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How Did The Holocaust Impact Those Who Shaped History?

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Throughout human history there have been defining moments that were the reasons behind many of this world best and worst times. These moments, often involve either to loving or tormenting nature of mankind. The Jewish holocaust is an example of the latter. What took place in the early 1940s in then Nazi Germany, has effected the world in dramatic ways. More importantly, its impact on those who survived it can not be ignored or forgotten. The millions of lives lost during that time often are simply remembered as a numbers. In reality, these were mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. Most of all, they are innocent people being killed because of their ethnicity. So, with the holocaust being a stand out moment in 20th century it is important to examine a few things. Its impact on those who were there, what it says about mankind, and how it shaped history. To properly understand the topic at hand, it is important to first discuss the impact of …show more content…
The Holocaust is an example of one of these defining times. While the many victims of the Holocaust are an example of its impact, the man behind it all says a lot of mankind. The then ruler of Germany Adolf Hitler, is the author of the rhetoric that was the death sentence of millions. While there are many moments that show the true nature of Adolf Hitler, few are as bad at his comments in autobiography Mein Kampf. In the writing, Hitler elaborates on goals of political reform. During the writing he states “all propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to.” (Hitler, selection) This statement advances the idea that Hitler pushed of a selected population. In many ways, this also says a lot about mankind. While Adolf Hitler ruled as a dictator, the fact that he able to command an entire nation for years is simply

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