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Arguments Against Affordable Care

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The Affordable Care is not only hurting the general public, but also the medical industry in the United States. In a study published in 2011, conducted by Robert Kocher and Nikhil Sahni for the New England Journal of Medicine, both men noted a 75% increase of prior-private owned physicians beginning to sell their practices to work in hospitals between 2000-2008, (Kessler 61). The process of physicians selling their practice to become employed by hospitals is strongly encouraged by the Affordable Care Act. The ACA rewards both doctors and hospitals financially for joining together through the Medicare Shared Saving Program. However, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice both establish rules and guides in order to prevent hospitals …show more content…
Atlanta urologist Dr. Brian Hill, explains why he switched from his own practice to becoming employed by a hospital: "You see, our employees get paid first, the overhead gets paid first, the bills get paid first and then we get paid, and we were going through months where that wasn't happening, we weren't getting paid. Then came the Affordable Care Act with its set of rules and regulations, and additional administrative overhead. I look at my office and I've got a coder, I've got a biller, I've got someone who works on prior authorization, pre-certification, claims denial processes, quality care questions, discussing with an insurance company how we get paid. And it got to the point where we were really starting to look at ourselves and we were working harder and harder, working longer and longer hours and we just said, 'We just can't keep up with the administrative burden.'” (What) Hospitals require fewer working hours, provide more profitable jobs, and give administration staff to aid in paperwork to employed doctors.

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