...Investigation of the Life of Adolph Hitler Name: Course: Institution: April 28, 2015 His character Adolph Hitler was a renowned tyrannical, brutal individual. The holocaust genocide of the 6 million Jews by his troops was due to his unflinching orders that were disobeyed only at the sacrifice of your life, nothing less. He embraced the army fully after slightly more than twenty years of age to defend his country against his enemies at the utter defeat only in his death. After the World War I that occurred in the August of 1914, Hitler embraced victory as salvation by use of war (Parparov et al., 2005). His brutality is seen in the loss of the many innocent lives at his hands such as from his village backyard in the name of securing his name against any taint, be they of family background or whatever. Hitler was a highly secretive man. Nowhere in the prominent history has anyone succeeded to uncover his tracks, especially which deals with his education save from his own autobiographical book. He found himself as a quarter Jew, while at the same time paranoid about them, led to his order of utter destruction of home village just to hide his identity. His tiny village was replaced with the army artillery and put out of recognition so that it has no expressive language to describe what was there before the unfortunate fiery ordeal that consumed it to ashes. One time he warned his nephew named Patrick never to grant any interviews concerning themselves to the press. He could even...
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...Adolf Hitler: The Man or the Monster PSY 300 Adolf Hitler: The Man and his Demons Introduction “One blood demands one Reich!” (Hitler, 1999). Adolf Hitler was not the man that everyone believes him to be. This paper will explain how Sigmund Freud’s theory and Carl Rogers Humanistic theory relate to Adolf Hitler and will shed light on how the two theories may have shaped him into the infamous man in history today. This paper will also hold the element of surprise and enlightenment due to information that is not regularly discussed whenever an individual hears the name Adolf Hitler. Discussion Background Information Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1899 to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzi. He was the second youngest child out of his five siblings. Both Alois and Klara had known poverty but had strived for a better way to live. The Hitler’s led a fairly comfortable middle- class life but family dynamics left much to be desired. As a father Alois was stern, distant, and irritable and as a husband he expected full obedience from his wife. (cite hitler book) He enjoyed spending outside over spending time with his family, leaving them to their own devices. Luckily for the children Klara did her best to combat how their father treated them and showered them with affection. Klara developed a strong bond with Adolf that was returned with fervor. In his autobiography, Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote “I had honored my father but loved my mother.” (Hitler, 1999). Hitler was the...
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...An Exposition Into Hitler’s Mindset Adolf Hitler is considered one of the world’s worst men to ever walk the planet, he was a vicious dictator who lead and entire country of people into its largest war for his own gain. One of the most interesting parts about Hitler, though, is his own personal history. I am going to outline three areas of Hitler’s life, his issues from his past, specifically his childhood, his rise to power and what lead to his hatred for the Jews, and what the widely accepted beliefs are about his psychological state. It is clear that Hitler had a horrific past, he was beaten by his father, and he was left on the streets after the art school he had wanted to go to for years denied him, it is understandable that Hitler...
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...“Seven months after being released from Landsberg jail, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler publishes the first volume of Mein Kampf. This was a blueprint of his agenda for a Third Reich that will envelope Europe from 1939 to 1945. The book sold a total of 9,473 copies in its first year. Hitler began composing his time while sitting in Landsberg prison, convicted of treason for his role in the infamous Beer Hall Putsch. The first part of Mein Kampf, subtitled “A Reckoning,” is a 400-plus page diatribe (a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) on the problems besetting Germany—the French, who wished to dismember Germany; the lack of lebensraum, “living space,” and the need to expand east into Russia; and the baleful influence...
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...exaggerated From the instant Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany from January 1933, began to challenge the Treaty of Versailles and adapt an aggressive foreign policy, which heavily contributed to the outbreak of World War Two. Some historians argue that Britain and France were to blame for the Second World War because they did not stand up to Hitler.The historian AJP Taylor argued that Hitler simply continued the aggressive foreign policy but others point out that he did not initially intend to the take back Germany's former colonies, this theory is known as the Functionalist argument. On the other hand the other theory which is the Internationalist argument, these historians such as Gerhard Weinberg argued that Hitler had a master scheme all along and that he had planned the Holocaust. The functionalist view may argue that Great Britain and France were more to blame as they did not stop Germany, eventually they turned a blind eye. Chamberlain proposed the policy of appeasement which made concessions to the dictatorial powers of Hitler, he had done this because the British armed forces were not ready for a world war with Germany in 1938. However appeasement was wrong because Hitler was a dictator who could not be trusted to keep his word, especially because he had made it clear that he wanted an Empire in the East to give German Lebensraum and would only be stopped by war. Appeasement also made Britain look weak and encouraged Hitler to keep demanding more and more....
