...these technologies, there are several ethical and safety considerations that require to be met. The assistive technologies have been beneficial both to the health and social care organizations and the users. This paper considers two case studies to explore the use of technology in facilitating independent living. How Technology Supports Living Independently The technologies that are used to support independent living can be broadly grouped into three. They include assistive, adaptive and communication technologies. Assistive technology Assistive technology refers to equipment or product that is used to improve the capabilities of users of health and social care services to promote or ensure independent living (Department of Health, 2001). They therefore make it possible for the users to carry out tasks that they were previously unable to accomplish by changing the way the tasks are performed. In the first case study, Sally complains of double vision and the specialist recommends an eye patch. This eye patch that is given to Sally to help her avoid further eye complications is an example of assistive technology that supports independent living. Sally is also given a hand held personal digital assistance called the pocket coach. This is also an assistive technology used fro independent living. Another example is telecare which is a support and help that is given at a distance using devices that aid...
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...Assistive technology enhances equal educational opportunity for all students by allowing student to access assistive devices to help the types of assistive devices that area available is Software’s devices and peripheral devices that can help slow learners generalize and increase skill building. Software devices can help disabled children by enhancing listening and speaking skills. Also, Assistive software’s can help disabled children in reading and spelling. Also can help children with writing and organization. Therefore, it will decrease the difficulty in learning subjects by breaking down by section. Peripheral devices is a computer device that can help monitor and collect data to transfer to the keyboard. Dorman (1998) stated that “Disabled learners, overwhelmed by the fast pace of learning, may find assistive...
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...| Assistive Technology Evaluation | EDU 620 Meeting Individual StudentNeeds With Technology Instructor: Deborah Naughton | | Rhonda Reed | 11/20/2013 | | Assistive Technology Evaluation Assistive technology evaluation must be in an initial or three year reevaluation. In addition, to the assistive technology is that it’s an ongoing process which is driven by a lot of changes in the student needs, but not limited to the participation, access, curriculum, or environmental changes. Assistive technology (AT) have become a vital component of the educational programs of students with disabilities. In which, is widely accepted that adopted toys, switches, computers, amplification systems, wheel chairs, memory aids, magnifiers, argumentative communication devices, and other adopted devices that will enhance or improve a student’s ability to learn, compete, work, and interact with his/her peers. Understanding the different applications of assistive technology is essential to effective educational planning for students. These guidelines are provided to offer important information into making case-by-case decisions as part of the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorized in June 1997 and later as IDEA, increases emphasis on assistive technology to ensure a student with a disability receives a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE). The federal terms of assistive technology devices and...
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...benefits of these technologies to health and social care organizations and their users. 3 2.1 Describe health and safety considerations in the use of technologies in health and social care. 4 2.2 Analyze ethical considerations in the use of assistive technologies. 5 2.3 Explain the impact of recent and emerging technological developments on health and social care services. 6 3.1 Identify Maggie’s specific needs and recommend appropriate devices in order to support her to continue living independently. 7 3.2 Influence of assistive technology in role workers in health and social care 8 Bibliography 9 1.1 Discuss how technology can be used to support users of health and social care services in living independently. For those people who have trouble getting around places, in making communication with others or in handling the everyday tasks, there are many assistive types of equipment available to help them in such tasks. An assistive technology is the one that is capable of helping the disabled or the elder people in handling the activities they were always capable of doing, but in their present medical condition, they just cannot. In other terms, these devices or tools are also known as “adaptive devices”. These devices adapt to the needs of the patient using them and provide assistance in doing certain tasks. Such type of technology tools are sometimes as simple as a walker to make the walking practice of the person easier or a hearing aid that helps the hearing...
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...Technology, we have researched the spectrums of Assistive Technology available for the individual and the classroom, and researched the different types of disabilities and how the Assistive Technology can aid students in navigating life and succeeding as individuals. Case Study #1 Emily is a five-year-old female student who is visually impaired. Emily has low vision and has some independence. She is able to see letters and numbers with amplification. In the past, Emily has been enrolled in a Head Start class with typical peers. Emily experienced great success in her preschool classroom. She had access to assistive technology that assisted her in participating in most activities within the class. Emily will be starting kindergarten in the fall. She will be in a general education class with typical peers. Emily’s parents, and her IEP team, expect her to be fully included in most activities. Please describe assistive technologies that will allow Emily to have access to grade level content and to participate with her peers in the classroom. For Emily’s case, with her weak vision she would be considered to have a sensory disability, or visual impairment which would affect her academics, and keep her from the average experience of a typical student in a day of the average life. Fortunately, for both visual and auditory sensory impairments, Assistive Technology and the innovations continually developing within elements of Assistive Technology. Ultimately, Emily’s impairment...
