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Appointed Place Of Duty Essay

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Why it is essential to the mission of the Navy to be at your appointed place of duty.

The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. In this way, having the maximum amount of man power is absolutely essential to each and every aspect of the mission of the Navy, all for different reasons.
Being at your appointed place of duty on time not only prevents you from being UA, but it also ensures your command has the ability to run at full capacity to accomplish its specific mission for the Navy. Therefore, if you are unable to be at your appointed place of duty, you not only hurt your command’s mission, you also hurt the mission of the Navy as a whole. If the command is missing even just one sailor, it cannot be called combat-ready. If even one command in the Navy is not combat-ready, even if that command just supports other commands, then the Navy is not combat ready.
If a sailor shows up late to their appointed place of duty, this means the rest of the command has to re-organize itself to adjust to this seemingly minor inconvenience. Senior Leadership will have to send sailors that were originally intended to work in specific areas, themselves, …show more content…
A prime example of this is when the USS Cole (DDG-67) was attacked by terrorists on 12 October 2000. Every sailor was in their appointed place of duty, exactly when they were supposed to be there, but that isn’t what made the events of that fateful day special. When the bomb the small boat was carrying exploded, it killed almost all of the ship’s DC-men. However, thanks to the exceptional training the DC-men had given the command’s sailors, the rest of the ship was able to take over for the DCs and prevent the ship from

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