...when outweigh the costs, conversely when house prices do not control, its influence will do more harm than good. Introduction Real estate prices question has been one of the important bothers Chinese governments, in my personal view, China's real estate prices continued to raise a few reasons. Was the total population growth, income level, continue to improve, housing costs rising prices, housing loan stimulation, rising expectations, etc. These reasons have been plagued by domestic real estate researchers, real estate prices also leads to national many influence. Its positive influence is can promote economic growth and increase GDP; Negative influence is can lead to inflation, expand the gap between rich and poor. 3.0 Research Methodology Choosing the topic and search the information on the Internet Neatening up the information I search from the Internet Collecting the data Making conclusions Analyzing the reasons by myself Coming up with the solutions of the problems Writing the report 4.0 Main body As is known to all, recent 10 years house prices have plagued the government of China and national. The continued rise in house prices to common people bring heavy life burden, "humble abode" phenomenon has become a very common thing. Since 2005, real estate problem has become a hot topic, when two meetings convened life during, the...
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...ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY IN INDIA Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India A person resident outside India who is a citizen of India (NRI) can acquire by way of purchase, any immovable property in India other than agricultural land/plantation property/farm house. He can transfer any immovable property other than agricultural or plantation property or farm house to: a) A person resident outside India who is a citizen of India or b) A person of Indian origin resident outside India or c) A person resident in India. He may transfer agricultural land/ plantation property / farm house acquired by way of inheritance, only to Indian citizens permanently residing in India. Payment for acquisition of property can be made out of: i. Funds received in India through normal banking channels by way of inward remittance from any place of India or ii. Funds held in any non-resident account maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the regulations made by Reserve Bank Of India from time to time. Such payment can not be made either by traveller’s cheque or by foreign currency notes or by other mode than those specially mentioned above. A person resident outside India who is a person of Indian Origin (PIO) can acquire any immovable property in India other than agricultural land / farm house / plantation property:i. By way of purchase out of funds received by way of inward remittance ...
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...คูมือการคาการลงทุนไทยในจีน สถานกงสุลใหญ นครเซี่ยงไฮ มีนาคม 2556 จัดทำโดย สารจากกงสุลใหญ ณ นครเซี่ยงไฮ ทุกวันนี้ คงไมมีใครปฏิเสธไดถึงความสำคัญของตลาดจีน ตลาดขนาดใหญที่นับวัน จะมีกำลังซื้อสูงขึ้นสืบเนื่องจากเศรษฐกิจที่พัฒนาอยางรวดเร็วและตอเนื่อง ความเจริญทางเศรษฐกิจนี้ มิไดจำกัดอยูเฉพาะเมืองศูนยกลางเศรษฐกิจดั้งเดิมของจีนเทานั้น แตไดแผขยายไปยังหัวเมืองชั้นรอง ตางๆ ซึ่งมีอัตราการเจริญเติบโตที่สูงไมแพเมืองศูนยกลางดั้งเดิม หรืออาจจะมากกวาเสียดวยซ้ำ ปรากฏการณการขยายตัวของเขตเมือง และการเติบโตของชนชั้นกลางอยางรวดเร็วในจีนไดนำมาซึ่ง โอกาสทางธุรกิจ และเปนเสมือนแมเหล็กดึงดูดใหธุรกิจจากนานาประเทศสนใจที่จะเขาสูตลาดแหงนี้ ไมเวนแมแตประเทศไทย และคำกลาวที่คุนเคยกันดีวา “ถนนทุกสายมุงสูจีน” ก็ยังคงเปนจริงอยูใน ปจจุบัน แตการมุงสูจีนของธุรกิจตางชาติก็มิใชจะราบรื่นเสมอไป ผูที่ไดมีประสบการณในจีน แลวตางเห็นพองกันวา การทำธุรกิจในตลาดแหงนี้เต็มไปดวยความทาทาย ไมเพียงแตวัฒนธรรมการ ทำธุรกิจและภาษาที่แตกตาง แตยังมีกฎระเบียบที่ซับซอนและเกี่ยวของกับการอนุมัติจากหลาย หนวยงาน ของจีนเปนอุปสรรคสำคัญสำหรับธุรกิจตางชาติ ซึ่งหากขาดการศึกษาอยางดีแลวก็ยอม กระทบตอการกาวเขาสูตลาดแหงนี้อยางหลีกเลี่ยงไมได ดวยเล็งเห็นความสำคัญของขอมูลกฎระเบียบในการทำธุรกิจในจีน โดยเฉพาะใน สาขาที่ไทยมีศักยภาพ สถานกงสุลใหญ ณ นครเซี่ยงไฮ โดยการสนับสนุนงบประมาณจากกระทรวง การตางประเทศ จึงไดจัดทำ “คูมือการทำธุรกิจในจีน” ฉบับนี้ขึ้น โดยความรวมมือจากบริษัท KPMG สาขานครเซี่ยงไฮ ซึ่งเปนบริษัทที่ปรึกษาดานธุรกิจชั้นนำของโลก คูมือดังกลาวประกอบดวยขั้นตอน...
