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Army Leadership Analysis

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From the time I was 15 until I was 31 have always been in the leadership position. It wasn’t until retired from the military that I truly understood that there is a difference between leadership and management. When I turned 19 was put in charge of a machine gun team as an E to in the Army. This position was normally reserved for an E5 Sgt. with years of experience. Through my determination I work through the ranks and tell my injuries in Iraq. Even though I was never Lee officially penned to be a sergeant in the Army until 2010 I held as high as a sergeant first class. After I was retired I started my first civilian job at a water treatment and waste management equipment company. Everything that I have learned in the Army about being a leader went out the window. Eventually I was fired after only six months by management. There are things that happen within that company that didn’t necessarily agree with but because the general manager I was always wrong no matter what. This could be due to the fact that the only reason why the management was given the position was because she had a college degree from an online college …show more content…
We had a brief discussion in our class that discussed if leaders are born or made. It all depends on the person. Nobody truly is a leader until they are put to the test to become that leader. Circumstances may vary in all cases are different. But when it is truly time the leaders will rise and everybody else will fall in line. Leadership is a process of

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