...Marimekko: Case Analysis 1985-1991 losses: Marimekko was in losses mainly because of the following reasons:- - There was a series of loss making years for the company and that effect had been carried forward to the concerned period as well; - The AMER Group was stifling the creativity of the organization and it’s employees because of a centralized management, which was report based and a multi stepped heirchaichal structure; - There was less consideration for creativity which meant that Marimekko may not have been coming up with profitable designs consistently. Kirsti Paakkanen’s Leadership and Vision:- Her leadership style can be described as “emotional management”. This includes all the principles that have guided her through life, such as emotion, respect, truth, enthusiasm, discipline, rewarding success, community spirit, taking full responsibility and caring about things. It is based on valuing people and on the belief that every individual has his own ability, original creativity and skills. This is why teamwork is the most important working method at Marimekko, and it has allowed the joy and even ecstasy of success to be experienced. Kirsti Paakkanen does not believe that the intrinsic creativity of design can be delegated, nor is it generated by organizing or planning, even though people often seem to think that is the case. Great talent is not easily steered to the extreme by means of reason alone. When reason says that it is time to stop, a strong instinct...
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...Pammy Velasco: ‘Beauty with a Cause’ By: Iris Deanne Nazaredo Pammy at first look could be very well just another typical pretty face you’ll encounter daily, but she isn,t. Pamela Ellinor Angat Velasco a.ka. “Pammy” is a 21 year old, very talented and outstanding 4th year Ab Communication student in her on-the-job training at the moment. She was born and raised in San Pablo City on the 25th of August 1991. She is the 2nd Child of Engr. Eufemio C. Velasco Jr and Lina A. Velasco. A Complete Package The photos will tell you obviously that she’s definitely an A-lister for beauty. And just this semester she proved that she’s not just a pretty face but a beauty with brains, she was able to avail an academic scholarship as a result of her efforts and hardwork. But it doesn’t end there. There is more. Along with the pretty face, intelligence and many different talents she has a HEART. A heart that brings warmth to everyone she loves and loves her. “Pammy is really a good friend coz she'll always be there whenever you need her. I can rely on her whether i am in need or not. She's also a strong person and what you see is what you get. What she's showing is the real her, no pretensions”, one of her closest friends said. This young lady is indeed a whole package plus more. Discovering Psoriasis Since she has a very beautiful face and a pleasing personality she has always been joining beauty contests since she was young. And right after a contest she joined when she was 13 years...
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...“Addio alle armi” di Hernest Hemingway Eva Chiesa Il tempo Le vicende narrate nel romanzo sono collocate in un tempo storico determinato, è, infatti, ambientato durante la prima guerra mondiale. Il primo capitolo soltanto si svolge nel 1916, dal secondo in avanti le vicende hanno luogo nel 1917 fino al 1918. Il tempo assume una grande importanza rispetto ai luoghi e ai personaggi, infatti il tempo caratterizza e spiega molti dei loro comportamenti. L’ordine cronologico è quasi sempre rispettato ma nell’insieme la storia è un flashback poiché è narrata con il tempo passato. Il ritmo del romanzo è piuttosto scorrevole e veloce, probabilmente tale aspetto è caratterizzato dall’influenza giornalistica nello stile di Hemingway. Lo spazio Le vicende nella storia sono ambientate principalmente nel Nord Italia. Il protagonista Frederic Henry si sposta maggiormente in Friuli, dove avviene la guerra. In seguito si sposta a Milano all’ospedale Americano, dove viene ricoverato poiché colpito da una bombarda. Infine giunge a Caporetto fino a ritirarsi in Svizzera con Catherine, luogo in cui termina l’opera. Le descrizioni sono piuttosto dettagliate ma pur sempre scorrevoli, Hemingway ha a disposizione spazi vasti all’aperto e ciò gli permette di articolare descrizioni analitiche. Lo spazio è prettamente reale, ideato anche dai ricordi di guerra di Hemingway stesso. Lo sfondo del romanzo è cupo, i paesaggi incarnano perfettamente zone di guerra, infatti...
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...Germans saw the Russians getting ready for the war, they declared war on them. France then come in against Germans and Austria-Hungary. Britain was pulled into the war when Germany attacked France through Belgium. Japan then entered the war.later the united states and Italy joined their allied countries. Imperialism is believed to have also caused the war. The british empire by 1900 had taken over five continents. France also had a large control over Africa. Countries needed new markets with the rise of industrialization. The number of continents that Britain and France increased the rivalry between them and germany. Germany tried to obtain colonies late and had small parts of Africa. The arms race also led to the world war. The armis of france and germany had increased prior to the world war. There was competition between Germany and Britain for control of the seas. British first introduced an effective...
