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Are Political Parties in Decline in the Us


Submitted By skinsella434
Words 698
Pages 3
Are Political Parties in Decline in the US?

The theory that parties in the US are in serious decline gained popularity in the early 70s with political writers, analysts and commentators like Broder publishing works claiming their demise. But following the popularisation of this opinion came party renewal theorists with strong claims to suggest political parties in the US were experiencing increasing support. By looking at a range of factors including Presidential primaries, party funding and other election based issues we can assess which of these claims is most accurate.

One major example of the central party losing power and importance is the fall in influence they experienced in the selection of their Presidential candidates in 1968. With Primaries and Caucuses replacing ‘party bosses’ in ‘smoke filled rooms’ the parties have to a large extent lost the power of deciding the Presidential candidate to the party voters and general electorate, illustrating their decline. However the parties have fought somewhat to regain control; the introduction of unpledged/super delegates, especially for The Democrats, has reduced the electorate’s power in the Primaries. Democrat Super-Delegates make up around a fifth of the total delegates giving them sizable significance like when they ensured Obama’s victory over Clinton in 2008. The Republican ‘establishment’ has too seen a renewal in influence, seemingly swaying the outcome of the Presidential candidate nomination process. A strong example of this is when Bush, popular with the party establishment, beat McCain to the nomination despite the majority of core Republican voters favouring McCain. Similarly, the central Democrat party’s push for Kerry over Dean was also successful despite Dean’s ‘invisible primary’ success.

Other evidence of party decline though is in the shift of campaign influence from the central

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