...Danielle Fikes BUS 499 March 10, 2011 Assignment 5 1. Describe how successful the business has been at recognizing and satisfying stakeholder interests. The sisters of Harry McNeely and Don McNeely were stock holders and their interests were being completely ignored. Whether you are family or not, if an individual is a stock owner, their voice is to be heard considering they own part of the company that is bringing in income. According to definition, a stockholder is, "one who owns shares of stock in a corporation or mutual fund," (stockholder, 2011). Family or not, there are still legalities that must be honored in this case. It seems that the brothers clearly violated their sisters rights as stockholder. It took unecessary time and heartache in order for the sisters to get anything in the end. This is a situation that could have and should have been resolved very early on. When the compnay was split into two different companies, they did not discuss the issue with the stakeholders. The two brothers just decided to do it themselves and basically figured life would continue on as normal. This is bad business. Stakeholders have a huge say so when it comes to what happens to a business. It is unfair to have people invest money into something and then not be able to say anything when it comes to changes. References stockholder. (2011). Retrieved March 12, 2011, from http://www.investorwords.com/4735/ stockholder.html 2. Describe the mechanisms...
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...This assignment was designed put us, the student in a situation where we are placed in the supervisor position. In this assignment put the supervisor in a position of having to pick and choose what tasks to do themselves and what tasks should be delegated out after coming in and finding their basket full of tasks that need to be dealt with. When you obtain the position of supervisor, there is usually far too much for just you to do, therefore it is important to learn what to delegate and who to delegate it to. The most important tasks should be done by the supervisor but as far as things such as someone’s vacation hours and stocking merchandise for the store, those tasks should be delegated out to the assistant manager and to the store clerks. Being a supervisor means being in a role of leadership, logic, common sense, and decision making for yourself, the employees, and for the company. The “in Basket” debate and discussion gives us and our fellow classmates the opportunity to see if we can successfully delegate out certain tasks as a supervisor at a fictitious company. The discussion between me and fellow classmates was a great one and it appeared as though everyone agreed on everything accept for different incidents. The only two incidents where I came across disagreement were in regards to task number 3, and task number 4. These are the examples in which I will be using in this paper as far as disagreeing is concerned. Task number 3 is in regards to the mall hours changing...
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...question number 4, if answered Public Transportation please go to question number 5.) 4.) How likely are you willing to carpool? a. Very likely b. Likely c. No change d. Less likely e. Not likely at all 5.) Do you shop at other outlets in the area? If yes please answer question number 6, if no go to question number 7. a. Yes b. No 6.) Please rank the shopping centers from best to worst – (with 1 representing the best) Paragon Outlets Hacienda Shopping Center Stoneridge Mall Livermore Plaza 7.) I will be stopping at Paragon outlets instead of the other malls in the area. a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Somewhat agree d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 8.) Why would you shop at the Outlet? a. Shopping b. Food c. Entertainment d. Other 9.) When will you be visiting the Outlet? a. Morning b. Lunchtime c. Afternoon d. Evening e. Weekend 10.) How many times do you visit a mall or shopping center in a month? a. 0-1 b. 2-5 c. 6-9 d. 10-14 e. 15+ 11.) Do you believe there is a benefit shopping at a mall vs. at local stores a. Yes b. No c. Don’t shop at local stores 12.) Impact of Outlet on online shopping a. Less Likely b. No effect c. More Likely d. No Answer 13.) On a scale of 1 to 5 rate if you think the...
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...Customer number 1 Interested in a Camera Photo • What is your age? 38 • What is your gender? Male • What is your household size? 2 people • What is your household income? $40,000.00 • What is your profession? Handling heavy machinery • What is your education level? High School Diploma Psychographic Questions • What did you find interesting about this product? It’s capability of taking photos • What are your thoughts about the product? It has a great resolution Buying Pattern Questions • Do you ever purchase electronics? YES • Where do you go when you are looking for electronics? On Web • How often do you purchase electronics? Once in a while • How long does it take you to make a buying decision? A few days • What is your typical budget for electronics? $200-$500 • How far would you travel to make the purchase? Around Windsor Benefits Questions • What features do you look for when you purchase electronics? Its quality • What specific benefits do you look for in electronics? Reliability • What motivates you to purchase electronics? Universal Trend • What needs are you trying to meet when you purchase electronics? Enhancing lifestyle • How do you hope electronics will make your life better? Time saving Customer Number 2 Interested in a gaming console • What is your age? 22 • What is your gender? Male • What is your household size? 4 people • What is your household income? $30,000.00 • What is your profession? Student • What is your education...