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...INDICE……………………………………………………………………..………….2 INTRODUZIONE………………………………………………...…...………………5 CAPITOLO I…………………………………………………………..……………..10 Le origini e la genesi della NATO; dalla seconda Guerra Mondiale alla fine del Patto di Varsavia 1. 2. Gli antecedenti………………………………………………...………………10 Il ruolo della NATO negli anni della guerra fredda…………...………………13 CAPITOLO II………………………………………………………………………...20 Struttura e principi organizzativi dell’Alleanza 1. 2. I mezzi a disposizione ed i compiti fondamentali……………………………..21 Principi organizzativi di vertice dell’Alleanza………………………………...23 CAPITOLO III……………………………………………………………………….28 Il ruolo dell’Alleanza nel controllo degli armamenti 1. 2. 3. Il controllo delle armi Nucleari, Biologiche e Chimiche……………………...29 Gli armamenti Convenzionali…………………………………………………34 Le armi di distruzione di massa……………………………………………….37 CAPITOLO IV……………………………………………………………………….40 Gli Stati Uniti e la nuova strategia per la sicurezza Europea 1. 2. L’interesse degli Stati Uniti nell’Europa dopo la fine della guerra fredda……40 I nuovi comp iti ed il Nuovo “Concetto Strategico” della NATO……………..45 CAPITOLO V………………………………………………………………………..48 L’identità di sicurezza e difesa Europea 1. 2. 3. L’evoluzione dell’ ”ESDI”……………………………………………………48 La cooperazione NATO-WEU………………………………………………..54 Le relazioni NATO-UE……………………………………………………….56 2 CAPITOLO VI………………………………………………………………………..60 I Partenariati 1. 2. 3. 4. “PfP” e “EAPC”………………………………………………………………..60 La Carta NATO-Ucraina………………………………………………………...
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...La prima guerra mondiale fu il conflitto armato che coinvolse le principali potenze mondiali e molte di quelle minori tra l'estate del 1914 e la fine del 1918. Chiamata inizialmente dai contemporanei "guerra europea", con il coinvolgimento successivo delle colonie dell'Impero britannico e di altri paesi extraeuropei tra cui gli Stati Uniti d'America e l'Impero giapponese, prese il nome di "guerra mondiale" o anche "grande guerra": fu infatti il più grande conflitto armato mai combattuto fino alla seconda guerra mondiale[1]. Il conflitto ebbe inizio il 28 luglio 1914 con la dichiarazione di guerra dell'Impero austro-ungarico al Regno di Serbia in seguito all'assassinio dell'arciduca Francesco Ferdinando d'Asburgo-Este, avvenuto il 28 giugno 1914 a Sarajevo, e si concluse oltre quattro anni dopo, l'11 novembre 1918. A causa del gioco di alleanze formatesi negli ultimi decenni dell'Ottocento, la guerra vide schierarsi le maggiori potenze mondiali, e rispettive colonie, in due blocchi contrapposti: da una parte gli Imperi centrali (Germania, Austria-Ungheria, Impero ottomano) e (dal 1915) la Bulgaria e dall'altra le potenze Alleate rappresentate principalmente da Francia, Regno Unito, Impero russo e (dal 1915) Italia. Oltre 70 milioni di uomini furono mobilitati in tutto il mondo (60 milioni solo in Europa) di cui oltre 9 milioni caddero sui campi di battaglia; si dovettero registrare anche circa 7 milioni di vittime civili, non solo per i diretti effetti delle operazioni di guerra...
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...what happened." The blonde became overcome with worry. "I didn't mean it- I didn't mean it!" Jean inhaled, "I-I called him a suicidal bastard... and I said-I said that he should just get it over w-with." Admitting what he had said to Eren out loud sounded so much worse than he initially thought. "Armin please... I'm so sorry." He reached out towards the blonde, who only recoiled in disgust. “H-how could you?! What were you thinking?!” Jean's gaze fell to the floor, “We joke and fight like that all the time, I d-didn’t think.. I-” Armin suddenly turned on his heel, heading towards the bedroom door. "Armin, wait, where are you going?!” The boy snarled, "“I’m leaving.” Jean stepped forward in a last attempt to speak to the blonde, “What? Armi-” "Don't say my name." He glared, "You… you're monster. I don’t... want to speak to you.” The last thing he saw before before the door slammed, were two vibrant blue eyes, filling with tears… He had finally done it… This was bound to happen eventually. Jean has grown accustom to hurting the people he loved. He’s finally… gone too far....
