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Art Project Outline

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David Sisneros
Annotated Project Outline

I. Thesis Statement Creating art can act as something rewarding, which doesn’t take a big hit on your pocketbook, but the final product can make you empowered. You begin to want to show everyone what you created even if they are strangers. Street artists feel that their art work is aesthetically pleasing and that their art work should be seen the same as if someone was walking through a museum looking at different art works on the wall. These artists feel like their work deserves a place, which is multi-layered and subjective, instead of taking up space which is one dimensional and is only a physical location.
II. Introduction In this section I will explain how many people perceive street art as being graffiti or vandalism. They see it as it is taking up space in a community field with different places. This one dimensional ideology really takes away of the real reasoning’s of why street artists put whatever it is up for everyone to see. Many just pass it up as being vandalism and never takes the time to actually question why they painted what they did. Graffiti really wasn’t seen to be vandalism until Mayor Ed Koch coined …show more content…
The Chicano Mural Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was a movement much about claiming political, social and visual space as it was about making historical claims to peoplehood. Just like New York Cities transformation, the Latino communities of the Southwest, Texas, and California began so many painted murals to protest. This section will give me a way to show how this street art really gave a sense of being a part of community that was out of the social normative of what it is to be American. It wasn’t just the Chicano movements that played rolls in protest, many social movements played its rolls in getting there purpose across like the secret organization on campus in the

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