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Australian Open Disclosure Framework

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The Australian government established an agency that prompted a series of health care related initiatives in Australia. The main objective is to provide support to the patients, health care worker and, and health care stakeholders. It is called the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The government provided the funding for the office to create initiatives in regards to safety in healthcare and improvement in the quality of healthcare in Australia.

According to the article written by Sophie Scott, the Productivity Commission reported an increase in serious medical errors made in hospitals in Australia from 87-107 cases. However, despite of the report there is a decrease of serious adverse events from 2007-2012. There …show more content…
It standardise the health service organisation framework in order to execute safe and quality health care service to in Australia. It aims to integrate systematised guidelines for the leaders of the health organisations in order to implement provisions, observe, and develop the quality of service health care workers provide.
In March 2013, the Australian Open Disclosure Framework is established under the Nation Standard 1. The main objective is to have an open communication between the health service organisation and clinicians to the patient and family about an incident that caused harm or medical errors to the patient while they were being treated. If the standard is implement correctly by the health care organisations they will recognize the system problems that will prevent medical mistake and drive the improvement in the safety of the patients. In addition to that, it will also decrease the likelihood of unnecessary litigation.
There is increased beneficial evidence about the involvement of health service organisations, clinicians, patients and families in to the planning of care. The second national standard is called Partnership with consumers. The main goal is to provide an appropriate care by taking into consideration the inputs of the carers and …show more content…
This kind of approach is responsive to the needs and values of the patients and consumers. The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care, the National Safety and Quality Health Standards support this kind the Patient Centred Care. There are health reform proposal that provides additional incentives and funding for those organisations that improved their patient –centred care. According to the discussion paper entitled Patient-centred care: Improving quality and safety through partnerships with patients and consumers, there is a reported decrease in medication error by 0.62% by practicing patient-centred care. There are programs that mainly focused on patient-centred care such as the National Primary Health Care Strategy, National Chronic Disease Strategy and National Service Improvement frameworks, National Mental Health Plan, Community Pharmacy Agreement, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary healthcare

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