...titlul ştiinţific şi gradul didactic, instituţia, postul, telefoane; Volumul – 5-6 pag. – doctoranzi; 7-8 pag. – lectori univ.; 9-10 pag. – profesori universitari, doctori. Structura: a) Abstract – în limbile română, engleză şi rusă (identice); b) Cuvinte-cheie – în limbile română, engleză şi rusă; c) Clasificare JEL (vezi Internet: Clasificarea JEL); d) Capitole: 1. Introducere; 2. Material şi metodă; 3. Rezultate şi discuţii; 4. Concluzii. e) Referinţe bibliografice (în original). Graficul apariţiei: sfârşitul lunilor martie, iunie, septembrie şi decembrie. Articolele se primesc la Editura ASEM, cu 40 de zile înainte de data publicării. De asemenea, articolele trebuie însoţite de referinţe ale unor specialişti în domeniul respectiv (semnate şi ştampilate). La decizia membrilor Colegiului de Redacţie, unele materiale vor fi revăzute şi avizate suplimentar....
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...EU action against climate change Working with developing countries to tackle climate change Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union New freephone number: (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://ec.europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007 ISBN 978-92-79-06576-7 © European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Printed on recycled paper that has been awarded the EU eco-label for graphic paper (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel) EU action against climate change Working with developing countries to tackle climate change Introduction EU cooperation with developing countries on climate change Supporting adaptation and capacity building Providing clean and secure energy supplies Stimulating clean development through EU emissions trading Promoting sustainable forestry Assisting developing countries through climate research 5 10 14 17 20 22 24 Introduction As the world’s largest donor of development assistance, the European Union is strongly committed to supporting developing countries...
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...|Award |Details of Award | | |CMA December-2012 EXAMINATION | | | | |01. |Syed Mostahidal Hoq |20123596 |3426 |ICMAB President |Successfully passed all subjects of Foundation Level in one | | |Cell: 01963596515 | | |Silver Medal |chance by securing highest marks in CMA December-2012 | | | | | | |Examination. | |02. |Mr. Mohammed Asem Chowdhury |20123722 |4377 |1,000/= |Secured highest marks on the subject of 004-Business Economics| | |Cell: 01819375320 | | | |and International Business, Foundation Level. | | |CMA APRIL-2013 EXAMINATION...
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...Khoa Hong Luong 02/15/2015 Assignment 1: The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid SOC 300 Professor Sunmolu (Jimi) Peters Strayer University Currently, Vietnam is one of the developing countries in the world that needs helps from developed countries like the United States. Vietnam has just stepped out of its civil war for 40 years and Vietnamese people are still suffering from the damage of the war. Even though Vietnamese people are on their way building the nation up, there are still a lot of obstacles like severe disasters and economic impact preventing them from building the country. Therefore, foreign aids are necessary for Vietnam to overcome these difficulties. During 1945 and 1975, Vietnam was divided into two regions which are the Southern Vietnam and the Northern Vietnam. The Northern Vietnam was aided by Russia and China while the Southern Vietnam was aided by the United States. Both regions of Vietnam received foods, weapons and money from the three big nations in exchange for many advantage conditions for them after the war ended. The Northern Vietnam won the war so China and Russia become the biggest alliances of Vietnam, and get many benefits when they invest in Vietnam. The Southern Vietnam still receive foreign aids from Russia and China while the United States has cut the relationship and close the aid program with the Vietnamese. Furthermore, from 1993 to 2004, Vietnamese government received pledges of the US$29 billion of Official Development...
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...Four Functions of Management For BMGT 364 Professor Vaughn Jenkes Theresa Scott A man sits at his desk biting on his pen hair tussled and sweating bullets. He is reading over his monthly finance report. It is just not making sense to the man he does not understand why he is not making a profit. Unfortunately, this is the scene for many managers of organizations. When operating a business its best to have a concise plan because, it could be crucial to the company’s success or failure Managers needs to have a clear understanding of the four functions of management. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. An Analysis of the four functions of management will reveal how understanding and knowing how to apply these four functions can be critical to an organization’s success or failure. Applying these functions can bring in a profit for the company and helps management control the company properly. Planning is a preliminary step it requires management to look ahead and map out a plan to be followed. Planning will map out when how and who is going to perform a task in the organization. When planning management focus on how to achieve goals and objectives of the company. To help them to prepare they can use planning tools such as the forecasting tool. Forecasting is useful because it gives the organization the ability to understand the future makeup of the organizational environment which helps the owner produce...
