honorary degrees from Temple University in Pennsylvania. Lastly, after Annie passed, a movie was set to be made called, “The Miracle Worker” to tell their story. When doctors diagnosed Annie they realized her trachoma and she was extremely obese. Moreover, the doctors had trouble the first time with an incorrect diagnosis. Meanwhile, her illness worsened, and eventually she died on October 20, 1936. Although Annie had a painful death, her life did not go unnoticed,

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