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...business, and they provided several good ideas one idea that she initially rejected now appears to hold great promise. The students who proposed the idea has left, and is currently working for a competitor. Should hazel send that student a check for the idea?what are the possible trade offs. We think Hazel should not send the student a check because the student is currently working in another company and should not use that idea although it is great. In that, it will lead her to new ideas that might be more profitable for the company. And it will make Hazel focused on the company's mission instead on working on the student's idea. Arceo, Angelo Nicol P. Aquino, Marc Aaron Castro, Roselle B. Gardon, Dana G. Mangulabnan, IM Tarayao, Armi Jane - Leader...
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...I Sentimenti delle persone sono talmente forti che possono “smuovere anche il cielo”. Per questo ho scelto Gandhi per la mia copertina; perché in lui si celavano i sentimenti più belli che un uomo possa avere. Andrea Emanuele Suriano 5°C Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico Galileo Galilei Un dono Prendi un sorriso, regalalo a chi non l’ha mai avuto. Prendi un raggio di sole, fallo volare là dove regna la notte. Scopri una sorgente, fa bagnare chi vive nel fango. Prendi una lacrima, posala sul volto di chi non ha pianto. Prendi il coraggio, mettilo nell’animo di chi non sa lottare. Scopri la vita, raccontala a chi non sa capirla. Prendi la speranza, e vivi nella sua luce. Prendi la bontà, e donala a chi non sa donare. Scopri l’amore, e fallo conoscere al mondo. Mahatma Gandhi I Sentimenti Se noi cerchiamo sul vocabolario la parola “sentimento” troviamo: stato affettivo più durevole dell’emozione e meno intenso della passione. Ma molto probabilmente è molto più di questo. I sentimenti sono così unici da non poter essere descritti con delle semplici parole, anche perché non credo ne esistano di appropriate per esprimerli. Sono proprio loro che guidano le nostre azioni quando l’uomo si fa sopraffare da quello che prova, perché loro sono la nostra forza più grande. Certo a volte si compiono delle azioni riprovevoli, ma altre volte con la forza dei sentimenti si fanno cose che a volte sembrano possibili...
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...SWOT Analysis Lucent Strengths Lucent’s switch set a new record by becoming the only switch in the history of the ARMIS (Automatic Reporting Management and Information System) Report that has achieved six 9s availability per switch, per year for five straight years. It recorded the best reliability performance of any switch ever, improved by over 22 percent from the previous year (1999), and Lucent is the only switch supplier whose product has been improving consistently over the past few years. (Lucent Widens, 2000) The 5ESS Switch is the most widely deployed switch in the world, providing service in 66 countries around the world and serving for next-generation networks based on packet technology. (5ESS Switch, 2002) Lucent maintained its NO.1 position in worldwide universal port shipments for the sixth consecutive quarter by capturing 48% market share for the second quarter calendar 2002. (Lucent Technologies Continues, 2002) Metropolis (R) DMX (metro optical networking products) has been deployed with more than 35 customers and recently received the “Best Telecom Equipment” award at UTC Telecom 2002, the world’s largest utility telecom technology tradeshow. (Lucent Technologies Optical, 2002) Lucent power systems business has been ranked No. 1 in worldwide and North American sales of power supplies for 1999 by Micro-Tech Consultants, a market research firm specializing in the power supplies industry -the first and only U.S. manufacturer to be awarded the...
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...• 1. INTEGRATED CASE STUDY (PAS 3183)MALAYSIA AIRLINES (MAS) PRESENTED BY Luluk Nor Khotima Bt Nursam Ashvenee Devi Selvaraju Noor Armi Addila Bt Noor Ariff Nur Azlinda Bt A.Azaman Norliza Bt P P Mohamed • 2. AGENDA• INTRODUCTION• MANAGEMENT CONSTRAINT• COMPETITION• UNPROFITABLE ROUTES• INCREASED IN FUEL PRICE• MAINTENANCE COST• RECOMMENDATION • 3. INTRODUCTION• 1994- Privatized 32% controlling stake to Tajuddin Ramli through Naluri Berhad• 1998- Asian Financial Crisis MAS faced substantial losses• 2005- MAS reported loss RM1.3b• 1 Dec 2005- Idris Jala became CEO of MAS• 27 Feb 2006 - BTP 1 was announced • Action taken by management(Government intervention (Constrained freely changing destination, routes and pricing (4. 1. MANAGEMENT CONSTRAINT • 5. Constrained Freely ChangingDestination, Routes And Pricing • MAS suffered high losses due to poor management & fuel price increases. • MAS operations were identified as the causes of the RM1.3 billion loss are: – Escalating fuel prices – Increased maintenance and repair costs – Staff costs – Low yield per available seat kilometre • 6. Government Intervention • Transformation Programme: - Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) RM7bil in debt were shifted to Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB) - Government Linked Corporation (GLC) BTP is also part of the GLC which aims to make all GLCs more successful. • 7. Action Taken By The Management • Increased domestic price • Major cost reductions were made •...
