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Auto Glass Replacement Research Paper

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The industry for auto glass repair vs. replacement appears to have become much more popular in recent times, and most would say this is for good reason. Damaged windshields put drivers and passengers at risk not just from the windshield breaking, but also from reduced visibility because of obstructive cracks. So with that in mind, let's investigate further into the world of autoglass repairs.

If you encounter a small chip or crack in your windshield it is important that you get it seen about right away. There are a number of different internal and external factors that could damage your windshield or even cause it to crack entirely. Taking your car to a professional windshield repair specialist will give you an insight into what can be done.

A chip or crack in your windshield could be the result of numerous factors. The most obvious …show more content…
He can conduct several tests to check factors like the crash security, occupant penetration and also how the windshield has been installed or may need to be installed if a replacement is necessary.

Auto glass repairs are considerably cheaper than a full replacement and could save you a lot more time. When a windshield is completely replaced, it can take 24 hours or even more before the adhesive used to attach the glass to your car is fully secure. The amount of time consumed during auto glass replacement is mostly dependent on what model of car you own. If replacement of the glass is your only option, be sure to consult with the technician about how long your car will be out of service.

However - given the great advancements in the technology used to repair auto glass means a majority of scratches and chips can be dealt with. Small cracks and chips are combated with special, high strength resin polymers that help bring strength and smoothness back to the damaged area of the

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