Premium Essay

Arguement of Fact


Submitted By czajas2
Words 731
Pages 3
Scott Czaja
English 112
Dr. Margaret Dunn
October 24, 2012
Is Capital Punishment Justifiable Is capital punishment really worth it. Is the planning of taking human life really that cost effective that we as humans can break our own morals and laws. Passions in the US are sharply divided and are equally strong on both sides of the argument. Since colonial times, roughly about 13,000 people have been executed under capital punishment, but what makes it right? Many people argue that capital punishment is well deserved to some of the criminals we see in the old today. "There are some defendants who have earned the ultimate punishment our society has to offer by committing murder with aggravating circumstances present. I believe life is sacred. It cheapens the life of an innocent murder victim to say that society has no right to keep the murderer from ever killing again. In my view, society has not only the right, but the duty to act in self defense to protect the innocent" says a New York Attorney. Many people agree with him as well. They feel that if someone feels like its ok to take anthers life then their life can be taken as well for punishment. People also feel that they pay for what these criminals do. To hold an inmate in prison, on death row or not, its about $30,600 per year that comes straight out of our taxes. So in reality people feel that we pay for the mistakes of these criminals when some of them should be held to capital punishment for the crimes that they have committed. People also believe that in the long run the death penalty helps saves innocent lives. Repeat murders from the same killer are very common when the criminal is not sentenced to life or death in prison. Finally people argue that the death penalty is needed for closure for the friends and families of the murdered. They deserve to have justice brought to the criminal

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