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...Chương 1: KHÁI QUÁT VỀ MARKETING QUỐC TẾ I. Khái niệm marketing và marketing mix 1.1 Khái niệm marketing * Các định nghĩa marketing quốc tế (tham khảo): + Marketing xuất khẩu (Export marketing): Bao hàm tất cả các hoạt động marketing khi một công ty bán sản phẩm của mình ra nước ngoài, và sản phẩm thực sự được gửi từ nước này sang nước khác. + Marketing ở nước ngoài (Foreign marketing): Hoạt động marketing bên trong quốc gia đã thâm nhập; Khác với marketing trong nước: Cạnh tranh, Cách ứng xử của người tiêu thụ, Hệ thống phân phối, Xúc tiến + Marketing đa quốc gia (Multinational marketing):• Có tài sản và hoạt động ở nhiều quốc gia- hoạt động theo nhiều chiến lược nội địa. Mỗi chiến lược phải hoàn toàn thích hợp nhằm thoả mãn những điểm riêng biệt của thị trường. • Các hoạt động và lợi ích ở nhiều hơn một nước; Kiểm soát các hoạt động marketing từ bên ngoài nước mà sản phẩm sẽ được bán; mỗi thị trường là một trung tâm lợi nhuận độc lập + Marketing đa khu vực (Multiregional marketing): Các chiến lược bao phủ những vùng rộng lớn hơn và để giảm chi phí sản xuất. Bao gồm: Tây và Đông Âu, châu Á, ASEAN, NAFTA, EU, EFTA. Liên kết các hoạt động cùng nhau để tăng hiệu suất + Marketing toàn cầu (Global marketing): Giai đoạn cuối cùng trong việc phát triển marketing quốc tế, Đòi hỏi một chiến lược đơn lẻ cho toàn bộ thị trường toàn cầu, Toàn bộ tổ chức tập trung vào việc lựa chọn, khai thác những cơ hội marketing toàn cầu; tận dụng các nguồn lực trên toàn thế giới;...
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...IDE UNTUK INDONESIA PEMBERDAYAAN TENAGA KERJA MASYARAKAT PUTUS SEKOLAH DAN GELANDANGAN UNTUK MEMBERSIHKAN SALURAN AIR DALAM RANGKA PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DAN PENINGKATAN TARAF HIDUP Oleh : Amanda Beta Oktaviana Alamat : Wisma Kedung Asem Indah Blok GG No.4 Kecamatan Rungkut , Kota Surabaya, Kode Pos 60298 PEMBERDAYAAN TENAGA KERJA MASYARAKAT PUTUS SEKOLAH DAN GELANDANGAN UNTUK MEMBERSIHKAN SALURAN AIR DALAM RANGKA PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DAN PENINGKATAN TARAF HIDUP Latarbelakang Masalah lingkungan di indonesia sebagian besar didasari oleh banyaknya got, kali dan sungai yang dipenuhi oleh timbunan sampah rumah tangga maupun sampah industri. Lingkungan menjadi kotor, bau dan tidak sehat dengan timbulnya berbagai penyakit akibat sampah yang membusuk dan genangan air yang menjadi sarang nyamuk bahkan yang lebih parah adalah serangan banjir bila musim hujan datang karena terjadi penyumbatan dan pendangkalan pada saluran air (got, kali dan sungai). Selain sampah, Penebangan dan pendirian bangunan liar di sepanjang pinggiran kali dan sungai juga membuat kali dan sungai mengalami pendangkalan dan membuat banyak sampah menyangkut di pinggiran saluran air. Masalah yang timbul di masyarakat di indonesia selain masalah lingkungan juga masalah sosial, antara lain masyarakat putus sekolah yang menjadi pengangguran serta banyaknya gelandangan. Kedua golongan masyarakat tersebut sebenarnya bisa diberdayakan untuk membersihkan lingkungan sekaligus menjadikan hal tersebut sebagai...
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...ANALISIS KASUS MANAGEMENT COMPETITION 2013_HMJM FEB UNS Disusun Oleh Andaru Pranata (Ketua ) Gayuh Mukti A. ( Anggota ) Nanda Gemilang ( Anggota ) FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET 2013 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Melihat kenyataan dunia bisnis yang terus berkembang, maka tuntutan akan produk pun semakin beragam dan terus-menerus berkembang sesuai dengan perubahan zaman. Di dalam hidupnya manusia tidak bias lepas dari berbagai kebutuhan dasar sampai tingkat kebutuhan yang lebih tinggi. Salah satu kebutuhan konsumen adalah tampil lebih prima sehat dan segar, kebutuhan ini bisa dipenuhi dengan mengkonsumsi minuman ready to drink dengan kandungan yang sehat dari alam, seiring dengan kembalinya gaya hidup back to nature Sejalan dengan meningkatnya permintaan konsumen akan minuman ready to drink dengan kandungan yang sehat dari alam, maka terbuka peluang bagi para pengusaha khususnya dalam industry kesehatan sekalgus kecantikan untuk menyediakan kebutuhan tersebut. Hal inilah yang dapat dilihat dari banyaknya minuman ringan kesehatan yang banyak ditawarkan pada saat ini. Tentunya hal ini menyebabkan persaingan bisnis perusahaan sejenis makin kompetitif , persaingan tersebut muncul karena setiap perusahaan ingin mencapai keunggulan kompetitf, dimana dalam keunggulan kompetitif ini perusahaan sejenis ingin menguasai pasar, merebut pangsa pasar dan konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya dibandingkan perusahaan lain. Untuk...
