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Authority Figure Research Paper

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Get Up, Stand Up When it comes to authority figures most people cower in their presence. People are sometimes too afraid to stand up for themselves when they think the authority figure is wrong. To a certain extent this is acceptable because authority figures are supposed to guide you and keep you safe. Nevertheless, when an authority figure asks you to do something you know is wrong it's up to you to be brave. This is what I do when an authority figure is wrong. It could be a teacher or coach, and if they are doing something wrong I will call them out on it. When I moved to in Chatham in sixth grade, I realized this is not the case for most of my classmates. I witnessed multiple students blindly accept punishment or chastisement from a teacher even when the teacher was …show more content…
That’s just what happened.”
Then she had the audacity to ask “Why didn’t you help him up?”
“What?” I said. I remember feeling very baffled when she said that. I thought to myself “This kid tried to do me harm and you want me to help him up” I believed that Mrs. Curtis was being completely unreasonable. If she was in the same situation as me she would have walked away too. “I thought he was fine” I said.
“The sound he made when he hit the ground was so loud that everyone on this floor heard it, and you didn’t help him up.” I was speechless. Before I thought she was being unreasonable, but after that remark I thought she was being insane. Why should I have to help him up after he tried to trip me. In my head I compared the situation to someone robbing my house and then tripping over the steps outside. I would not have helped the thief and I certainly had no intentions of helping Finn. What she said next made me so livid that I wanted to scream at her. Honestly, I should have. She was just being vindictive because she thought I was lying. “You have to apologize to him at lunch tomorrow. If you don’t I will have to get involved and you do not want me to get involved” she

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