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Appreciation Of War Analysis

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I feel that he describes his father as a true role model in the first few lines of his story. Then as the chapter progresses the sons curiosity grows for his father's stories and he begins to depict his father as a patriotic civil servant. I think he describes his father this way because he looks up to his father. When the boy described his father's generosity to help others he stated "Folks were always bringing their broken things to the farm for Ray Franks to fix. Mother told me that Dad could never say no if people needed help." (Tommy R. Franks, 2)Which shows his dedication his father had as civil servant and why he looks up to him. Not only did he look up to his father as a civil servant but also as a patriot. After describing his father's stories about American military history he goes on to say, "My father always explained things so I could see a picture. So many years later, I recall that afternoon clearly. This was my first appreciation of war. "(Tommy R. Franks, 2). this depicts why he looks up to his father; his father was always able to help him comprehend the appreciation for why Americans got involved in wars. The reason behind why the …show more content…
When he states "Harvard College was a negative force, and negative forces have value. Slowly it weakened the violent political bias of childhood..."(Henry Adams, 2) he illustrated why he described his education at Harvard in the manner he did. It is because he viewed it as a negative force and to him this negative force gave him a valuable neutral point of view on many issues in life. although I feel that he found this neutral point of view to have a negative side having no strong views, it did however also had a positive side and that was it raised his curiosity for

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