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Are We Worth The Value Of Life Worth?

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How should the value of life be measured? Should it be the way the government decided for the September 11 victims? Or should we value the life by how the people lived and what they did throughout their life? Many people do not know what the value of life is.
September 11 2001 the country had a terrible attack which many lives were taken. The families of theses victims were devastated losing a loved one. In this situation the government decided to give money to the family members of the victims. “ The courts started to put a dollar value on a life after death.” (What is life worth? Amanda Ripley).However, how much money is someone’s life worth? According to the article “what is life worth” the government believed the families should receive money based on what they would of made throughout their lifetime. So if this lady worked for higher part of the company and made more money than your husband who was just a janitor does her family deserve more money than yours? “First, the government will estimate how much a victim would have earned over his or her lifetime had the plans never crashed. That means the brokers family will qualify for a vastly higher award than a windows washers family.”(Feinberg) …show more content…
Is it right to give other families more money or less? No,every human should be seen as equal and be given the same amount of money for their losses.Instead of fighting for more and more money the families should of been together for everyone who had lost someone in this terrible attack starting to figure out how they can move on from this how they can be there for their children “david gordenstein lost his wife,he says but he would rather be devote his life to raising his two young daughters than pursuing a lawsuit.”(Ripley). And that is something the government should of

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