Words: 2014 - Pages: 9
...0 g Tums 21.0 g Mylanta 18.0 g CVS brand 18.3 g Rennies 17.5 g 24.1 mL 22.4 mL 20.0 mL 19.9 mL 24.4 mL 1. Which is the strongest antacid, on a single-dose basis? Which is the weakest? Explain and show your calculations. 2. Which are the strongest and weakest, on a by-weight (mass) basis? 3. When people do back titrations, they usually watch the solution for a color change when the solution becomes neutral. What might you have used in the above experiment to get this color change to happen in the solution? At what pH would the solution have been neutral? 4. If you had walked into the lab, only to discover that you only had 0.1 M sulfuric acid available to run your tests, how might this have affected your calculations? Why? 5. In...
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...|1 |0.00-1,499.99 |0.00 |15 % | |2 |1,500.00-2,999.99 |225.00 |16 % | |3 |3,000.00-4,999.99 |465.00 |18 % | |4 |5,000.00-7,999.99 |825.00 |20 % | |5 |8,000.00-14,999.99 |1425.00 |25 % | Ok number 3 if the excess is over $3,000.00 then that would be 16% of $236.00; therefore the total tax would be $236.00 +36.00 which would be $272.00 Number 4 if the excess is 5,000 then that would be 18% of $232.5; therefore the total tax would be $232.5 + 32.5, or $265.00. Number 5 if the excess is over 8,000 then that would be 25% of $570.00 therefore the total tax would be $570.00 + $120.00, or $690.00. Number 1 if the excess is $0.00 then that would be 15% of $0.00 therefore, the total tax would be $0.00 + $0.00 which would nothing $0.00 I understand but I am confused on the number and how to get the, I know this cannot be right but I am trying to follow procedure and hoe to calculate all of this, I understand the concept of...
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...Corporate Tax Return Project This assignment requires the completion of a Federal corporate tax return, the 2009 return for the Jackson Corporation. The return involves the first year of operations of Jackson Corporation. You may prepare the tax return using tax software or use the IRS’s “fill-in” forms. The forms may be found by going to www.irs.gov go to - Forms and Publications. Under Forms and Publications there is a link to “previous years” for the 2009 forms. I highly suggest using the tax software in the book- if you don’t have the software see me. The returns must be completed no later than July 20, 2011 at 6pm. For every DAY that the return is turned in earlier than the due date 1 bonus point is awarded up to a maximum of 10 points. For each day the project is late there is a penalty of 10 points. The return is worth a base of 100 points. For any judgment call you must document your position. A very short summary of facts/ law/ conclusion is required. Instructions: Complete the corporate tax return for 2009 for Jackson Corporation. This may include the Schedules A, C, D, E, J, K, L, M-1/ M-2, 4626 and 1120-W. Be careful about what additional forms are needed. This project is an individual assignment. It is NOT a group assignment. I am looking for the following (and will grade accordingly) with this assignment: 1. Correct use of the Forms. 2. Issue identification. 3. Documentation. For any judgment call you...
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...1958–75: Early life and The Jackson 5 Michael Jackson was born the seventh of nine children on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, an industrial suburb of Chicago, to an African American working-class family. His mother, Katherine Esther Scruse, was a devout Jehovah's Witness, and his father, Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson, a steel mill worker who performed with an R&B band called The Falcons. Jackson had three sisters: Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet, and five brothers: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy.[3] Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father. He stated that he was physically and emotionally abused during incessant rehearsals, whippings, and name-calling, though he credited his father's discipline for his success.[4] In one altercation recalled by Marlon, Joseph held Michael upside down by one leg and "pummeled him over and over again with his hand, hitting him on his back and buttocks".[5] Joseph would also trip or push his sons into walls. One night while Michael was asleep, Joseph climbed into his room through the bedroom window, wearing a fright mask and screaming. He said he wanted to teach the children not to leave the window open when they went to sleep. For years afterward, Jackson said he suffered nightmares about being kidnapped from his bedroom.[5] Joseph acknowledged in 2003 that he regularly whipped Jackson as a child.[6] Jackson first spoke openly about his childhood abuse in an interview with Oprah Winfrey broadcast on February 10, 1993. He...