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...ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Equipment Equipment CLIENT: 48-year-old Male CONDITION: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Freedom through a Single Switch Pearl Gryfe BSc, OT(c) CASE HISTORY: Mr. J.L. is a 48-year-old active male, who was a human resources executive, and was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in August of 1996. J.L. lived alone and was generally in good health until July of 1996 when he developed symptoms of twitching in his left hand. Within a year of diagnosis, J.L. was a complete quadriplegic and his speech was unintelligible. The client had 24 hour attendant care and a strong support network of friends; however, he wanted to feel in control of his environment and to communicate his wishes. J.L. was referred to our clinic by his neurologist to determine his assistive technology needs. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS: J.L.’s consistent motor access points consisted of four areas: bilateral hip ab/adduction(L2, L3) – manifested through his knees; right foot (L4, L5, S1); Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Hallicis, Gastrocnemius – manifested by dorsi/plantar flexion of the ankle and extension of the great toe, and head movement was intact. It was clear that J.L. had multiple motor points at the time of the initial assessment; however, as the pathology progresses, the OP and other team members have to take into consideration the possibility that those motor points will degenerate and prepare for the possibility of only one switch site. Thus, how and where the switch(es)...
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...disabilities are continually in need of better ways to overcome the unique challenges they face in today's modern, high communication world. While Assistive Technology is making strides to close the learning gap between persons with and without learning disabilities there is still a long way to go before technology provides a level playing field for these challenged individuals. Many of the issues with existing assistive technology revolves around clumsy, inefficient interfaces that struggle to find a balance between ease of use and sufficient complexity to ensure that the proper sequence of instructions is implemented. Machine learning is on the cutting edge of programming practices and presents some significant improvement possibilities in the areas of natural language processing, pattern recognition, and interface design. Machine learning has the potential to play a significant role in allowing assistive technologies to be more adaptive to persons with diverse sets of needs. This paper will attempt to define some specific areas of assistive technology that could benefit most from the application of machine learning. We will frame the definitions by aligning specific learning disabilities with current and future assistive technologies and then examining how the implementation of machine learning could improve upon them. Introduction The need for assistive technologies is undeniable with as many as 8 to 10 percent of children that are under the age of 18 in the United States...
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...Healthcare Educational Resource Paper BSHS 375 Healthcare Educational Resource Paper Assistive technology makes the lives of disabled easier it allows for them to get back some control that with the technology that had or just makes things simpler. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was put into law and now resources are to be made available for employees and clients. Resources are available for the disabled in every state including Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. In every one of these states resources could be found for the disabled with help finding technology that is available and helpful information about conditions or support for those who may want it. Each of these states had certain things that were different about where to find the resources one big difference would be where to go to find them. One thing that is the same about all these states is that there is still more work to be done in this area. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 “The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and requires that businesses with more than 15 employees provide “reasonable accommodation” to allow the disabled to perform their jobs” (Burke & Weill, 2013,). For Health and Human Service workers, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is crucial to their jobs, the services they offer, and the manner in which they offer the services. Since more disabilities are added to the...
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...Supporting Independent Living Student Name: Nzuzi Rosaria Artur Student ID: P1019897 Lecturer: Chileshe Cecilia Introduction In this article I am going to explain how technology can be implemented to support users to live independently, also I am to analyse barriers of technology, to explain the benefits of technology in health and social care, to talk about health and safety considerations, to talk about the ethical consideration of assistive technologies, to give explanation of the impact of budding technology development, on health and social care services, between organisations and care workers, to define the specific needs, to identify specific needs of an individual require to be supported to live independently, and to linked it to Sally' s case study. To recommend which technologies, must support the independent living arrangements, and finally to evaluate the usefulness of technology for users of health and social care services. Task 1 1.1 Explain how technology can be used to support users of health and social care services in living independently. Disability rights commission rule (2002) extracts the word independent living and refers to entirely disable, individuals meeting the equal selection, control and freedom as any other citizen at home, at work, and in the community. Does not necessarily mean disabled persons they do everything for themselves it does means the rights to practical assistance people need should be share on their own...
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...Communication and Information Technology Paper Althea McDaniel HCS/240 March 25, 2012 Tralicia Brown Human communication is "the process through which individuals in relationships, groups, organizations, and societies create and use information to relate with others" (Edwards, 2007). "As individuals, communication is our link to the world, our means of making impressions, expressing ourselves, influencing others, and giving ourselves" (Ruben & Stewart, 2006). Communication involves interaction between two or more individuals. "Communication is the means of pursuing joint activities, relating to each other, and sharing ideas" (Ruben & Stewart, 2006). The ability to perform communication is what we take for granted. Every day we use speaking, reading, writing, and understanding skills. We express our feelings, share thoughts and opinions, exchange information. We cannot imagine our lives without communication, which is the foundation we build our lives on. However, according to World Health Organization approximately 10% of world’s populations are disabled people. Main types of disabilities that make communication challenging affect hearing (deaf people or those having a hearing loss), language (people having difficulties with speaking, reading, writing and understanding others), cognition (people with problems regarding remembering, learning, understanding, or problem-solving) and movement (people having difficulties moving...