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...strength itself in order to obtain in the WWII? After the notorious dictator Adolf Hitler took over the congress, there were many tragedies occurred such as the rearmament, the plebiscite of SAAR, the Anschluss, the final solution, the Appeasement, the remilitarized of Rheinland and the fragment of the League of Nations. All of those crazy ideas were included in Hitler’s autobiography “ Mein Kampf” while he was in prison for causing a party rebellion. Hitler used three methods:Military, Diplomacy, and Holocaust,...
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...Germany's need for a strong leader, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Both men were able to gain the trust of their people through their public speech campaigns. Their combined ambitions drove Italy and Germany on a quest to conquer the rest of Europe and become the two most powerful nations. Hitler and Mussolini both respected each other and their goals and decided to form and alliance. With the combined forces of Italy and Germany, and later Japan, Hitler and Mussolini led their nations to a war to conquer...
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...Born in the Austrian town of Braunau on April 20, 1889, Adolf was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. By 1900, young Adolf's talents as an artist surfaced. He did well enough in school to be eligible for either the university preparatory school or the technical/scientific Realschule. Because the technical/scientific Realschule had a course in drawing, Adolf enrolled in there. Adolf suffered from frequent lung infections, and he quit school at the age of 16, partially the result of ill health, but mainly the result of poor schoolwork. In 1906, Adolf traveled Vienna to seek his fortune, but he wasn't able to get admission to any prestigious art school. Hitler spent six years there, living on a small amount of money left for him from his father supplemented with an orphan's pension. On the verge of becoming penniless by 1909, he wandered Vienna as a transient, sleeping in bars, flophouses, and shelters for the homeless, including, ironically, those financed by Jewish philanthropists. It was during this period that he developed his prejudices about Jews, his interest in politics, and the sharpening his debating skills. Vienna was a center of anti-Semitism, and the media's portrayal of Jews as scapegoats with stereotyped attributes did not escape Hitler's fascination. In May 1913, Hitler, trying to avoid military service, left Vienna for Munich, the capital of Bavaria. In January, the police came to his door bearing a draft notice...
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...The poem Daddy by Sylvia Plath is about her life and how she lived in a male dominated world. There are many allusions within the poem and how she compares historical events to her own experiences. The first example of allusion is the entire poem and how Sylvia’s past has haunted her. She talks about how she was abused as a child and how her father treated her like a prisoner. She refers to her father as a “Nazi” and herself as a “Jew”, throughout the poem she talks about the significant events that happened in World War 2 such as the concentration camps in Auschwitz and how she feels that she is being kept imprisoned as a Jew in a concentration camp as well as her father acting like a Nazi would towards a Jew. The second example of allusion...
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...There are certain freedoms in life to which we should all be endowed, as people of the world. There are some people in this world who seem to believe that part of those liberties include stripping others of theirs. Throughout time, there have been many horrible dictators in multiple countries around our world. Despots such as Mussolini, Lenin, Kim Jong-Il, and Saddam Hussein have terrorized entire governments and the people living beneath them. One of the worst that we all know by name is Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s acts against the Jewish people as a totalitarian dictator in Nazi Germany revealed to the world just how erroneous discrimination and supremacy based upon race are, and how important it is to love our brothers and sisters. I am...