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...Ariel Torrente NT1110 Unit 5 Analysis Pentium Flaw Ariel Torrente NT1110 Unit 5 Analysis 7/27/2013 Pentium Flaw The Pentium flaw also nicknamed the Pentium FDIV bug, was an identified error in the Intel P5 Pentium floating unit. The presence of the bug can be checked manually by performing the following application that uses native floating numbers, including Windows Calculator or Microsoft Excel in Windows 95/98 (Pentium FDIV bug). The Pentium flaw was discovered byProfessor Thomas R.Nicely at Lynchburg Collwge,Virginia USA (Emery, Vince). Dr.Thomas R Nicely is a mathematic professor, noticed a small difference in two sets of numbers, he always double-checks his work by computing everything twice, two different ways (Emery, Vince). Dr.Nicely spent months successively eliminating possible causes such as PCI bus errors and compiler artifacts (Emery, Vince). Intel wanted to keep to keep the Pentium flaw a secret, after Intel testers discovered a division error in the Pentium chip (Emery, Vince). Intel managers decided that the error wouldn’t affect many people, therefore no one outside of the company was not informed (Emery, Vince). The pandemonium over Intel’s Pentium chip cost the company millions of dollars and could have been prevented and became an uproar on the internet (Emery, Vince). This was Intel’s first mistake and the company was given a reputation that made Intel not a trustworthy company and not disclosing that information made them seem to be hiding a...
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...Extract from a 3,000 year-old papyrus. She is one girl, there is no one like her. She is more beautiful than any other. Look, she is like a star goddess arising at the beginning of a happy new year; brilliantly white, bright skinned; with beautiful eyes for looking, with sweet lips for speaking; she has not one phrase too many. With a long neck and white breast, her hair of genuine lapis lazuli; her arm more brilliant than gold; her fingers like lotus flowers, with heavy buttocks and girt waist. Her thighs offer her beauty, with a brisk step she treads on ground. She has captured my heart in her embrace. She makes all men turn their necks to look at her. One looks at her passing by, this one, the unique one. * She never let it goes to her heart by Tim McGraw It Is Her Love That Gives Me Strength My sister's love is on the far side. The river is between our bodies; The waters are mighty at flood-time, A crocodile waits in the shallows. I enter the water and brave the waves, My heart is strong on the deep; The crocodile seems like a mouse to me, The flood as land to my feet. It is her love that gives me strength, It makes a water-spell for me; I gaze at my heart's desire, As she stands facing me! My sister has come, my heart exults, My arms spread out to embrace her; My heart bounds in its place, Like the red fish in its pond. O night, be mine forever, ...
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...Current Events Ethical Dilemma 1 Running Head: CURRENT EVENTS ETHICAL DILEMMA Current Events Ethical Dilemma Catherine Gilmartin Grand Canyon University: NRS 437V October 26, 2011 Current Events Ethical Dilemma 2 Introduction The prosecution has rested in trial of Michael Jackson’s physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who stands accused of involuntary manslaughter in relation to the death of Michael Jackson. Dr. Conrad Murray was hired by concert promoters to serve as Michael Jackson’s personal physician. He was paid $150,000 a month to ensure that Mr. Jackson was well enough to withstand the strenuous rehearsals and grueling schedule of his sold out comeback concerts. The doctor was with the pop star six nights a week, helping him sleep. Mr. Jackson died June 25, 2009 of an apparent overdose. The prosecutors in the case, David Walgren and Deborah Brazil, both Los Angeles deputy district attorneys who, in their opening argument, told jurors that "misplaced trust in the hands of Conrad Murray cost Michael Jackson his life."The Los Angeles County coroner’s office determined that Michael Jackson died of acute propofol poisoning. Propofol is a drug that reduces anxiety and tension, and promotes relaxation and sleep or loss of consciousness. Propofol provides loss of awareness for short diagnostic tests and surgical procedures, sleep at the beginning of surgery, and supplement...