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...people with disabilities.Access to information technology is critical in employment and education for people who are blind. The Telecommunications Act of 1996, a comprehensive law overhauling regulation of the telecommunications industry, recognizes the importance of access to telecommunications for people with disabilities in the Information Age. Section 255 of the Act requires telecommunications products and services to be accessible to people with disabilities. This must be easily accomplishable, without much difficulty or expense. If manufacturers cannot make their products accessible then they must design products to be compatible with adaptive equipment used by people with disabilities, where readily achievable. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released Sept. 29 new rules that are designed to give greater access to telecommunications technologies to the disabled. The rules and policies, serving to implement the Telecommunications Act of 1996, will require manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and providers of telecommunications services to accommodate the needs of the disabled whenever possible. The introduction to the report on the new rules states that they "are the most significant opportunity for the advancement of people with disabilities since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990." Further,...
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...increased every year. There are many difficulties and weaknesses involve as we get older such as cognitive disabilities, memory decline, poor vision, thus the assistive technology nowadays should follows some design specification that suitable for an elderly to satisfy and simplify their everyday life needs. Hence, this paper attempts to discuss about the issues, concept, applications and design for elderly friendly in details. Keywords—Elderly: Assistive Technology: Design for Elderly. II. ISSUES In the past few years, people assume elderly pathetic, poor and unfortunate also useless. They have been national development and nation. On the other hand, designer should follow some design guidelines on how to design the assistive technology or application that suitable for the elderly depending on their type of impairment or disabilities. considered not so important in the community. Nowadays, community realize that the elderly should involve or participate in the social and community activities as they had a lot of knowledge, experience and I. INTRODUCTION Elderly is defined as aged 60 years and above. The number of older people is rapidly increasing in Malaysia and also in developing countries [1],[2]. The rapid wisdom that can be shared to give some ideas in the requirement and design process on how to design the assistive technology and interactive system for the elderly [1],[5]. There are challenges in designing a growth for the elderly is around 70 to 80 years old or...
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...References Bryant, D. P., & Bryant, B. R. (2012).Assistive technology for people with disabilities (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. Crawford, J. R., Anderson, V., Rankin, P. M., & MacDonald, J. (2010). An index- based short-form of the WISC-IV with accompanying analysis of the reliability and abnormality of differences. British Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 49(2), 235-258. Hetzroni, O. E., & Shrieber, B. (2004). Word Processing as an Assistive Technology Tool for Enhancing Academic Outcomes of Students with Writing Disabilities in the General Classroom. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 37(2), 143-154. Huang, C., Sugden, D., & Beveridge, S. (2009). Assistive devices and cerebral palsy: the use of assistive devices at school by children with cerebral palsy. Child: Care, Health and Development, 35(5), 689-708. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2009.00968.x Jooyeon, K., & Minyoung, K. (2013). Reliability and Responsiveness of the Gross Motor Function Measure-88 in Children With Cerebral Palsy. Physical Therapy, 93(3), 392-401. doi:10.2522/ptj.20110374 Kavak, S.T, & Eliasson, A. (2011). Development of handwriting skill in children with unilateral cerebral palsy (CP). Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(21-22), 2084- 2091. doi:10.3109/09638288.2011.560335 Klingels, K. K., De Cock, P. P., Molenaers, G. G., Desloovere, K. K., Huenaerts, C. C., Jaspers, E. E., & Feys, H. H. (2010). Upper limb motor and sensory impairments in children with hemiplegic...
Words: 665 - Pages: 3
...Professor’s Name Course Date Information technology in rehabilitative therapies Computerized medical devices, assistive technology and prosthetic: An Annotated bibliography. Vision-Realistic Rendering: Simulation of the Scanned Foveal Image with Elimination of Artifacts due to Occlusion and Discretization - Springer. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-25382-9_1#page-1 This book chapter introduces and explores the Concept of Vision realistic rendering. The chapter comes up with a technique for simulating an image of the foveal that is scanned from wave front data of human subjects, and it also demonstrates the techniques on sample images. The source is a chapter of a book found online. The author is an affiliate Professor of Optometry and also a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California. The objective of the source is to introduce a new concept to the reader. The resource is relevant to me sine it introduces new concepts in Ophthalmology; also, the source is relevant to my topic since it explores how patients with eye disease like Keratoconus see. Prentke Romich Company. (2015). What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication? - AAC and Speech Devices from PRC. Retrieved from https://www.prentrom.com/what-is-augmentative-and-alternative-communication The webpage describes Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The post further introduces the two systems of AAC. Lastly, the post exemplifies on individuals...
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...Lucia Esperanza is a seven-year-old bilingual female student who has been diagnosed with multiple disabilities (cerebral palsy with intellectual disability and language delay). Currently, Lucia uses a motorized wheelchair and an augmentative communication device. Unfortunately, Lucia’s does not receive all of the necessary resources and services she needs. Lucia’s mother has also made it clear during the IEP meeting about the struggles and concerns she has for Lucia. In order for Lucia to succeed, members of the IEP team and advocacy organizations must collaborate to create an effective and efficient advocacy plan. Advocacy Challenge To convince the appropriate personnel that Lucia Esperanza and her family are in need of variety of resources...
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