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Are Smart Drugs: Are They Helpful Or Harmful?

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Smart drugs are frequently used to enhance cognitive functioning. They are commonly used with individuals with cognitive impairments. It has been argued that smart drugs produce may beneficial effects. While some studies suggest smart drugs to be effective, others have shown it to be ineffective and also poses adverse effects. Smart drugs will not work for everyone because the brain is a complex system also because the structure of everyone's brain varies.

Smart drugs are fictional because they help individuals focus and pay attention. Smart drugs are not only used to perform better in school and on standardized tests, they are helpful performing tasks at work. Working in complex careers smart drugs can help individuals increase their work performance. As smart drugs help users have more energy, they are able to succeed. In a study conducted by the Harvard v School and the University of Oxford found modafinil, researchers found a popular smart drug used among students, that has been shown to improve cognitive skills that involved complex tasks, excluding memory function. Modafinil is a popular drug developed to help treat medical disorders such as narcolepsy, ADHD, and other cognitive conditions (Borreli, 2016). Although Modafinil and other drugs are created for medical benefits. Many pharmacological drugs including …show more content…
Advantages include social benefits, increased cognitive performance, and increased productivity (Mohamed, 2014). Smart drugs have the ability to boost cognition and normalize function in patients with debilitating neuropsychiatric disorders (Mohamed, 2014). Not only positive results in those with cognitive dysfunction are seen in the consumption of smart drugs, it is seen in healthy individuals. Mohamed (2014) states that there is empirical evidence that shows these drugs to be effective by with lowering the baseline of working memory performance are moderately improved by drugs like modafinil and

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