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...JOCM 11,4 282 Foreign companies and Chinese workers: employee motivation in the People’s Republic of China Terence Jackson Centre for Cross Cultural Management Research, EAP European School of Management, Oxford, UK and Mette Bak BASF, Shanghai, China Introduction: the challenge of motivating Chinese employees At the end of 1978, during its “third plenum”, the Chinese Communist Part Central Committee gave economic reform top-level priority. Following the Second Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress on 1 July 1979, foreigners were permitted by law “to establish equity joint ventures together with Chinese companies, enterprises or other economic organizations … within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, on the principle of equity and mutual benefit” (PRC, 1987). Since the beginning of these economic reforms in 1979 the Chinese economy has exploded, with an average annual growth rate in GNP of 10 per cent over the last decade, with the attainment of 20 per cent in the coastal areas designated “special economic zones” (EIU, 1994). Foreign direct investment more than doubled between 1987 and 1990 (Kelley and Shenkar, 1993), despite a slow-down after the Tiananmen Square incident, with an estimate of more than 150,000 joint ventures in China. Much of this investment comes from Hong Kong (68.2 per cent in 1992) and other countries of Eastern Asia, with European countries, and even the USA (with 4.6 per cent in 1992) badly represented. Despite this...
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...THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POS2001: Governance: Concepts, Issues and Perspective Topic 8: Overall, how would you assess the recent stamp duty changes in Hong Kong? Is this special stamp duty fair to foreign companies and non-permanent Hong Kong residents? Stamp duties from the tax history theoretical point of view, the development of any kind of tax are related to the prevailing political and economic. In Hong Kong, Special Stamp Duty (SSD) is the government on November 20, 2010 for the pressure to curb the property market overheating additional increase in tax rate and the applicable period. Any individuals or companies in Hong Kong after November 27, 2010 that are bought the property and sold their property within 24 months (if the property is in the November 20, 2010 to October 2012, 26 disposal (including resale) or 36 months (such as property obtained on or after October 27, 2012 or transfer) of the property are needed to pay the special stamp duty. According to the Hong Kong information service department official website, the SSD calculation methods have changed on October 27, 2012. If the property has been held for six months or less the tax rate from 15% increased to 20%.The Hong Kong government want to solve the price of property raises rapidly in this few years, so they try to adjust the SSD tax rate from 15% increased to 20% in order to adjust the balance in the market recently. Also, with the announcement by the United States Federal...
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...To: Professor Branch From: Andrew Jerram Date: August 19, 2014 Subject: A brief journey through BP in the oil industry Most of us use or rely on crude oil products every day of our lives, whether directly with gasoline to fill up our cars or indirectly through products we use each day at home and work. Yet few people really know or think about the amazing process which transforms crude oil into useful products and ultimately provide us the freedoms in lifestyles to which we have become accustomed. The journey of crude oil into refined products is long, arduous and at times contentious, from initial exploration, to transportation and refining. Multinational energy companies, such as BP face a multitude of international and national regulations, political, cultural and environmental challenges, in the highly complex business world in which they exist. The following memorandum provides details of BP’s various operations in the different aspects of the industry, spanning countries across the world, highlighting some of these challenges, the impacts of the operations and the truly global nature of the oil industry. (See appendix 1 for BP operations activity map). Canada - Oil sands In the US, BP sources much of their crude oil from the Canadian oil sands in the province of Alberta for supply into the Midwest market. Oil sands in Canada are the third-largest proven crude oil reserves in the world, after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. One of the big questions facing BP...
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...should take the responsibility for protecting the environment. Some people state that developed countries should undertake the main responsibility of environmental improvement; others believe that developing countries should not rely heavily on developed countries’ supports. However, to address this concern, countries worldwide should join forces, instead of working individually for their own targets. Under current economic climate, developing countries cannot pump lots of money in field of lower priority, which stretch public resources to the limit. This means that developing countries has not enough money to develop other field. In other words, their governments would like to give top priority to meeting people’s basic needs, such as housing and medical care. Therefore, it is necessary for developed countries to share responsibility for environmental protection costs. In addition, developed countries have advance technology, abundant capital and rich experience, which are benefit for developing countries. Many developed countries are trying to stay profitable by shifting factories to developing countries, and the most factories are harmful for the local environment. Due to this cause, we should recognize that environment of developing countries are in urgent need of support, because their environments are susceptible to Human-caused destruction of nature. Moreover, the impact of environmental problems is normally on a...