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...HEALTH EDUCATION News: Recently, the government have just implemented a project called : Increase the public campaign over health education in Hanoi 2015-2015 in order to raise the awareness and the health protection for the citizen. * What they did: + Raise their awareness and put into practice in order for the citizen to take care of themselves, family and the community: increase the number of people to approach the healthcare information, avoid disease,, (85%) + Increase the public campaign on healthcare education and engage the citizen in health education campaign. (90% engagement of household) + Build relationship with the press and media to promote healthcare education. ( meetings conference to propose strategy to improve health) Zika virus, Rubella virus Healthcare, the importance. Government’s objective son healthcare * To ensure the citizen receive the initial latest healthcare service, increase the accessibility to high quality health service, ensure metal and physical safety, reduce the disease rate, increase life quality. Cu the: + Increase the quality of public hospital, + Birthrate control + Ensure efficient medicine for all people, family, + Increase the expertise of doctors, nurses, + Increase the number of doctors, nurses in rural areas. .. (http://gfcd.org.vn/chi-tiet-tin/chien-luoc-quoc-gia-bao-ve-cham-soc-va-nang-cao-suc-khoe-nhan-dan-giai-doan-2011-2020-tam-nhin-den-nam-2030.html) * Recently, Nguyen Thi Kim Tien has good strategy to...
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...(a) Characteristics of an organization contributing to the use of activity based techniques Activity Based Costing (ABC) is a costing methodology used to trace overhead costs directly to cost objects, i.e. products, processes, services, or customers. Costs are assigned to specific activities (e.g. engineering, manufacturing or purchasing) based on their use of resources and costs are assigned to cost objects based on their use of activities. ABC recognizes the causal relationship of cost drivers to activities. ABC techniques enable a business to decide which products, services, and resources are increasing their profitability, and which are contributing to losses. Certain organizations appear to be more successful in implementing ABC than others. ABC helps the managers in these organizations to make the right decisions regarding product mix, pricing, process improvements and product designs. Closer look reveals characteristics of an organization such as structure, product range or environment contributing to these successes. Cost Structure Where overhead costs comprises major portion of product costs as compared to direct costs such as direct labour and direct materials, correctly attributes overhead costs to product is highly important. In modern business, service departments plays a more and more important role than in the past in which production department is mainly responsible for key manufacturing activities. Overall product and service costs are more influenced...
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...P1.1 Profit & Noprofit Organizations an organization is a formal structure of relationships, responsibilities and authorities through which specific objectives are achieved an organization is a formal structure of relationships, responsibilities and authorities through which specific objectives are achieved 'A work organization is a social arrangement for the controlled performance of collective goals' (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2004) The Profit & Nonprofit organizations in our society, there is a lot of profit and non-profit organizations that seek to serve all members of the community either through the sale of products or the provision of services. And there's an example of a profit organizations that provide services (Royal Jordanian Airlines) Growth in Size and Reputation Royal Jordanian’s role as Jordan’s national carrier has now long been established since 1963. Now under the guidance of His Majesty King Abdullah II, we have ascended from humble beginnings with three aircraft and four regional destinations, to become one of the elite members of a global alliance, a fleet comprising more than 25 aircraft, and a destination network of 54 global stops. Not only have we grown in size, our reputation has been cemented in the public eye through our full membership in one world since 2007. Centrally Located strategically located in Amman, Royal Jordanian's central hub provides the ideal location through which Europe, Asia, Africa, and anywhere in the Middle...