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...Essay Mistakes Since attending the University of Houston, I have written ten essays for English. In the beginning I was a little nervous about writing for college; however, now I am more relaxed about my writing. Reviewing those essay I have notice several errors I continuously made; comma splices and using there and their incorrectly. “A pregnancy at a young age, could rob you of your youth, the phrase, a baby with a baby, comes to mind.” This an example of one of the comma errors I have made on essays. Common splices occur when you use commas when they are not needed. To correct the example above; I would rewrite the sentence to read as follows: A pregnancy at a young age could rob you of your youth, “A baby with a baby” comes to mind. Using the words “there and their” in the incorrect form is another error I continuously made. The essays I have written thus far I have used these word incorrectly twelve times. To correct these errors, I should first know what each word means. There, is at or in a place. There is also used in clauses which the real subject follows the verb for example; Burning calories isn’t easy but there are soothing exercises available. The definition for “their” is belonging to, made by or done by them. The boys went with their father is an example of their used correctly. Other errors I have made during essay writing are fragments and run ons. A fragment is an incomplete part. Michael Jackson began performing at age thirteen is...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
...Home Search Essays FAQs Tools Lost Essay? Contact Essay Color Key Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Privacy Our Guarantee Popular Essays Excellent Essays Free Essays A-F Free Essays G-L Free Essays M-Q Free Essays R-Z Essay Topics Plagiarism Donate a Paper Michael Jackson Tweet Rate This Paper: Length: 949 words (2.7 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Praising the King of Pop Michael Jackson Introduction: Perhaps no one has received this title in history “the king of pop”, now a days many artist’s have arisen and have performed but not as the king of pop known worldwide and in history, has dominated the world of pop as Michael Jackson. Born on August 29, 1958 to a strict working class family in Gary, Indiana. Michael Jackson has gone through personal scandal, family squabbles and numerous career quakes but Michael Joseph Jackson remains one of the planet's best known figures. Jackson has spent almost his entire life as a public performer. He was the founder member of the Jackson Five at the age of four, soon becoming their lead vocalist and frontman. This implies Jackson has started his career at a very early age to gradually become one good public personality and famous. For this and for other reasons...
Words: 1027 - Pages: 5
...Final Case Submission: Avion Inc. 1. What parts of the supply chain are most closely involved with the situation in this case? What is the responsibility of each part in order to maintain a smooth flow of material? Procurement and Contracts: Should be responsible to amend the agreement that clearly defines what the service level requirements are, sets out the change control mechanism, the communication protocol and representative of both parties and review the agreement in conjunction with the supplier to remove any ambiguity. Category Management: Should be responsible for developing a SQM that will allow provide both parties with a forum to work in partnership and set targets and KPIs. Material Management: Should be responsible to understand the required and forecast inventory stocks and coordinate accordingly. Logistics: Should be responsible for transporting the product through the supply chain. 2. What initially appears to be the problem? What really is the problem(s) in this case? The problem initially appears to be that the vendor is not meeting the expected performance level required by the customer. However the problem is not with the vendor rather within Avion. It appears that the company does not have appropriate cross function engagement, rather working in silos. There is no obvious communication structure whereby the SCM understands the scope requirements and can translate this to the vendor. Also following contract award it is not clear what...
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...Case Study CJS/240 Tamekia Simmons RubyR. Myers Case Study There could be many different reasons why caseworkers were not aware of the conditions of the Jackson home. One is because they never talked to the children and seemed to only talk to Raymond and Vanessa Jackson. Something else is the Jakson's could of hide the boys or made the boys hide when the caseworkers came over to the home. Another condition is that the caseworkers did not really look at the home to make sure that there was food and other necessities the children needed. Just like with their power being turned off for five months the caseworker should of done something then instead of just praying for them. In my own opinion all nine members of Division of Youth and Family Services staff did need to be fired. There are many different reasons that I believe this. However, one of the main reasons that I believe this is because they never really paid attention to what the surroundings was like for the children. Just like letting the Jackson's getting away with not having power for five months or paying attention to how much food and things are in the home. In all honesty I think that justice was served to a point. However, Vanessa should not have been offered the chance for parole just after serving two years of her seven year sentence, in my own opinion. If she was to get parole offered to her I believe that it should of been offered five or six years had been served...
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