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Armenia Genocide Research Paper

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Lily Remington
Ms. McKenzie
Language Arts – Period 1
November 1, 2017
Armenian Genocide – The Forgotten Genocide The history of the Armenians is very vast. They had lived in South Caucasus since the 7th century BC. Since then they have fought to maintain their land. They would fight Mongolian, Russian, Turkey, and Persian empires. Armenia had kings ruling over them; in the 4th century the ruling king became Christian and made that the mandatory religion of the Armenian Empire. This was still the religion even though neighboring countries were Muslim. They were under strict rules because of how many times they were conquered by other countries. The genocide, “[lies] in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. At the turn of the 20th Century, the …show more content…
This was the first massacre of the Armenian race. Furthermore,“in 1908, a new government came to power in Turkey. A group of reformers who called themselves the “Young Turks” overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid and established a more modern constitutional government” ( This new government wanted to Turkify the empire and that was bad news for the Arminians. This means that non-Turkish or catholic non-Turkish people were frowned down upon. In 1914 world war 1 was happening and Turkey joined on the side of Germany. Military leaders thought the Armenians would fight for the allies because they though if the allies won they would be free. Armenians sent battleships to Russia to fight the Turkish when the war got bigger. This combined with the Turkish fear that they wanted to be free so the Turkish started pushing for the Armenians to be removed. Consequently, “On April 24, 1915, the Armenian genocide [truly begins]” ( On this day the Turkish arrested and killed hundreds of Armenians. Others were sent on what were called death marches. They would walk though the Mesopotamian desert naked. If you stoped walking then you were shot. Murderers and ex-convicts were put into killing squads to kill the Christian believers. There were many ways that the Armenians were killed, like, “[drowning them] in rivers, [throwing] them off cliffs, [crucifing] them and [burning] them alive.” Some records …show more content…
If a group or country at some point punished the Christians in their society historian saw that they had a unjustified response to the subject. Like, “modern Islamic world’s response to the persecution of Christians is identical to Turkey’s response to the Armenian Genocide: Denial” ( The Turkish keep saying that the massacres and genocide was a necessary war measure. World war 1 was another reason this genocide is forgotten. It happened under the cover it provided. All of these reason should not have effect how much this war impacted the world. Never forgive and forget to

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