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...Liên minh châu Âu ( EU) Liên minh châu Âu (the European Union, gọi tắt là EU) hiện bao gồm 27 nước thành viên: Pháp, Đức, Italia, Bỉ, Hà Lan, Lúc-xăm-bua, Anh, Ai Len, Đan Mạch, Hy Lạp, Tây Ban Nha, Bồ Đào Nha, Áo, Thụy Điển, Phần Lan, Séc, Hung-ga-ri, Ba Lan, Slô-va-kia, Slô-ve-nia, Lít-va, Lát-vi-a, Exờ-tô-nia, Man-ta, Síp, Bun-ga-ri và Ru-ma-ni. Trụ sở: | Brussels (Bỉ) | Số ngôn ngữ chính thức: | 23 | Ngày châu Âu; | Ngày 9 tháng 5 | Diện tích: | 4.422.773 km² (nước có diện tích lớn nhất là Pháp với 554.000 km2 và nhỏ nhất là Malta với 300 km2); | Dân số: | Khoảng 500 triệu người, chiếm 7,3% toàn thế giới(thành viên có dân số lớn nhất là Đức với 82 triệu, ít nhất là Malta với 0,4 triệu). | GDP (EU 27): | 17,57 nghìn tỷ USD | Thu nhập bình quân: | 32,900 USD/người/năm | II. Cơ cấu tổ chức: - EU là một thực thể kinh tế, chính trị đặc thù với mức độ liên kết sâu sắc. Về cơ bản, EU có các định chế chính là: Hội đồng châu Âu, Hội đồng Bộ trưởng, Nghị viện châu Âu, Uỷ ban châu Âu và Toà án châu Âu. 1. Hội đồng châu Âu (European Council): - Hội đồng châu Âu là cơ quan quyền lực cao nhất của EU gồm lãnh đạo 27 nước thành viên, Chủ tịch Hội đồng châu Âu và Chủ tịch EC. Hội đồng đưa ra định hướng và ưu tiên chính trị cho cả khối, cùng với Nghị viện châu Âu thông qua các đạo luật của EU và ngân sách chung của Liên minh. Các quyết định của Hội đồng châu Âu chủ yếu được thông qua theo hình thức đồng thuận. - Chủ tịch Hội đồng châu Âu (President of the European Council)...
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...Singapore As Singapore is a founding member of ASEAN, they joined ASEAN in August 8, 1964. Singapore was located the islands between Malaysia and Indonesia in South East Asia. Furthermore, Singapore has no land boundaries with other countries. The capital city of Singapore was also Singapore as one state, one city. Nowadays, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong governs Singapore as Head of Government. However, Singapore used the Singalish as main language and they also use English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. Moreover, they used their currency as Singapore Dollar (S$). The figure of Singapore's Land and Map Source: http://www.wordtravels.com/Travelguide/Countries/Singapore/Map Land Area The total area of Singapore is 647.5 sq. km. According to research, Singapore used 12% for roads, 15% for housing and 73% for others as Singapore's Land Area Usage in 2014. The diagram of Singapore land area usage in 2014 Source: 3s1ihc1transport.wiki.hci.edu.sg Political System Singapore is a republic with a parliamentary system of government. The city-state and former British colony adopted the Westminster model after it gained independence on 9 August 1965. There are three branches of the Government of Singapore: Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary. Population The total population in Singapore was last recorded at 5.5 million people in 2014 from 1.7 million in 1960. The chart of Singapore population is as follow; Source: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/singapore/population ...
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...جامعة البترا | | Petra University | كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية | | Faculty of Administrative And Financial Sciences | قسم إدارة الأعمالبرنامج الماجستير Business Administration DepartmentMBA Program | الفصل الدراسي Term:First Term | السنة الدراسية: Year: 2013/2014 | خطة المقرر Syllabus | اسم المقرر | International Business | Course Title | رقم المقرر | 301723 | Course Number | المتطلب السابق | - | Prerequisite Course | Course Objectives | This course aims to highlight the role and functions of multinational / global corporations and governments in international business. This is achieved through helping students be able to: * Define globalization and international business and show how they affect each other * Understand why companies engage in international business and why international business growth has accelerated * Discuss behavioral factors influencing countries’ business practices * Discuss the philosophy and practices of the legal system * Describe trends in contemporary legal systems * Profile the characteristics of the types of economic systems * Examine corporate responses to globalization in the form of codes of conduct, among other things * Understand why production factors, especially labor and capital, move internationally * Grasp company strategies for sequencing the...
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...Running head: ABC Systems: Are they Advantageous ABC Systems: Are they Advantageous Jamie Parson Liberty University Abstract Activity based cost accounting provides companies with detailed and pertinent information that enables them to accurately cost the manufacturing products. Although it is at time confusing the use of an ABC system allows managers the details they need to make educated decisions about production and costs. The use of the ABC system is not always the most popular way for companies to go, but is it worth it? ABC Systems: Worth the Work? Activity Based Costing or as it is more commonly labeled “ABC” is a costing system that firsts assigns cost to activities and then assigns them to product based activities used towards that product. Costs are assigned to activities in a detailed manor so that detailed costs per activity are available. Once costs are assigned to activities they are than assigned to products based on the products use of that resource. ABC techniques allow businesses to decide which products, services, and resources are increasing their profitability, by providing more detailed information to management. The implementation of an ABC costing method it not right for all corporations; however for the corporations that fit the model for an ABC system, managers are more educated to make informed decisions about the true cost of a product. The use of this system allows more accurate and cost effective: pricing, costing, process improvements...
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