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...Foreign Direct Investment in India | The fast and steadily growing economy of India in majority of its sectors, has made India one of the most famous and popular destinations in the whole world, for Foreign Direct Investment. India's ever-expanding markets, liberalization of trade policies, development in technology and telecommunication, and loosening of diverse foreign investment restrictions, have further collectively made India, the apple of investors' eye, for most productive, profitable, and secure foreign investment. According to a recent survey by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), India has conspicuously emerged out as the second most popular and preferable destination in the entire world, after China, for highly profitable foreign direct investment. In recent years, bulk of the foreign direct investment in indian business sectors of infrastructure, telecommunication, information technology, computer hardware and software, and hospitality services, have been made by investors of countries like US, UK, Mauritius, Singapore, and many others. Global Jurix, one of the leading full-fledged legal organizations of India with global repute, has been helping companies, business corporations, organizations, and other potential investors of countries all around the world, in making foreign direct investment in indian business sectors, in various ways described in the section below. | FDI - Inbound and Outbound | The Foreign Direct Investment...
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...Suggestions Walmart needs to adjust to the Chinese market, while leveraging its source of competitive advantage. This requires a delicate balance. At the US, the brand Walmart is associated with low price rather than quality. In China, where everyone is going for low prices and providing low quality to do so, Walmart’s own brand could be an assurance for low prices but with quality by making the Walmart name about more than just retailing. The suggested strategy in the 2008 Walmart supplier meetings shows that it’s heading in that direction (Business Week). This also follows Gome’s strategy of renaming its suppliers to their own brand (Business Week), but goes beyond it as the foreign brand in China is already associated with higher reliability and quality assurance. This actually holds true in China were retailers do a better job of enforcing supplier quality than the local regulations. With that, Walmart is still able to use its expertise and knowledge in supplier negotiation and distribution system to keep costs down. Although Walmart is a Joint-Venture, the sources do not mention any attempt to leverage the local partner to meet the local market, which seems the opposite to some other joint ventures discussed like Danone and Wahaha. Working together with the local partner to understand where and how the local regulations can be used or adjusted for Walmart’s success and gaining a stronger hold of the potential customer’s heart might help Walmart’s growth and dominance in...
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...Financial Theories Overview Edward E. Edgar University of Phoenix Financial Theories Overview The following is an overview of 10 different financial theories prevalent today. The overview will include a brief description of the theory, an example of the theory, and other attributes of the theory. There will also be a conclusion to sum up a general understanding of the theories and their applications. Efficiency theory Efficiency theory has been around since the 60s and, is an extension of the efficiency theory of a capitalist society. Generally the theory is that scant resources are distributed by the owner in an efficient manner. The owner choses the best outcome for his or her investment and regulates resources and products accordingly. This is extended to the stock market in the 60s and has been a prevalent theory since. The theory as applied to the stock market says that all information of the market is fully reflected in the price of the stock and efficiently assimilated (Fama, 1970). Examples Generally stock returns are compared to overall market returns. A mutual fund company will compare their returns to the general stock market return and state they are a certain percentage above or below the market standard returns. Most will try to say they have beaten the market average. This is true for most investing firms and, is used as a selling point for the company or mutual fund. Attributes If this theory was to be taken to the extreme one would have to say that...
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...sector in terms of both output and employment, and manufacturing firms themselves become increasingly service centric in order to remain competitive. Some have argued that the decline in manufacturing and corresponding shift to services is unsupportable in the long run as services depend critically on manufacturing for their demand. Although this argument may be applicable for certain services such as retailing and transportation, it does not entirely hold for many other services. IT in particular very high services sector growth. Russia at 5.5 per cent and Brazil at 4.0 per cent are a distant third and fourth respectively. While India’s growth rate of the services sector at 10.1 per cent in 2009 was higher than that of China at 9.6 per cent, in 2010 it has decelerated to 7.7 per cent while China’s has remained constant (Table 10.1). All this highlights the prominence of the services sector for India. Despite the higher share of services in India’s GDP and China’s dominance in manufacturing over services, the hard fact, however, is that in terms of absolute value of services GDP and also in terms of growth of services, China is still ahead of India in 2010. Services GDP: International Comparison In 2010, the share of services in the US$63 trillion world gross domestic product (GDP) was nearly 68 per cent, as in 2001. India’s performance in terms of this indicator is not only above...
