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Assess The Importance Of Literacy In Prison

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You can argue on what the policies for allowing literature in a prison should be, you can argue that because of one’s action they do not deserve to be given special treatment or treatment as if they were still among civilization. Policies to allow prisoners access to all fundamental capabilities that we as free citizens have, may seem unfair to others. To have a controlled prison with no access to literature, or basic human needs, where the inmates are there to serve their time and nothing else; there would be no change.
Through analysing what prisons are like inside and out, I have an understanding that prison is corrupt. Every prison is different, and has different opportunities available to them. Different states all treat their inmates differently, different policies, and different rules. By analysing and understanding what kind of opportunities are presented to each prisoner I am able to better understand what kind of a policy to give on allowing literacy in prison. …show more content…
There are many books of different values that present different lessons to each individual. To restrict the Bible, the New Testament, and the Book of Mormon or any book of religion from people is unjust. Though there are many that don’t view religion as a priority, or have never had it in their lives, even just having that access is satisfaction enough. When parents are raising children, most use the method of ‘time out’ to teach a child of what they did was wrong. Not only do we need to teach that the action which was acted on was wrong, but why it is wrong. If as parents, we don’t use the resources to teach children to understand the differences between right and wrong, they won’t comprehend the value of their choices in their actions. The same value of treatment should be administered towards inmates, giving them the same opportunities to

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