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Sistine Chapel Research Paper

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The Sistine Chapel is one of, if not the most iconic places of art in the world. Nearly the entire building is covered in fresco or tapestry. Michelangelo painted the infamous ceiling from 1508-1512, and around 25 years later he was asked to paint the high altar wall. A lot happened in those 25 years regarding Michelangelo’s style of art, as well as regarding the history of the church. In 1517, a man by the name of Martin Luther started questioning the church, and his ideas caught on and this is known as the Protestant Reformation. Before the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church had all the power. The pope and large churches commissioned all the artists to do work, and the artists were obligated to accept and do the work, whether they …show more content…
Anyways, so Michelangelo’s art changed a lot of the 25 years. The ceiling was filled with brightly painted frescos with “happyish” scenes on it, such as the Creation of Adam. Also, the figures were painted large, so from the floor one could see, but they had significant details too. Fast-forward to 1536, when Michelangelo painted the Last Judgement, and one can see greatly how his art and ideals have changed. Michelangelo’s career was centered around the perfection of the human body, but he would break the proportional rules of the body as well for symbolism. The figures in Michelangelo’s last judgement are all very enlarged and muscular – from Christ to the damned people sent to hell, they are all muscular. Their heads are too small for their bodies too. The painting overall is basically a split between people on Christ’s right are going to heaven, and the people on Christs left are getting sent to hell. Michelangelo does an amazing job of showing the facial expressions of several figures including some going to hell that are in

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