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...Tables of contents Part 1 Introduction and Problem Statement 5 1.1Introduction 5 1.2Problem Statement 6 Part 2 Methodology 7 2.1 Theory of international financial center 7 2.2 Theory of bank management mode 8 Part 3 Analysis 10 3.1 Management mode of China Merchants Bank 10 3.21 Industrial structures 10 3.22 Services provide to customers 11 3.23 Source of profit 12 3.24 Financial products 12 3.3 The advantages of China Merchants Bank under the construction of international financial center 13 3.31 History and location 13 3.43 Headquarters circle 15 3.5 The challenges of China Merchants Bank under the construction of international financial center 16 3.52 Competitions from the non-bank financial institutions 17 3.53 Weakness in leading of Shanghai 17 Part4 Evaluation 19 4.1 The transformation of China Merchants Bank 19 4.11 Introduce financial talents 19 4.12Enhance the service satisfaction 21 4.13Adjust the industrial structure 22 4.14 Promote efficiency 22 4.15 Innovative financial products 23 4.2 GFIC analysis and People Factor 24 5. Suggestions 28 5.1 Diversified financial services 28 5.2 Financial personnel policy after the subprime crisis 29 5.3 Make reasonable risk early warning mechanism 30 6. Conclusion 31 7. Bibliography 32 Student statement 33 I hereby declare that the contents of my thesis on 33 Part 1 Introduction and Problem Statement 1.1Introduction In the development of financial globalization...
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...XIAMEN AIRLINES: PAY FOR PERFORMANCE Company Overview: Xiamen Airlines was established in July, 1984 jointly by CAAC and the Fujian Provincial government. By December 2013, its shareholders were china Southern Airlines Co. Ltd., Xiamen C&D corp. Ltd. And Jizhong energy Resources Co. Ltd with 51%, 34% and 15% of shares respectively. They are the only Chinese Airlines featuring all Boeing fleet, operating 102 fleet with 16,650 seats on 218 domestic routes and 26 International and regional routes. They are known for its excellent customer service and extraordinary safety performance. In 2014, Xiamen Airlines employees 11,000+ employees including 1000+ pilots. Airlines Industry in China: Strengths | Weakness | * Highest population in the world * Permitting the private sector to enter into the industry * Increase in Passenger traffic * Steady increase in the need for transportation within the country * Regulation for pilots to avoid them from switching the companies | * Huge investment * Very less players in the market | Opportunities | Threats | * Industry is growing 10 times faster than USA * The revenue passenger kilometer increased by 12% | * Hugh speed rail system development * Pilot shortage | Challenges faced by Xiamen Airlines: * High attrition rate of the pilots and switching to other airlines * Unequal pay system i.e. more pay for the foreign pilots and relatively lesser pay for the domestic pilots * Lack...
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...xM&A Law Firm LEGAL GUIDE TO DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA CONTENT I. OVERVIEW ...................................1 II. FORMING A COMPANY IN CHINA ................................................................2 III. MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS ................................................................8 IV. TAXATION ...................................12 2011.05 Address: 13th/14th F, Huamin Empire Plaza 726 West Yan An Road, 200050 Shanghai,China Tel: (8621) 52370950 I. OVERVIEW This guide provides foreign investors an overview of the laws and regulations governing business in mainland China. After 30 years law making and reform, in 2010s, China has already promulgated a body of written statutes governing commercial affairs, including company management, employment, making contract etc. There exists an even larger body of implementing regulations and circulars issued by governmental authorities. The law in China often evolves in a piecemeal fashion, with certain regulations applicable experimentally only in certain geographic regions or with the issuance of temporary “interim” regulations that nevertheless have the force of law. The written statutes and regulations are often pitched at a relatively high level of generality, leaving significant discretion to implementing officials. Questions of law are resolved generally directly by the administrative agencies in charge of enforcing those laws, rather than by the courts. V. EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAW ......................
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...DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA: The Human Rights Challenge CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION China: World Economic and Manufacturing Centre Why Are Human Rights so Important for International Business? Chinese Legislation: Gap Between Theory and Practice p. 3 p. 4 p. 6 II. SPECIFIC ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Freedom of Association, the Right to Form and Join Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining 2. Working Conditions 3. Discrimination 4. Forced Labour 5. Forced Evictions 6. The Rights of Children 7. The Right to Freedom of Expression and Information p. 8 p. 12 p. 16 p. 20 p. 23 p. 26 p. 29 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 37 III. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO COMPANIES IV. CONCLUSION V. LEGAL STANDARDS AND SOURCES VI. CONTACT ADDRESSES 2 I. INTRODUCTION China: World Economic and Manufacturing Centre Over the years China has become one of the largest economies in the world and the manufacturing centre of the world. Since the seventies, China has sought joint venture partners and encouraged technology transfer through foreign investment. Chinese firms are successfully manufacturing products on behalf of numerous foreign companies. The Chinese government provides massive contracts to foreign firms in order to build up the infrastructure required for its industrialization. Many companies establish distribution networks in China in order to benefit from the large home-market and increasing purchasing power of Chinese consumers. Last but not least, in 2008 China organized the first...
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