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...Leonowens' time in Siam, an animated version of the King and I based off of the musical, was released in March of 1999. The production companies involved in the 1999 version of The King and I included Morgan Creek Productions, Rankin/Bass Productions, Nest Family Entertainment, and Rich Animation Studios. Producing were. Peter Bakalian, Gary Barber, Robert Mandell, Terry L. Noss, Arthur Rankin Jr., James G. Robinson, and Thomas J. Tobin with director Richard Rich. And casted were Martin Vidnovic as the king of Siam, Miranda Richardson as Anna Leonowens, Christiane Noll as Anna's singing voice, Ian Richardson as the Kralahome, Darrell Hammond as Master Little, Allen D. Hong as Prince Chulalongkorn, David Burnham as the prince's singing voice, Armi Arabe as Tuptim, Tracy Venner as Tuptim's singing voice, Adam Wylie as Louis Leonowens, and J.A. Fujili as First Wife. The movie was released on March 19, 1999 and brought in 11.9 million at the box office. However, negative reviews plummeted ticket sales and the film resulted in a 13.1 million dollar loss. Some such reviews of the film included: "This mildly interesting animated feature adaptation of the classic Broadway play is carried mainly by the melodic and lyrically vibrant music of Rodgers and Hammerstein," "It’s a puzzlement how so many pros could have so wrecked one of the most beloved, humbly familiar movie musicals in the Rodgers and Hammerstein repertoire," and "I applaud the experiment." With such a negative reception, the...
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...Germans saw the Russians getting ready for the war, they declared war on them. France then come in against Germans and Austria-Hungary. Britain was pulled into the war when Germany attacked France through Belgium. Japan then entered the war.later the united states and Italy joined their allied countries. Imperialism is believed to have also caused the war. The british empire by 1900 had taken over five continents. France also had a large control over Africa. Countries needed new markets with the rise of industrialization. The number of continents that Britain and France increased the rivalry between them and germany. Germany tried to obtain colonies late and had small parts of Africa. The arms race also led to the world war. The armis of france and germany had increased prior to the world war. There was competition between Germany and Britain for control of the seas. British first introduced an effective battleship called the...
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...Classical Greece (Athena Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, 2005-2012) This marble sculpture is a segment from the Athena Nike Temple and Parapet. It was built during the Peloponnesian War which was hard on the Athenians and they suffered several defeats. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) With the war’s outcome unknown they choose to depict Nike not in a narrative manor but choose to concentrate instead on the folds of the dress she is wearing. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) It depicts the God Nike which means victory, adjusting her sandal. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) This piece romanticizes the female form and gives a beautiful and very expressive example of the talent it took to create this piece. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) This piece looks as if she could come alive and the form of her legs and torso under the drapery of the dress Nike is wearing, it’s as if one can see through the dress. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) This piece was created in a time of war and Athenians suffered several losses. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) Before this time sculpture was more realistic and depicted what is seen in real life but this is more formal and leans to what is more pleasing the eye. (Athena Nike Parapet Frieze, 2012) Suffering losses in war may be the reason behind this change in the way sculptor was created, with being surrounded with suffering and hardship looking at pleasing, above average depictions of their gods may have giver the people visiting this...
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...The new insignia of Kultura is a Dragon forming the letter K. The fresh face of Kultura is a way of showing a rebrand, a reboot of sorts for the arts desk of the Center for Student Affairs (CSA). 2014 marks the triumphant return of some of its pillar events, an unexpected turnaround from the preceding years of close to zero projects. Though the revamping of Kultura was a long overdue process, it wasn’t until Duke stepped in that it actually transpired. Kultura used to be the epitome of art in the University. It produced plays, exhibits as well as concerts for the UA&P Chorale. Now, students see it as a place where they can get their reservation slip signed. What happened to Kultura? Pre-Kultura Culture The arts community in the University was in full swing even before Kultura institutionalized it. A classroom play for the Filipino class of Ms. Ruiz gave birth to Rock Opera Company, the oldest organization in the history of UA&P and CRC. Originally staging Filipino plays, they eventually opted to stage original plays, a longstanding tradition of ROC. “Original Filipino plays have become ROC’s branding. You can even say it has become its culture,” says Christian Vallez, former ROC president and CEO of Overmind, a creative consultancy. Christian was among the first wave of students who experienced writing and staging original plays. He was only a freshman when his first play was staged by ROC; now he has ACASIA, a theater company that produces several plays annually...
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