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...How Was Adolf Hitler So Persuasive? by Josh Wilmoth accessed at http://joshwilmoth.hubpages.com/hub/Adolf-Hitlers-Tremendous-Persuasive-Ability on 7 March 2014. [pic] Hitler gives a speech at the Kroll Opera House Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1987-0703-507 / unbekannt / CC-BY-SA 3.0 [CC-BY-SA-3.0-de, Wikimedia Commons all 4 photos Why Study Hitler's Persuasive Method? Adolf Hitler is considered to be perhaps the most villainous man of the twentieth century. His vile and ruthless deeds are common knowledge. In fact, the name Hitler has now become synonymous with evil. What many often forget, however, is that Hitler was not only a coldblooded tyrant but that also a brilliant persuader of men. He personally oversaw the deaths of millions of people, including the near extermination of the Jewish race while maintaining the full support of the German people. The entire German population was certainly not as heartless and cruel as Hitler was, so it stands to reason that Hitler must have been a masterful propagandist in order to persuade the Germans that his policies were necessary and just. However, one must remember that Hitler was not born the cruel, vicious tyrant that he became. His life was governed by both his choices and his life experiences, so it is important to examine these along with his persuasive method to gain a comprehensive understanding of why he used his gift of persuasion in the way that he did. [pic] Hitler during World War I. Can you identify him...
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...The Holocaust is an example of one of these defining times. While the many victims of the Holocaust are an example of its impact, the man behind it all says a lot of mankind. The then ruler of Germany Adolf Hitler, is the author of the rhetoric that was the death sentence of millions. While there are many moments that show the true nature of Adolf Hitler, few are as bad at his comments in autobiography Mein Kampf. In the writing, Hitler elaborates on goals of political reform. During the writing he states “all propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to.” (Hitler, selection) This statement advances the idea that Hitler pushed of a selected population. In many ways, this also says a lot about mankind. While Adolf Hitler ruled as a dictator, the fact that he able to command an entire nation for years is simply...
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...single leader initiated the hunts, terror triggered the movements, and people fell victim by what others perceived them as. The Holocaust transpired during World War II, 1939-1945, when one man came into power, Adolf Hitler. After World War...
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...Mussolini: Benito Mussolini served as Italy’s 40th Prime Minister from 1922 until 1943. He is considered a central figure in the creation of Fascism and was both an influence on and close ally of Adolf Hitler during World War II. In 1943, Mussolini was replaced as Prime Minister and served as the head of the Italian Social Republic until his execution by Italian partisans in 1945. Adolf Hitler: Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. Hitler was responsible for starting World War II and for killing more than 11 million people during the Holocaust. He was know as the Führer of the Third Reich. As dictator of Germany, Hitler wanted to increase and strengthen the German army as well as expand Germany's territory. Although these things broke the terms of the Versailles Treaty, the treaty that officially ended World War I, other countries allowed him to do so. Since the terms of the Versailles Treaty had been harsh, other countries found it easier to be lenient than risk another bloody European war. When the Nazis attacked Poland World War II began. Nazism: "Nazi" is an abbreviation for the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), known in English as the German National Socialist Workers Party, as it existed under the control of Adolf Hitler from 1920 until the end of World War II. The party was held together primarily by authoritarianism, militarism, and belief in German ethnic and cultural supremacy. They killed many Jews due...
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...ADOLF HITLER: BIOGRAPHY AND CHARACTER “Adolf Hitler lived from April 20, 1889 to April 30, 1945—almost exactly fiftysix years. The difference between his first thirty years and the following twentysix years seems to be inexplicable. For thirty years he was an obscure failure; then almost overnight a local celebrity and eventually the man around whom the whole of world policy revolved.” (Haffner, p. 1) The biography of Adolf Hitler is unique among the great political leaders of history. But as a human being, he was always a failure; or at least strangely incomplete. As Sebastian Haffner put it: "His life lacked everything that normally lends weight, warmth and dignity to a human life: education, occupation, love and friendship, marriage, parenthood. Apart from politics his was an empty life and hence one [that] was strangely lightweight, and lightly discarded.” (Haffner, p. 4) What sort of person was Adolf Hitler? Here is one clue. In 1939 Hitler ordered the complete destruction of the Austrian village of Döllersheim. The tiny village, birthplace of his ancestors, was converted into an artillery range for the army and blasted beyond recognition by guns and mortars. Why did the leader of the Greater German Reich order the obliteration of his father's birthplace and destroy the site of his grandmother's grave? Perhaps Hitler was obsessed with the possibility that he was one quarter Jewish; or just as likely, Hitler did not want to reveal too muc...
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